Valeera the Hollow

Card Stats
- Class Rogue
- Expansion Knights of the Frozen Throne
- Rarity Legendary
- Cost 9
- Attack 0
- Health 30
Card Text
Battlecry: Gain Stealth until your next turn.
Flavor Text
"Run away. Hide in your precious keeps, behind your walls and your bodyguards. Night always falls, and shadows will fill your hallowed halls. One day, one of those shadows will be me."
Battlecry - Does something when you play it from your hand.
Stealth - Can't be attacked or targeted until it attacks.
Valeera the Hollow Sounds
Play VO_ICC_827_Female_BloodElf_Play_01
Attack VO_ICC_827_Female_BloodElf_Attack_01
Death VO_ICC_827_Female_BloodElf_Death_01
Valeera the Hollow Emotes
Greeting VO_ValeeraDeathknight_Female_BloodElf_Greetings_01
Well Played VO_ValeeraDeathknight_Female_BloodElf_Well Played_01
Oops VO_ValeeraDeathknight_Female_BloodElf_Oops_01
Threaten VO_ValeeraDeathknight_Female_BloodElf_Threaten_01
Thanks VO_ValeeraDeathknight_Female_BloodElf_Thanks_02
Concede VO_ValeeraDeathknight_Female_BloodElf_Concede_02
Rope VO_ValeeraDeathknight_Female_BloodElf_Time_01
Thinking 1 VO_ValeeraDeathknight_Female_BloodElf_Thinking_01
Thinking 2 VO_ValeeraDeathknight_Female_BloodElf_Thinking_03
Thinking 3 VO_ValeeraDeathknight_Female_BloodElf_Thinking_04
GAMEPLAY_EMOTE_ICC_827_LOW_CARDS VO_ValeeraDeathknight_Female_BloodElf_LowCards_01
GAMEPLAY_EMOTE_ICC_827_NO_CARDS VO_ValeeraDeathknight_Female_BloodElf_NoCards_01
Wow VO_ValeeraDeathknight_Female_BloodElf_WOW_02
Related Cards
Death's Shadow Shadow ReflectionValeera the Hollow Guides
Game Accessories
Bag of Tricks Safety Measures Shadow Reflection Trickery Trickery Veil of ShadowsLeave a Comment
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What a card!
When I first saw this card my heart sank a little. I thought "9 Mana? Damn." Then once I played it I realised that you follow up with Vanish next turn and you've reset the board with mana to spare, and a crazy new value engine at your disposal. Amazing card.
you want shenanigans? you got it
My free DK. Great for farming big Priests with mill N'Zoth.