Death Was Merely A Set Back Card Design Competition

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This Week's Theme: Death Was Merely A Set Back

Death Knight was only added into the game a few months ago, in a game that has 9 years of history under its belt. It has a lot of catching up to do.

  • Design a Death Knight card for an expansion before March of the Lich King.
    • The card should fit the set mechanically. No Rush before The Witchwood, or spell school effects before Forged in the Barrens, etc.
      • Exception: You are allowed to use Reborn in any set from Saviors of Uldum onwards, but you are not allowed to use it for any set before then.
      • You are still allowed to utilize various attributes exclusive to the class (such as Corpses or Runes) regardless of what set it is in.
    • Be mindful of rarity adjudications in the old adventures: they never had any class Epics or Legendaries.

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Competition Entries

Take note of what mechanics your set uses to help your card feel like it belongs to the Death Knight while still capturing the identity of the old set.

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