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Joined 06/06/2019 Achieve Points 465 Posts 713

AliRadicali's Comments

  • AliRadicali's Avatar
    465 713 Posts Joined 06/06/2019
    Posted 4 years, 10 months ago

    The card is pretty meh but I'm perfectly fine with that. I don't think it will see play in bomb warrior because that deck doesn't have the slots to spare, it's already chock-full of powerful cards. The lackeys also don't really contribute to what that deck is trying to accomplish, so that's another strike against Livewire lance.

  • AliRadicali's Avatar
    465 713 Posts Joined 06/06/2019
    Posted 4 years, 10 months ago

    It's an improved Arcane Tyrant and that card saw lots of play. If there's a viable Druid deck that uses large spells this will be in it, and in wild this will obviously go in any deck with UI in it.

  • AliRadicali's Avatar
    465 713 Posts Joined 06/06/2019
    Posted 4 years, 10 months ago

    I'm assuming the name and the mech tag are a nod to Micro Machine, but I'm pretty surprised they printed a mech in this set just for a meme. Probably should have been a Murloc if they want Murloc Pally to be a thing.

  • AliRadicali's Avatar
    465 713 Posts Joined 06/06/2019
    Posted 4 years, 10 months ago
    Quote From sinti

    There will be a button eventually, yes. So far you can use the workaround Kovachut presented, even tho personally it kinda annoys me that the header is still there and it says "Quote From No Author Specified", but that is the best you can do right now.

    Im not sure why do you want to use quote in this way, but id assume to highlight a certain part of your post? Maybe a better idea is to use horizontal lines to divide post into several sections (like i did just now)

    Well, for example if I want to respond to more than one quote from different users, or if I want to break up a long post by someone else so I can respond point-by-point.


    BTW, is the BB-code for quotes a new addition? I could have sworn I tried that a few weeks ago and it didn't work for me then.

    Quote From No Author Specified
    testing 1 2

    In reply to Quote Button
  • AliRadicali's Avatar
    465 713 Posts Joined 06/06/2019
    Posted 4 years, 10 months ago
    Quote From kaladin

    agree to disagree then.

    let's refer back to this in a month when i'm proven right.

    Unless you're saying that Beast Pirate Priest is going to break the SoU meta, you *can't* be proven right. Even if Inner Fire decks remain too weak to compete they're still going to enjoy infinite times more representation than Beast Pirate Priest, because your point of reference is a thing that doesn't exist.



    For someone who's constantly whining about getting downvoted, have you considered it might have something to do with your refusal to concede a point?

  • AliRadicali's Avatar
    465 713 Posts Joined 06/06/2019
    Posted 4 years, 10 months ago
    Quote From Tetsuo

    I like the quest itself and the reward because of the promise of a new midrange-y Warrior deck, but I'm skeptical this will see play as long as Dr. Boom, Mad Genius is in standard. Warrior also needs cheaper weapons since its staple ones range from 4-6 mana (Wrenchcalibur, Supercollider, Sul'thraze) in order to complete the quest sooner. We'll have to see what kind of weapons the class will get this expansion.

    Don't forget about Weapons Project. With the ideal draw you could conceivably have the quest done by turn 6 (Quest>Project>Wrenchcalibur), churn out one golem on the same turn and still have 4 mana to spare. Speed and the fact that you don't have to float a turn to get the heropower online are the two advantages I'd give this card over Dr. Boom, Mad Genius.

  • AliRadicali's Avatar
    465 713 Posts Joined 06/06/2019
    Posted 4 years, 10 months ago
    Quote From kaladin
    Quote From RandomGuy

    None of that says control. Highest cost card is Zilliax, and it doesn't run AOE.

    Good catch.  I thought we were discussing ladder viable decks.  One sec, I haven't uploaded my Beast Pirate Priest deck, we need to talk about how Grandmummy impacts that.

    This is a huge goalpost shift. Obviously we're discussing *future* ladder viable decks, so referring to an off-meta deck that exists but is *presently* underpowered is totally valid when discussing a card that's about to be released.

    I've run into plenty of IF priest variants even recently. I've yet to see a Beast Pirate priest. Come on dude.

  • AliRadicali's Avatar
    465 713 Posts Joined 06/06/2019
    Posted 4 years, 10 months ago

    Pretty self explanatory: can we get a button in the text editor that allows you to easily place empty quote boxes? I've been using stupidly roundabout ways to do that right now, and while I probably ought to figure out how to do it with the source code, I'm sure it would still be far faster if there were a button for it.


    Seems like a pretty obvious feature to improve the readability & layout of longer posts, guides, etc.


    In reply to Quote Button
  • AliRadicali's Avatar
    465 713 Posts Joined 06/06/2019
    Posted 4 years, 10 months ago
    Quote From MisterKnott
    Quote From AliRadicali

    Imagine how many mountain giants this can chew through and still be conjured into something new.

    Sea Giants. Mountain costs 12, which is why the Conjurer’s pool is so small — the only 12 drops are Mountain Giant and Grave Horror. 10 is a little more saturated, but the point still stands.

    I'm talking about the enemy mage's minions in a conjuring mage mirror-match, tho. If you roll one of these off of a Sea Giant, it can kill several enemy 8/8s and 7/8s and still be conjured.


    I expect MG to remain the premium conjuring target simply because of consistency, but the high-roll potential on 10-drops just got a lot bigger, was my point.

  • AliRadicali's Avatar
    465 713 Posts Joined 06/06/2019
    Posted 4 years, 10 months ago

    Regarding the comparison to Brawl and Sleep with the Fishes, IMO Plague of Wrath is worse. Fishes' selling point is the mana cost, period. It's an answer to early boards that you can't brawl yet. Brawl is great at resetting most board states without requiring a setup card like whirlwind.


    While there are certainly situations where you would rather have Plague of Wrath (EG 2 large damaged enemy minions), the fact that it usually requires a setup and costs 5 makes it the worst of the three: it's conditional and expensive.


    On the bright side we're comparing it to some of the best removal tools in the game, so this is like coming in third in the Olympics. It's still basically a reverse-Equality, and that card still sees play post-nerf.

  • AliRadicali's Avatar
    465 713 Posts Joined 06/06/2019
    Posted 4 years, 10 months ago
    Quote From LyraSilvertongue
    Quote From iWatchUSleep

    You seem overly focused on the 'stale' part, yet this was only one of the few reasons why I'm not opposed to nerfing those cards. Nor did I ever say any of those decks were unbeatable. They're just too consistent at what they do and this won't change. Hence why these decks will forever stay on top in wild.

    Your argument about stronger cards being added would've made sense a year ago, but not anymore. Blizzard are purposely shying away from stronger cards to prevent a power creep. Just compare the current highlander cards to their previous League of Explorers iterations. Hence why I believe that we will never see cards as strong as Genn Greymane and Baku the Mooneater ever again. 

    And if Blizzard actually knew what they were doing they would've a. made counters for Genn and Baku decks in the new expansion or b. altered both cards in a meaningful way. But they didn't do either. They chose for the easy, band-aid solution by making them wild's problem forever.

    I wouldn't exactly say Mana Cyclone, CC, and Dr. Boom are cards that are indicative of shying away from power creep. Mana Cyclone already sees play in wild Quest Mage ladder, CC is still extremely good midrange/early late game pressure, and a permanent rush aura (even when not potentially highrolling into desirable hero powers) is extremely potent in grindy attrition games. I've yet to be swayed that strong cards will not eventually compete against many viable odd/even decks. I feel that this debate is just focused on personal dislike of the playstyle as opposed to legitimate reasons why T5 should do a massive power check for multiple decks in an eternal ccg format.

    I can't but help you're ignoring what the purpose of wild was intended for. It was for players to play whatever they wanted, whenever they wanted (again with tier 0 caveats). Saying that any card, deck, or playstyle is going to be wild's problem forever is pretty irrelevant when considering what an eternal format is. EVERY card game has a format where you are allowed to use all of your cards and if you didn't want to play against those than most of those card games also had another format to escape such strategies. Why are you so intent on making HS break this mold by essentially doing balance passes on decks in a mode where that isn't intended to happen, solely for the personal preference of just a portion of the format's players? I find this perspective especially annoying when it is spread by players who never were veteran players in any card game prior to Hearthstone. Changing cards in every format because you don't like them actually doesn't follow the CCG model that games like MtG and Yu-Gi-Oh ultimately followed. You want to play with any and all cards in the game? You can do that in one format. You don't want this? You can also do that in another format. Hitting everything with the nerf hammer, even in an eternal format, makes it so that players who have actually supported the product by putting money into it have less return on their contribution because in the end their decks can get broken by the vocal minority anyway.

    In the end T5 does not agree with the logic that you are in support of anyway, so ultimately this conversation is null and void, but I thought I'd address this nonetheless because newer/ex-standard players keep advocating for breaking cards or decks that are not tier 0 just so that they don't have to play them/against them. You don't want to face older strategies then go to standard.

    Wild started out as an olive branch to players who were upset about the introduction of set rotations and threatening to quit the game if they couldn't use their precious Dr. Seven in every deck ever until the end of time. While it may have initially been a dumping ground where anything goes, we're three years down the line from there, Wild has expanded from (standard +) 2 sets to a whopping 11+ HoF, and a dedicated group of wild enthusiasts has emerged, so consequently Blizzard has taken an increasingly hands-on approach to balancing Wild to keep it fresh and fun. The nerf to Patches the Pirate when it rotated out, the more recent nerfs to Naga Sea Witch and Aviana as well as the constant attempts at placating upset wild players about Big Priest all point toward this trend. To pretend that Wild is still wholly predicated on the premise by which it was initially sold is disingenuous IMO, and certainly contradicted by the designers' own statements on the matter:


    "Yes, there's no question that Wild will be more challenging to balance, and I think it would be disingenuous to try to pretend that it isn't. In fact, that's a big part of the reason why introducing formats is a compelling option! 
    That doesn't mean that Wild won't be a ton of fun though, and the devs plan to do their best to keep it fun. The possibilities there are endless, and they'll only get more interesting as time goes on."


    "We will monitor the balance of both Standard and Wild formats once they arrive. We want players to choose the format(s) that fit how they want to play the game and will continue to ensure that all modes of play are an enjoyable experience."

    And bear in mind, that thread is from when standard was introduced.

    An ever-growing evergreen card game is unsustainable on its face: sooner or later, with enough cards in the pool, broken interactions or unfun decks will be unavoidable without targeted nerfs to problem cards.


    I wouldn't mind Blizzard introducing a new format that's supposed to function like a curated Wild, so they can keep Wild, well, wild, but for the time being it looks like T5 is taking an interventionist approach to the format.

  • AliRadicali's Avatar
    465 713 Posts Joined 06/06/2019
    Posted 4 years, 10 months ago
    Quote From Zwane

    Another way to "cheat it out" is by using galaxy spell in mage, and then conjure call it a couple of times, or clone, or....without silence/polymorph effects this guy can attack at least twice for 10 damage, and the divine shield means it has an attractive trade rate so to speak. And its nice to finally get some buff for conjurer's calling :) was way too weak without (laughs hysterically).

    I don't think you run this in conj mage, I think you just hope to roll it off conjurer's calling a Sea Giant. Colossus is pretty much unplayable without Luna's Pocket Galaxy and I don't think a bonus 10/1 divine shield when you happen to Galaxy->Colossus->Conjurer's is enough to justify running an otherwise unplayable card.


    That's just too much optimism and greed if you ask me.

  • AliRadicali's Avatar
    465 713 Posts Joined 06/06/2019
    Posted 4 years, 10 months ago
    Quote From UVE

    He should wake up if you give Rush yo the minion?

    I would guess whichever buff gets applied last overrides the other. EG if you rush a sleeping minion it can attack other minions, however, I'm assuming that even with a permanent rush buff, if your ogre gets put to sleep at the start of the turn, it won't be able to attack.

    With shaw in play I could see the argument go either way, my instinct would be that the constant rush buff would override the triggered sleep debuff after it happens.


    We'll probably have to wait and see though, I'm pretty sure this is the first card that induces the sleep status outside of the normal condition.

  • AliRadicali's Avatar
    465 713 Posts Joined 06/06/2019
    Posted 4 years, 10 months ago
    Quote From Elfensilver

    In the round after he was played, the henchman will wake at the start of his turn, like every other minion, do some attacking, and only in the round after that, he may fall asleep again. Thus, he is a pretty good minion for at least a turn.

    I'm not sure about that. As far as I can tell, the sleep status ends at the start of your opponent's turn, so presumably the ogre will always be awake when your turn starts, allowing the 50/50 die roll to happen every turn.

    Hell, even if you froze it while sleeping (so it'd unfreeze still sleeping on your next turn), I'd guess the 50/50 trigger would still occur. Not sure what would happen if you put this to sleep twice though.

    What EXACTLY does "fall asleep" mean?

    Getting the sleep status? When you summon a minion w/o charge or rush it emits little z's to indicate it's asleep until it "wakes up" at the start of the opponent's turn.


  • AliRadicali's Avatar
    465 713 Posts Joined 06/06/2019
    Posted 4 years, 10 months ago
    Quote From griffior

    Are they harassing people?
    Are they threatening people?
    Are they spreading hate speech?
    Or do you just not like them?

    P.S. It's not cool to make a post about someone just because they irk you.

    I probably wouldn't use it myself, but if someone's posts consistently annoy you and tempt you to post less-than-friendly responses, you might as well hide their posts for your own sake as well as the overall climate on the boards. I don't have a problem with such a function existing so long as it's optional and user-controlled.

    In reply to Ignore feature
  • AliRadicali's Avatar
    465 713 Posts Joined 06/06/2019
    Posted 4 years, 10 months ago

    I think people are underestimating this a bit. While it's clearly not something you'd include in a standard deck, if you do get this off of an evolve or summon effect, it presents the opponent with a conundrum, much like Frozen Crusher: do you trade minions/resources to get rid of an overstatted minion with a big drawback or do you leave it on the board and risk it wrecking you?

    Would have been a bit too much at 3 mana considering Unsleeping Soul exists.

  • AliRadicali's Avatar
    465 713 Posts Joined 06/06/2019
    Posted 4 years, 10 months ago

    I don't really like the name&flavour here. I get what they're going for, Dr. Boom somehow rewired the ancient mechanisms in some tomb to churn out golems for him, but the card feels waaay to Boomsday for this set.


    Regarding the card itself, I doubt it'll see much play until Boom rotates out, seeing as it's most suited for a control/value game plan, but Boom simply does lategame value much better. While you could also play it in an aggressive warrior deck, 1) you want to play a proactive curve if you intend to aggro down your opponent and 2) if you're on the face plan, generating 4/3's on the board might not be enough power/tempo to overcome a control opponent's late game.


    That said, once Dr. Boom rotates out I can totally see warriors spawning these golems turn after turn while they wait for you to draw the remaining bombs in your deck.

  • AliRadicali's Avatar
    465 713 Posts Joined 06/06/2019
    Posted 4 years, 10 months ago
    Quote From sinti
    Quote From AliRadicali

    Pretty sweet card to get off of conjurer's calling, especially in a mage mirror. Imagine how many mountain giants this can chew through and still be conjured into something new.


    Edit: I just noticed this is a legendary. What the heck? This card screams packfiller common. Why would you to this to people, Blizzard? Who on earth is going to be happy cracking one of these open? Big yikes.

    Icehowl of SoU :) But yeah, Conjurer's Calling makes this card scary in some situations.

    Don't remind me, please. I still haven't recovered from the trauma of opening a golden Icehowl. ;^)

  • AliRadicali's Avatar
    465 713 Posts Joined 06/06/2019
    Posted 4 years, 10 months ago

    This right here is the problem with doing a board clear cycle when one of the classes is already completely saturated with good removal.


    Since they already took huge creative liberties with what constitutes a board clear with Plague of Madness, they really should have done something different with this one as well.

  • AliRadicali's Avatar
    465 713 Posts Joined 06/06/2019
    Posted 4 years, 10 months ago

    Pretty sweet card to get off of conjurer's calling, especially in a mage mirror. Imagine how many mountain giants this can chew through and still be conjured into something new.


    Edit: I just noticed this is a legendary. What the heck? This card screams packfiller common. Why would you do this to people, Blizzard? Who on earth is going to be happy cracking one of these open? Big yikes.

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