Boom Hunter (Legend)
- Mech Hunter
- Wild
- Ranked
Edit: This originally was a deck from the year of the raven. It contained Void Ripper and Fungalmancer which both rotated out. I finally updated the deck to the list I got legend with on may 24th, year of the dragon (2019, that is). Tech choices for the last four wins were Explosive Trap and Unleash the Hounds for zoo lock and Bronze Gatekeeper for mirrors, mages and rogues. Worked fine for me :-) The old guide from pre-rotation down below still applies concerning the general match plan. Feel free to ask questions and good luck blowing up the ladder!
Pre-rotation guide:
So a few weeks ago, I wanted to play with one of my rather fun-oriented decks. Surprisingly, Boom Hunter is quite successful on the ladder right now. Saying this, I should mention that I barely find the time to do my daily quests and am tumbling around between ranks 18 and 10 these days. Nevertheless, I see all the meta decks and stand a good chance against all of them.
Always mulligan for Mecharoo, Venomizer and Whirliglider.
Update: if you face a fellow hunter, mulligan hard for Upgradeable Framebot and rather skip turn 1 than playing Mecharoo (they will springpaw it into hyena). If they don't draw the nuts and you get all the answers in time you have a 50% chance to win.
Get your stuff out early and apply pressure. Usually you should go face, but Venomizer and Spider Bomb help to get rid of Mountain Giants or taunts. Try to buff your Goblin Bombs with Dire Wolf Alpha, Fungalmancer or magnetic minions. Don't rely on just one buffed big boy and don't overextend either. Two or three is the ideal number of minions on your side of the board, not counting unbuffed Goblin Bombs. We want to get these guys cleared. Tracking helps you find answers or that final push with Leeroy Jenkins. The dream is turn 7 Boommaster Flark into turn 8 Necromechanic and Void Ripper for 16 damage from the bombs alone. Mossy Horror can help detonate your bombs, too. If you haven't won by turn 10, you probably won't.
Galvanizer was the flexible slot in this deck, everything else is needed. You could try Harvest Golem or Animal Companion in its place.
After some matches, I finally took out Galvanizer and Hunter's Mark for Animal Companion and Cybertech Chip. Draw was an issue most of my games and maybe chip helps that.
Key advantage of this deck is that almost nobody knows what you are up to. Play it aggro but keep some ressources in hand for those board clears.
Finally, this deck is very rotation-friendly.
Thanks for reading!
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13- 00
- 31
- 102
- 73
- 44
- 45
- 26
- 07+
- 1 Tracking x 1
- 2 Bomb Toss x 2
- 2 Explosive Trap x 1
- 2 Fireworks Tech x 2
- 2 Venomizer x 2
- 3 Spider Bomb x 2
- 3 Unleash the Hounds x 1
- 3 Ursatron x 2
- 1 Mecharoo x 2
- 2 Galvanizer x 2
- 2 Whirliglider x 1
- 3 Bronze Gatekeeper x 2
- 4 Explodinator x 2
- 4 Replicating Menace x 2
- 5 Leeroy Jenkins x 1
- 5 Wargear x 2
- 5 Zilliax x 1
- 6 Missile Launcher x 2
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This is actually better than any currents bomb hunter! Thanks
I played a similar deck earlier, but with suboptimal (but fun) combo venomizer and missile launcher :) I have picked up a Zilliax since then, might give this list a try. Thanks for sharing.
Went from rank 14 / 1 star to rank 11 / 2 stars with only one defeat. Deck still works great! Beast hunters are tough. Odd warrior can't tank up fast enough :-)
Final result for march, as I won't have time to play the next days: rank 9 / 2 stars (and it would have been more, if I hadn't misplayed really badly during the last game).
Animal companion looks like a random inclusion... why not another mech instead? Even something like Nightmare Amalgam looks better. Or another activator for your bombs
Also two 1-drops look quite inconsistent for a deck that wants to curve out.
On the contrary, I thought a lot about it. The possible outcomes all benefit the deck: Misha protects your mechs against trading, Huffer can help with taunts or threats or just smorc, Leokk is the dream on a board with bombs. All of them have decent stats for a 3-drop. I found the card to be really helpful in many situations.
I share your opinion on the 1-drops, though. Do you have any suggestions?
What are you gonna replace void and fungal with once they rotate?
I'm currently thinking about a second Dire Wolf Alpha and / or Raid Leader. Maybe even a second Animal Companion (see the comment below).
Replicating Menace would not be a 1:1 replacement, but could help to stabilize (almost guaranteed target for War Gear or Zilliax on 5).
wouldn"t a second Void Ripper fit better than a Mossy Horror?
The first one lets you push some damage and is better on curve
True, Mossy Horror is a relic from the times I faced lots of Spreading Plagues and Odd Palys. Those have gotten less prevalent lately, I will try out a second Void Ripper one of these days. Thanks!
Jesus effing Christ, I can't believe they've printed a legendary mech for hunter - and it appears to be completely useless. My only hope is there will be some decent support cards. That thing doesn't even find a place in wild mech hunter in its current state. So disappointed.