I dusted Galaxy and Barnes and crafted Leeroy Jenkins (one of the few useful Classic Legendaries I didn't have) and then Armagedillo because it's adorable and I love it and I'm convinced Taunt Warrior is going to be SSS Tier in Standard next year don't @ me.
I rarely bother to climb the ladder, so since I'm mostly in Casual I definitely just play what's fun to me even if it isn't all that good. And for me, fun is all about variety. Brief interlude to say this is why I cannot fathom people who play non-meme OTK decks - you're literally playing the same deck the same way over and over and over again. How is that fun?
So get out the torches and ptichforks you ignorant townsfolk (kidding), but I'll say it loud and proud that the more RNG a deck has the more fun I have with it and the longer I play it. I've been playing Burgle Rogue and Thief Priest for a good while. I'm missing a lot of the cards to make the new SoU Casino Mage, but that's definitely next on my list once I get more cards/dust to craft. If a weekly brawl is fairly RNG-heavy, i'll usually "take that week off" and just play the Brawl.
He's (It's?) been surprisingly consistent for me in Quest Paladin when I haven't been able to draw my eggs/dragons and/or as a finisher. That Divine Shield gives the reborn 10/1 a chance to stick for some serious SMOrc.
I'm torn on the bundle - IF Tombs of Terror were going to be free I'd probably buy it, but since it almost certain'y won't be I think I'll save my money for that unless I happen to find a $20 in the laundry this weekend...
Does anyone else like to play mind games with their cardback? Pirate cardback on your dead man's hand warrior, jade lotus cardback on your Aviana OTK druid, that kind of thing :) It's not so applicable in standard these days since they're not really making cardbacks for archetypes anymore but it was fun while it lasted
I haven't done this, but that's a pretty funny idea.
1. Is it just my local meta or is the Hakkar card back still what maybe 10% of everyone else's opponents use as well? Obviously it was everywhere 6 months ago when it was released, but I'm surprised at how prevalent it still is - it's definitely the one single back I see most often by a wide margin. Just me or are others seeing this too? DO you think it's because it's a true favortie or just people being too lazy/not caring enough to manually change their favorite after it was auto-changed to Hakkar?
Opened a Classic pack I got off daily quest and it had both King Krush and GOLDEN Lorewalker Cho. Best pack ever. I'm legitimately trying to craft some memey decks in which to put that Gold Cho - I expect a symphony of "Wow"s when I slap that bad boy down.
Every time I start to drift towards being a little tired of Burgle Rogue, I have RNGesus remind me why it's so darn fun. To whit: Playing against Quest Priest. Bazaar Mugger gives me Arch-Villain Rafaam. I slap down on turn 7, then turn 8 I play The Beast. Turn 9 brings the end: Golden Alexstrasza into SMOrc for the OTK win.
For how much China hates gambling, that interface looks awfully like a slot machine :D
Sorry was the bit about hating gambling sarcastic? Because if not that's a crazy thing to say - Gambling is HUGE in China. I know it's *technically* illegal on the mainland, which is why Macau gets the special admin status. It is the ninth-highest recipient of tourism revenue in the world and its gaming industry is seven times larger than that of Las Vegas (that's according to the CIA anyways - link below). In 2016, Macau's gaming-related taxes on it's nearly 100 billion in revenues account for a huge % of total government tax revenue. In 2015, Macau hosted nearly 31 million visitors, and over 2/3rds came from mainland China.
The first and only Golden Legendary I've ever gotten from a pack was Madame Lazul in RoS on one of the first packs I opened that expansion. I started playing right after K&C launched, and did the 50-pack preorders for WW (which was actually 70 packs), BP, & RR. So that's 170 there, plus let's say on average I opened 6 packs a week from normal gold/tavern brawls, so that would be 6x65 weeks = 390. Add to that the idk 40 or so free packs Blizz had given out in that timespan and I would say there were probably around 600 packs opened between when I started playing and getting Lazul. So unless it counts the free golden legendaries I got from the preorders, I would say that I was WAY outside of this supposed pity timer.
There is really no grounds for a riot. Those quests can be a part of a future event, or PVE introduction weeke or w/e. They didnt officially said anything, they only put the data in the client. Just cause someone dug it up doesnt mean they robbed us of anything by not providing the quests yet ;-)
Look at Mr./Mrs. Rational Thought over here! What part of RIOTRIOTRIOT was unclear? :)
Similar situation - playing against mage who had 2 or 3 secrets up so Zephrys offered Flare. Figured I'd roll the dice on one of them not being Counterspell, but alas one was so wasted card. I wonder if/how he accounts for the possibilities on secrets?
Well i personaly thought Secret Mage would be strong again - sure it´s a decent deck but defenitely not as strong as i thought it would be!
I also underestimetad Highlander Decks like Highlander Hunter - i thought this would be Garbage and not that good but it´s doing pretty good!
Secret Mage is another good one - I also thought it would be stronger than it appears to be, but since's fairly cheap (no really REQUIRED legendaries) it's worth poking around with. I'm actually having more success putting in fewer secrets in exchange for more snyergized minions and normal spells.
I'm not sure I agree that most minions you want to silence are taunts. This might change as the new meta settles in, but during RoS and before I generally saved my silences for use against stacked magnetic mechs vs Paladin/Warrior/Hunter or strong Deathrattles/buffed up minions vs most other things (i.e. Edwin VanCleef). The caveat being, sure if 1 taunt was the only thing between me and lethal then silence away, but certainly was never the primary target.
So for me the versatility to silence ANYTHING is more than worth the 1 additional mana for Ironbeak Owl (or even +2 mana for Spellbreaker that also leaves a body that might even survive a turn if i'm running a deck light on decent minions).
For "competitive" decks: I'm enjoying/doing fairly well with Quest Rogue - I loved Tesspionage Rogue but the deck really lived and died on how quickly you could pump up your Spectral Cutlass (and have it not get destroyed) so I think the Quest + new supporting cards helps make it a little more viable, especially against aggro.
For more meme decks, Quest Paladinis hilarious when it works. What's that? Infinite clones with Taunt, Lifesteal, Divine Shield, and strong Deathrattles? Sure thing! Only downside is I don't have Kangor's Endless Army which would definitely help.
Just got shat on by the luckiest fucking quest priest ever. Turn 5 he completed his quest.
When I try it, "Nope, fuck you. Have shite draws and face super aggro for 10 games in a row"
Fucking beyond inscenced right now. I literally want to punch that lucky fucking cunt straight in his dumb ass face
OP said "surprisingly bad decks", not "salt thread"...
I'd agree on quest druid and would like to add quest rogue as well. These two quests seemed like the stronger ones but so far haven't exactly been doing well.
I've done okay with Quest Rogue - though definitely had a good laugh when I lost to Quest Warrior of all things. But yeah I was *this close* to crafting Druid Quest but the times I played against it I won most of them with Quest Rogue/Shaman/Paladin unless I just drew for shit - so glad I held off on spending dust. So add that one to the pile!
Just got shat on by the luckiest fucking quest priest ever. Turn 5 he completed his quest.
When I try it, "Nope, fuck you. Have shite draws and face super aggro for 10 games in a row"
Fucking beyond inscenced right now. I literally want to punch that lucky fucking cunt straight in his dumb ass face
That's nuts to complete the quest that fast.
But yeah from what I've seen/played Quest Priest is very much that you either totally dominate or get blown out of the water - very little "middle ground" as it were. But it does seem to be playable so I think generally in line with a lot of people's expectations - not broken/horrible, but not really consistent either. Maybe I should re-title this thread "Priest is meme-tier" lol?
Still though - with all the new-meta experimentation going on, I have to believe there's more "this'll be great" theorycraft out there that's blown up in people's faces?
What is the list you are running? Did you upload it to OoCards? Or can you share a link? I wouldn't mind giving it a go to see if it can be improved. I'm just sitting at Rank 10 trying a bunch of different things right now, so if it sucks it won't bother me rank-wise!
There you go. If you have thought I'm happy to hear them but the main issue as above was the OTK Combo need so much it's too slow to pull off either for win or loss.
But yeah this thread wasn't to whine about my bad deck, more to see if anyone else had something fun/good in mind before launch that turned out awful.
Man RNGesus is not on my side today - 0 for 5.
I dusted Galaxy and Barnes and crafted Leeroy Jenkins (one of the few useful Classic Legendaries I didn't have) and then Armagedillo because it's adorable and I love it and I'm convinced Taunt Warrior is going to be SSS Tier in Standard next year don't @ me.
I rarely bother to climb the ladder, so since I'm mostly in Casual I definitely just play what's fun to me even if it isn't all that good. And for me, fun is all about variety. Brief interlude to say this is why I cannot fathom people who play non-meme OTK decks - you're literally playing the same deck the same way over and over and over again. How is that fun?
So get out the torches and ptichforks you ignorant townsfolk (kidding), but I'll say it loud and proud that the more RNG a deck has the more fun I have with it and the longer I play it. I've been playing Burgle Rogue and Thief Priest for a good while. I'm missing a lot of the cards to make the new SoU Casino Mage, but that's definitely next on my list once I get more cards/dust to craft. If a weekly brawl is fairly RNG-heavy, i'll usually "take that week off" and just play the Brawl.
He's (It's?) been surprisingly consistent for me in Quest Paladin when I haven't been able to draw my eggs/dragons and/or as a finisher. That Divine Shield gives the reborn 10/1 a chance to stick for some serious SMOrc.
I'm torn on the bundle - IF Tombs of Terror were going to be free I'd probably buy it, but since it almost certain'y won't be I think I'll save my money for that unless I happen to find a $20 in the laundry this weekend...
I haven't done this, but that's a pretty funny idea.
Created this thread for two reasons:
1. Is it just my local meta or is the Hakkar card back still what maybe 10% of everyone else's opponents use as well? Obviously it was everywhere 6 months ago when it was released, but I'm surprised at how prevalent it still is - it's definitely the one single back I see most often by a wide margin. Just me or are others seeing this too? DO you think it's because it's a true favortie or just people being too lazy/not caring enough to manually change their favorite after it was auto-changed to Hakkar?
2. While we're on the subject, I'm curious how does everyone else use cardbacks? I like to find a back that fits the deck i.e. Machine Dreams (https://outof.cards/hearthstone/card-backs/110-machine-dreams) for my Mech Warrior, VanCardback (https://outof.cards/hearthstone/card-backs/94-vancardback) for Burgle Rogue, Moonwell (https://outof.cards/hearthstone/card-backs/96-moonwell) for Quest Druid, etc. So do others have a different back for each deck, one favorite they use for everything, is still using the basic back because they could not care less?
Opened a Classic pack I got off daily quest and it had both King Krush and GOLDEN Lorewalker Cho. Best pack ever. I'm legitimately trying to craft some memey decks in which to put that Gold Cho - I expect a symphony of "Wow"s when I slap that bad boy down.
Every time I start to drift towards being a little tired of Burgle Rogue, I have RNGesus remind me why it's so darn fun. To whit: Playing against Quest Priest. Bazaar Mugger gives me Arch-Villain Rafaam. I slap down on turn 7, then turn 8 I play The Beast. Turn 9 brings the end: Golden Alexstrasza into SMOrc for the OTK win.
Sorry was the bit about hating gambling sarcastic? Because if not that's a crazy thing to say - Gambling is HUGE in China. I know it's *technically* illegal on the mainland, which is why Macau gets the special admin status. It is the ninth-highest recipient of tourism revenue in the world and its gaming industry is seven times larger than that of Las Vegas (that's according to the CIA anyways - link below). In 2016, Macau's gaming-related taxes on it's nearly 100 billion in revenues account for a huge % of total government tax revenue. In 2015, Macau hosted nearly 31 million visitors, and over 2/3rds came from mainland China.
Let me do some rough math:
The first and only Golden Legendary I've ever gotten from a pack was Madame Lazul in RoS on one of the first packs I opened that expansion. I started playing right after K&C launched, and did the 50-pack preorders for WW (which was actually 70 packs), BP, & RR. So that's 170 there, plus let's say on average I opened 6 packs a week from normal gold/tavern brawls, so that would be 6x65 weeks = 390. Add to that the idk 40 or so free packs Blizz had given out in that timespan and I would say there were probably around 600 packs opened between when I started playing and getting Lazul. So unless it counts the free golden legendaries I got from the preorders, I would say that I was WAY outside of this supposed pity timer.
Look at Mr./Mrs. Rational Thought over here! What part of RIOTRIOTRIOT was unclear? :)
Similar situation - playing against mage who had 2 or 3 secrets up so Zephrys offered Flare. Figured I'd roll the dice on one of them not being Counterspell, but alas one was so wasted card. I wonder if/how he accounts for the possibilities on secrets?
Secret Mage is another good one - I also thought it would be stronger than it appears to be, but since's fairly cheap (no really REQUIRED legendaries) it's worth poking around with. I'm actually having more success putting in fewer secrets in exchange for more snyergized minions and normal spells.
I'm not sure I agree that most minions you want to silence are taunts. This might change as the new meta settles in, but during RoS and before I generally saved my silences for use against stacked magnetic mechs vs Paladin/Warrior/Hunter or strong Deathrattles/buffed up minions vs most other things (i.e. Edwin VanCleef). The caveat being, sure if 1 taunt was the only thing between me and lethal then silence away, but certainly was never the primary target.
So for me the versatility to silence ANYTHING is more than worth the 1 additional mana for Ironbeak Owl (or even +2 mana for Spellbreaker that also leaves a body that might even survive a turn if i'm running a deck light on decent minions).
For "competitive" decks: I'm enjoying/doing fairly well with Quest Rogue - I loved Tesspionage Rogue but the deck really lived and died on how quickly you could pump up your Spectral Cutlass (and have it not get destroyed) so I think the Quest + new supporting cards helps make it a little more viable, especially against aggro.
For more meme decks, Quest Paladin is hilarious when it works. What's that? Infinite clones with Taunt, Lifesteal, Divine Shield, and strong Deathrattles? Sure thing! Only downside is I don't have Kangor's Endless Army which would definitely help.
I've done okay with Quest Rogue - though definitely had a good laugh when I lost to Quest Warrior of all things. But yeah I was *this close* to crafting Druid Quest but the times I played against it I won most of them with Quest Rogue/Shaman/Paladin unless I just drew for shit - so glad I held off on spending dust. So add that one to the pile!
That's nuts to complete the quest that fast.
But yeah from what I've seen/played Quest Priest is very much that you either totally dominate or get blown out of the water - very little "middle ground" as it were. But it does seem to be playable so I think generally in line with a lot of people's expectations - not broken/horrible, but not really consistent either. Maybe I should re-title this thread "Priest is meme-tier" lol?
Still though - with all the new-meta experimentation going on, I have to believe there's more "this'll be great" theorycraft out there that's blown up in people's faces?
There you go. If you have thought I'm happy to hear them but the main issue as above was the OTK Combo need so much it's too slow to pull off either for win or loss.
But yeah this thread wasn't to whine about my bad deck, more to see if anyone else had something fun/good in mind before launch that turned out awful.