BUY 1 Soul get 2 Lackeys free!!!

Last updated 5 years, 5 months ago by
  • Theorycraft

(Dated 8/1/19, before SoU release date)

Ok so in preperation for the new expansion Saviors of Uldum I have made countless other decks, but out of all of them I will explain this one because of a specific combo that needs some explaination:

1. Use Expired Merchant to hit exactly Soulwarden so you can add two copies to your hand. 

2. (can be done first) Use Reckless Diretroll to hit two different lackeys, In my opinion I would go for Titanic Lackey and Ethereal Lackey for defensive tools and flexibility, you can even discard Sinister Deal if you want Variety

3. Once you've followed steps 1 and 2 ( Make sure DO NOT Discard more than three different cards!) whenever you play Soulwarden You will most likely get another Soulwarden and one of the two lackeys making it so you have an infinite Lackey generator! I will note that it is possible that you can get unlucky and not get another Soulwarden  back when you play her, but I'm hoping since you have multiple of them that that will be very unlikely.

(you can also just discard specifically 2 cards so you can consistently go infinite but that's up to preference)

4. Step 1-3 is more so an explanation on how to survive in the later stages of the game, the deck Revolves around Dark Pharaoh Tekahn Having a limitless supply of 4/4 lackeys and it should be able to kill your opponent.

(thinking deeper on this thought it is possible to make a control deck around this idea but this just early iteration of the deck, depending how this version goes will depend on the other control style variant)

I made a control Variant of this deck!

Hopefully by reading these steps you understand how I wish for this deck to come into fruition, I've always wanted to make the Warlock discard Mechanic good so I see this as an Opportunity to make this combo work, even if this version of the deck doesn't become meta, I want people to know the Idea behind how this combo could work and how this guide could be a framework of how utilize the power of discard

Also Feel free to let me know what you think about the deck, if you would change something about it or you think something is off please comment or message me, I would really like to make this type of combo viable

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  • Kovachut's Avatar
    HearthStationeer 675 756 Posts Joined 03/31/2019
    Posted 5 years, 5 months ago

    Nice decks.

    • CovenantKevlar's Avatar
      345 67 Posts Joined 07/21/2019
      Posted 5 years, 5 months ago



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