I was hoping for a good mechanic to come out of this new set, and I really am liking this. Simply put, the cards that give you Soul Fragments have a good effect on their own. Combine them up with the fact that you regain life when they are drawn is amazing, especially with the two classes that are using these cards. Both Demon Hunter and Warlock look at their life as another resource, and this gives more of that resource to them without dedicating "casting" a card to get it, like Holy Light
I was hoping for a good mechanic to come out of this new set, and I really am liking this. Simply put, the cards that give you Soul Fragments have a good effect on their own. Combine them up with the fact that you regain life when they are drawn is amazing, especially with the two classes that are using these cards. Both Demon Hunter and Warlock look at their life as another resource, and this gives more of that resource to them without dedicating "casting" a card to get it, like Holy Light
Over 4/5 mechanics... I like it...