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AliRadicali's Comments

  • AliRadicali's Avatar
    465 713 Posts Joined 06/06/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago

    In my experience emote-spam is usually gloating by players who think they've got the game in the bag. While squelching does solve the problem, there's huge personal satisfaction to be had from actually winning and emoting back that "wow" as you go in for lethal.

  • AliRadicali's Avatar
    465 713 Posts Joined 06/06/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago
    Quote From DoubleSummon

    Just listen to rafaam if you can't win- cheat, no really cheat mana a lot of mana if your deck isn't cheating mana you can't win.

    Small minions are bad late game you need big minions you can play early in the late game that's your main win condition in most decks tried countless times make burn decks like bomb warrior or zoolock work.. They just don't work you run out of value/lose tempo way too fast. 

    While it is generally true that picking big stuff + mana discounts is the most powerful option, especially for chapter V, it depends a lot on your class, your first treasure and whether or not you're playing with anomalies.

    For example, the anomaly that buffs all friendly minions at the end of each player's turn pretty much requires a swarm deck that curves out, but if you do draft a low-curve deck with lots of tokens you can ride the anomaly to victory without much value in the deck.

    In reply to Dalaran Heist Tips
  • AliRadicali's Avatar
    465 713 Posts Joined 06/06/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago
    Quote From Sykomyke
    Quote From AliRadicali
    Quote From Sykomyke
    Quote From Kovachut

    My proposal is simple: Warriors are a control class, but they don't need a passive RUSH mechanic given to every mech they play the rest of the game. An easy, simple, elegant solution is to take away the passive of Dr Boom (No more rush) which forces warriors to play more proactively.

    And how would the new battlecry look like? (:D) It would have been nice to add a solution for the proposed change. Btw I have seen other people discussing this topic before and they suggested, that the first mech *you PLAY each turn* should get rush. I would like to hear out your idea for the new or alternative battlecry for the warrior hero card.

    I suggest you go back and re-read my original post.  There's a proposed change in there already.  This lets me know that you didn't actually read the entire post.  You skimmed over it, made your snap-reaction comment (with some snarkiness added in to boot) and clicked "leave comment".  

    This is 100% me being legit.  When you are replying to people, whether it's a job posting somewhere, on a forum post, reddit, in a text message, whatever: take the time FULLY read things please.

    He's talking specifically about the battlecry effect, which you are removing. This would make Boom the one hero card not to have a battlecry. Maybe take your own advice and read what others post before jumping down their throats.

    Are you going to contribute to the conversation or just be a vitriolic "justice" poster?  What you are referring to is called "Appeal to Tradition" that "if X has always done this then it has to continue to be so".  Which it doesn't.  Again,  I was just posting a suggestion on how they could balance this. 

    If you don't like it that's fine, but others could contribute more of their opinions on balancing as well, as opposed to just dedicating their time to shoot down my opinions.

    Clearly I got all the Mech Warriors in this thread "Paper is fine, nerf rock" - Love Scissors.

    I'm not saying you can't make the argument that Boom's battlecry is not really a battlecry, nor that there couldn't conceivably be a hero card without one, but you actually have to make that case, which your OP does not do. Instead, at the mere mention that you didn't address the battlecry issue, you get indignant and start furiously projecting and making personal attacks.


    And FYI, I strongly dislike Warrior ATM.

  • AliRadicali's Avatar
    465 713 Posts Joined 06/06/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago
    Quote From Sykomyke
    Quote From Kovachut

    My proposal is simple: Warriors are a control class, but they don't need a passive RUSH mechanic given to every mech they play the rest of the game. An easy, simple, elegant solution is to take away the passive of Dr Boom (No more rush) which forces warriors to play more proactively.

    And how would the new battlecry look like? (:D) It would have been nice to add a solution for the proposed change. Btw I have seen other people discussing this topic before and they suggested, that the first mech *you PLAY each turn* should get rush. I would like to hear out your idea for the new or alternative battlecry for the warrior hero card.

    I suggest you go back and re-read my original post.  There's a proposed change in there already.  This lets me know that you didn't actually read the entire post.  You skimmed over it, made your snap-reaction comment (with some snarkiness added in to boot) and clicked "leave comment".  

    This is 100% me being legit.  When you are replying to people, whether it's a job posting somewhere, on a forum post, reddit, in a text message, whatever: take the time FULLY read things please.

    He's talking specifically about the battlecry effect, which you are removing. This would make Boom the one hero card not to have a battlecry. Maybe take your own advice and read what others post before jumping down their throats.

  • AliRadicali's Avatar
    465 713 Posts Joined 06/06/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago
    Quote From Pezman

    Hey everyone, been playing a lot of Heist recently and wanted to share a few more things I've discovered.

    Duplatransmogrifier is a PERMANENT change. I used it on Mal-Ganis in the late game because I could play every one I drew. Next boss (#8 go figure), my deck is 23 copies of Mal-Ganis. Couldn't do much and died on turn 8.

    Not 100% sure due to low sample size, but I think Rakanishu's cost reduction hero power automatically avoids things that already cost 0. Nice!

    Also not sure about this, but Ranger Ar'Ha's unused hero power carries over. I've seen it summon 3 or 4 copies of things with Pantry Spider and Big-Time Racketeer.

    As others have noted, buffs don't always work how they do in normal games. Doppelgangsters buffed in the tavern do not copy the buff. A 0-mana Antonidas copied by opponent with Convert or Seance will cost 0 for the opponent. Probably a lot more examples of this.

    Still having fun! Can't wait for the League of Explorers to return!

    You're right, Rakanishu's Burning wit hero power avoids zero-mana cards, which you can totally abuse with other mana discounts from treasures, sorceress' apprentice etc. Sometimes it's better to keep cards like Magic Trick and Flame Geyser in hand costing zero so you can keep discounting the right cards.


    Also, good catch on Ar'ha! I had just assumed the hero power was a little buggy, but it says "next battlecry", not "next battlecry this turn", so it charges up over turns if she doesn't use it.

    In reply to Dalaran Heist Tips
  • AliRadicali's Avatar
    465 713 Posts Joined 06/06/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago

    FWIW I really dislike the Hpwn system because it doesn't allow you to just edit the text of a description/guide without clicking past the decklist editor. I vastly prefer this one.

  • AliRadicali's Avatar
    465 713 Posts Joined 06/06/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago

    Topsy Test subject priest?

  • AliRadicali's Avatar
    465 713 Posts Joined 06/06/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago
    Quote From Dakarian
    Quote From AliRadicali

    I think power creep largely killed jaraxxus. I hadn't even considered him because I haven't seen one around in *ages*. There's just too many decks that can kill you from 15 hp.


    I really wouldn't mind if he was reworked to be more in line with a regular hero card because I really like mistah J, but boy does it feel bad to have you max health capped at 15. If he worked more like Alexstrasza , where you could heal back up to 30 afterwards and retained your armour, he'd be a lot better in 2019 Hearthstone.

    One big reason why you can't: classic.  Hero cards were acceptable because they were going out in a few years.  We can live with Dr. Boom for one more year, but after that we'll be done with him.

    Jaraxxus isn't leaving if he gets buffed.  A buffed Jaraxxus in an expansion would be cool.  A reliable Jaraxxus in Classic is a No No and would get HoFed anyway.  

    Simply put: if it's in the HoF, it's either going to be weaker than a typical expansion card or be HoFed and replaced with something VERY much weaker.  

    As far as I'm concerned an evergreen set with actual good cards in it is unsustainable anyway. I'd rather they bite the bullet and introduce a rotating base set than continue to HoF and nerf classic and basic into oblivion. What good is Jaraxxus if he can't ever be played?

  • AliRadicali's Avatar
    465 713 Posts Joined 06/06/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago
    Quote From FrostyFeet

    Extra damage for spells is a dangerous region balance-wise, which is why I don't think that will happen. And since Combo is a very class-specific keyword, I wouldn't expect to see it outside Rogue cards either. But I definitely wouldn't be against more complex design on spells.

    It's also kinda weird that the only class having a viable purely-spells strategy is Hunter, which isn't really a spell-casting class lore/flavorwise.

    A bit off-topic, but I really dislike the design of the hunter spell-synergy cards (and Keleseth, Genn&Baku, etc.) where an explicit deckbuilding restriction is imposed, compared to say Book of Specters, where the way the card works implies certain deckbuilding choices, but doesn't force them. If, say, mage ever gets a spell theme I hope it'll be with cards that naturally encourage all-spell decks, EG "If you have only spells in hand, does X bonus effect", "Reveal the top 3 cards of your deck, if they're all spells, do Y", etc. 

  • AliRadicali's Avatar
    465 713 Posts Joined 06/06/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago
    Quote From Pathod
    You people missed the point. Sure it's bullshit and it's horrible to lose to, but it's not nearly as bad as Big Priest since it's counterable by Dirty Rat and a bunch of other cards, but just nerfing Barnes would mess up Hunter and other decks that cheat out Y'Shaarj, while Priest would remain the same (this isn't even for debate, there are countless versions of Big Priest without Barnes that are the same cancer, Vargoth makes that possible), therefore nerfing Barnes would definitely be the wrong thing if you want to nerf BIG PRIEST

    I agree that just hitting Barnes probably wouldn't be enough to address Respriest, and something more fundamental, like changing the way the game treats dead minions/resurrects would be preferable. I'm just pointing out that I have no sympathy for anyone using barneshaarj and I'm perfectly happy seeing other decks that run that cheesy combo take collateral damage from a potential Barnes nerf.

    In reply to News from Mike Donais
  • AliRadicali's Avatar
    465 713 Posts Joined 06/06/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago

    Can't attack is largely redundant on a 0-attack minion. None of the other totems have this extra drawback, so I don't see why this needs it.

    The card itself seems severely underpowered for what it does. I honestly doubt the regular Wrath of Air Totem would see play if they printed it as a card, let alone a version that turns into a nigh-unkillable liability when it dies. Just compare this to Bloodmage Thalnos: why would a shaman play this instead? Or compare it to Kobold Hermit, where for 1 mana more you get:

    1. A guaranteed 1/1 body.

    2. A choice between all 4 basic totems.

    3. No drawback on the totem.

    And of course Kobold Hermit never sees play.

  • AliRadicali's Avatar
    465 713 Posts Joined 06/06/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago
    Quote From iWatchUSleep
    Quote From Pathod
    Nerfing Barnes would only mess up Spell Hunter when it comes to other competitive decks, but removing a big minion on turn 4 isn't a problem anyway if they can't resurrect it 2 times the very next turn.


    Barnes into Y'shaarj on turn 3/4 has no place anywhere. Not in big priest, not in spell hunter.

    Get that disgrace out of my games, thanks.

    Totally agree. WRT Spell Hunter specifically, if a deck needs to run a 2-card combo that actively sabotages the main thrust of the deck in order to cheese out turn 4 concedes then that's a problem.

    Maybe the spellhunter archetype should die along with the degenerate Barneshaarj combo until better support for it comes along.

    In reply to News from Mike Donais
  • AliRadicali's Avatar
    465 713 Posts Joined 06/06/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago

    I think power creep largely killed jaraxxus. I hadn't even considered him because I haven't seen one around in *ages*. There's just too many decks that can kill you from 15 hp.


    I really wouldn't mind if he was reworked to be more in line with a regular hero card because I really like mistah J, but boy does it feel bad to have you max health capped at 15. If he worked more like Alexstrasza , where you could heal back up to 30 afterwards and retained your armour, he'd be a lot better in 2019 Hearthstone.

  • AliRadicali's Avatar
    465 713 Posts Joined 06/06/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago
    Quote From YJHS2000
    Quote From drfelip

    At least you still have Hellfire and Twisting Nether as effective board clears. Control Priest is probably in a worse position.

    I've really really tried. There's too much swarm right now. By the time I get to turn 4, if I even managed to draw Hellfire, the self damage is a liability and the opponent can refill the board in a turn or two. Forget surviving to turn 8 for a Twisting Nether. I've tried using Shriek, which is only good if I have the Coin, because otherwise it discard one of my other clears or early taunts.  I've tried using cheap taunts to stave of early swarms, tried adding more healing... Warlock just does not have the tools to survive against even bad-draw aggro anymore. 

    And zoolock is definitely better than control warlock, but there's a reason it's a 1% meta deck---its slower than hunter, mage and druid, and does not have the staying power to survive warrior.

    I think the more immediate problem is that there is no payoff for reaching late game with WL. Any other deck that's trying to survive the early game will at some point start doing crazy things back, be it conjuring up giants, enormous pogo hoppers, infinite Togwaggle treasures, Chef Nomi, OTK Holy Wrath, Jepetto, Swampqueen hagatha, etc. etc. etc.

    Even if WL had all the tools it wanted for board control, and I'd argue that it has a fair amount (Godfrey still exists, after all), there's no point in playing those cards because you still inevitably lose, even if you can stall for a while. For the last few sets WL has gotten a mishmash of weird themes like hand buffs and discard and demons and deck-manipulation, none of which provide a viable late game path or work together particularly well.


    Control (or combo) WL need some sort of "fuck you I win" card or combo in order to be viable.

  • AliRadicali's Avatar
    465 713 Posts Joined 06/06/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago

    I disagree with your main premise, IMO the devs clearly took a step back from the infinite value trend after KoFT and I think that is readily apparent when you compare the later hero cards, yes, even Boom, to DK hunter or Mage. Boom has 1/5 to discover a mech. DK hunter discovers two beasts every turn and splices them together for efficiency. There's no comparison there.


    Rafaam is also not comparable since there is a very significant cost attached to playing him: all the cards you actually put in your deck (presumably because they're good) are transformed into random legendaries. This is not a card you put into a control/value/fatigue style of deck, unlike the Elise sisters, because you won't be able to afford to play it until you're basically out of cards anyway. Rafaam is only a "value" card in a zoo deck with 14 1,drops, in which case the value plan isn't really a threat, Rafaam and friends are just the desperate last hurrah of an aggro deck.


    The problem with Conjurer's Calling as you pointed out isn't so much the card itself as it is the interaction with MG. It's also not really a value issue, the concern is tempo: unreasonable lumps of stats generated well below the market price.


    Lastly, I think a complaint or criticism is much stronger if you provide a reasonable alternative. Sure, people will disagree and debate, but that's what message boards are for. 

  • AliRadicali's Avatar
    465 713 Posts Joined 06/06/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago

    That's probably largely down to hearthstone's interface and design philosophy of simplicity. There are loads of cards that power-up spells but they're almost all minions: spellpower +x, manacost reduction, "whenever you play a spell" triggers, mana cyclone, etc. etc. Hell there's Swampqueen Hagatha and Kazakus that arguably do merge spells together(in some fashion), but they're both battlecry minions. Oh and Fandral/Stalladris and Choose one spells.


    I do expect Blizzard to keep printing cards like Kazakus in the future simply because the mechanic is immensely popular, but I'd be really surprised if such complexity and power were not restricted to legendaries. I doubt we'll see things more finnicky than twinspell or echo printed on non-legendary spell cards for the foreseeable future.

  • AliRadicali's Avatar
    465 713 Posts Joined 06/06/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago

    Zoo is still OK on ladder so I don't see this as an immediate problem. There are certainly classes that are less playable at the moment. For next expansion? Sure I wouldn't mind seeing more than one class have a viable control deck and I've always been a fan of control WL.


    Maybe with the next round of unannounced HoFs blizzard will take away Warrior's Shield Slam and Brawl so that it can sit in a corner and cry for a lack of good cards for a change. I'm only being slightly sarcastic.

  • AliRadicali's Avatar
    465 713 Posts Joined 06/06/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago

    It never hurts to apologise but I don't think you're wrong to disagree with rotating out mind blast just because the devs decided to do it. As far as I'm concerned the hall of fame system is a stopgap measure that doesn't address the problems inherent in evergreen cards in a satisfying way.


    Sure we can keep HoF-ing basic and classic till there's nothing but useless trash left in those sets but I'd rather see a proper rotation system implemented.

  • AliRadicali's Avatar
    465 713 Posts Joined 06/06/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago

    There's not a whole lot of decks that do well against both mech hunter and  warrior since they're such polar opposites, it's like asking for an element that beats rock and scissors. The best decks against mech hunter are ultra-aggressive swarm decks like token druid, murlock shaman and zoolock, whereas for warrior it depends on whether it's the bomb or the control list, although mech paladin and conjurer mage do well against both.

  • AliRadicali's Avatar
    465 713 Posts Joined 06/06/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago

    Not a bad theory. If this is going to be an entire year of nostalgia and throwbacks, if Dalaran was the GvG set then the next two might be LoE and Blackrock.

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