ArngrimUndying's Avatar


Draconically Dedicated
Joined 06/11/2019 Achieve Points 520 Posts 626

ArngrimUndying's Comments

  • ArngrimUndying's Avatar
    Draconically Dedicated 520 626 Posts Joined 06/11/2019
    Posted 5 years, 1 month ago

    Sinti or Flux (i.e. someone actually watching all the streams) confirmed in another thread yes the EVIL classes will get their two normal legendaries plus Galakrond (so 3 in all for those 5 classes) - that's why this set is listed as having 140 cards instead of the normal 135.

    In reply to Descent of Dragons
  • ArngrimUndying's Avatar
    Draconically Dedicated 520 626 Posts Joined 06/11/2019
    Posted 5 years, 1 month ago
    Quote From Trimutius

    There will be 5 different variants of Galakrond as far as I understand.

    Yeah that's what it sounded like from the announcement when he said they're giving out "all five copies" but idk that's just a bit surprising since if Galakrond isn't as meta-impactful as they're expecting/doesn't resonate with players then 5 of the 9 classes are basically "hobbled" for 4 months.

    I didn't start playing HS until after Old Gods, but Galakrond/Invoke looks a whole lot like C'thun except it's not a damage-based battlecry so what happens if you draw 3 0-cost cards and RNG gives you a bad draw? Obviously WAAAYYYY to early to tell but just my immediate thoughts

    IGNORE ME I didn't see that each version of Galakrond was different based on the classes. Much better I think.

  • ArngrimUndying's Avatar
    Draconically Dedicated 520 626 Posts Joined 06/11/2019
    Posted 5 years, 1 month ago

    My big question on Galakrond: since he's a legendary for 5 classes, does that mean the E.V.I.L classes each only get ONE class legendary. Or will they all get the normal 2 legendaries PLUS Galakrond (so really 3 in total?).

  • ArngrimUndying's Avatar
    Draconically Dedicated 520 626 Posts Joined 06/11/2019
    Posted 5 years, 1 month ago
    Quote From DestroyerR
    Quote From ArngrimUndying

    Well my roping "benefits" me in that it makes me feel better and enjoy my game more, which is as much "benefit" as someone else might get from gold farming. And it "solves the issue" of me not being able to communicate to this person that I think they're an ass.

    What's hypocritical is to say that everyone else gets to be a dick, but not me. I have to sit here and say "oh thanks for wasting my time by playing your T1 deck I can't possible beat with my goofy T5 deck. Here let me make it easy for you and concede and give you exactly what you want and thank you sir may I have another?" Not buying it. You want to turn the other cheek, be my guest. But until either 1) Blizzard gives a place to exclusive play nonsense meme decks, or 2) people stop bringing ladder decks into the one place that ideally should be free of them, I'm going to continue to tell people who are actively ruining my good time that I can do the same.

    Here's a fun idea: No gold rewards for Casual. Period. Bet you wouldn't see too many T1 decks then, huh?


    1. The thing is, it’s not for you to decide what decks belong in each format. What would happen if someone with your logic decided that [insert your wacky T5 deck here] is cancerous and unfun to play against, decided you’re a dick for playing it and roped you for no reason other than that? That’s basically what you’re doing to those people bringing T1 decks. Every person has their idea of fun and annoying, you don’t have any special authority that allows you to equate playing certain decks with something objectively dickish, like roping.


    2. The fact you feel better and enjoy your game more by getting a petty revenge on people you think were being annoying instead of being mature and moving on isn’t worthy of praise.


    You can clearly see most people here agree with me. You can either see that as a sign you may be on the wrong after all, or ignore it. I couldn’t care less.

    1. You're correct that I cannot decide what goes where - only Blizzard can. I, however, can decide how I react to what I encounter just like everyone else. If Blizzard thought me roping someone every turn was inappropriate, then they could stop that as well (idk rope 5 turns in a row and you forfeit?). But they don't do that either. So it's up to each and every player to decide what and how they want to play. I'll do me; you do you.

    2. Also not praiseworthy is taking some BS moral high ground where you declare what you choose to do is Right and Good and Fine and what I do is Bad and Wrong. In a video game. That's free. 

    3. Always funny to see people who reply to you what 3 or 4 times now suddenly "couldn't care less." But yeah between that and the ad populum fallacy of what maybe a dozen people on this thread think, you sure showed me!

    4. Interesting that all the people condemning me haven't bothered to respond to my suggestion about making Casual have no gold rewards. If you wouldn't play a mode without some sort of reward, then you're acknowledging that you're - at least in part if not entirely - doing it FOR the rewards. And that's my point: your rewards shouldn't come at the expense of others.

  • ArngrimUndying's Avatar
    Draconically Dedicated 520 626 Posts Joined 06/11/2019
    Posted 5 years, 1 month ago
    Quote From KANSAS
    Quote From ArngrimUndying
    Quote From KANSAS
    Quote From ArngrimUndying

    I really don't get how people are misunderstanding me on this point.

    YES, you ABSOLUTELY have the ability to play what/how you want. I am not saying you should be drug out into the street and beaten for doing this, or spawn camping in a FPS, or cheesing out a win in some fighting game. !!!BUT!!! so do I. And when "how you want to play" and "how I want to play" are in direct opposition to one another, the argument that "well you should let people be dicks or concede and give them a free win" sorry doesn't hold water with me.

    You are 100% correct that roping doesn't solve any problem, but since Blizzard has shown absolutely 0 interest in addressing this I'm going to do what I think is right/fair. To take your exact argument: if you don't like me roping you for playing Tier 1 in Casual, you're free to concede to me and move on to someone else.


    The thing is, they are not playing a tier one deck simply to annoy you, they are doing it for a reason. You are roping them because they are annoying you and you want to annoy them back, this does not seem like a very mature thing, and it doesn't do anything good for anyone. Maybe they are being selfish by farming gold on casual, but at least someone is gaining something from this, whereas you are just being annoying for the sake of being annoying. You are right that it is within your power to rope them if you want to, but just because you have the freedom to do something doesn't justify doing it. 

    You just admitted that roping doesn't solve any problem, all you have said to justify roping them is that you think it is right/fair. It is not right to ruin someones day just because they ruined yours, and maybe it is 'fair' to hit someone back when they hit you, but it isn't nice, and it doesn't do anything good for anyone.

    Let's remember that we're talking about a free video game played for entertainment purposes. There's no "reason" behind anything here and no one is "gaining" anything - it's not a job & it fundamentally doesn't matter at all what happens.

    Also: ."..just because you have the freedom to do something doesn't justify doing it". And once again we return to the exact same circular argument. Just because they have the freedom to play tier 1 metadecks in Casual doesn't justify them doing it if it actively ruins someone else's good time. I accept that I'm being a dick to them by roping them; why is it so damn hard for them to accept they're being a dick by gold farming (or whatever reason they have).

    You are so hypocritical. You are admitting that what you are doing is wrong, and you admit that it doesn't solve any issue, but you still do it. 

    The only reason you are roping your opponent is because you don't like the deck they are playing, and you think roping them is okay because your opponent thinks playing a tier one deck in casual is okay. But my point still stands, they are playing a T-1 deck in casual for some reason that benefits them, you are roping them only because you are salty that you can't win with a T-4 meme deck. Just because your opponent is annoying you doesn't mean you are doing a good thing by annoying them back.

    Well my roping "benefits" me in that it makes me feel better and enjoy my game more, which is as much "benefit" as someone else might get from gold farming. And it "solves the issue" of me not being able to communicate to this person that I think they're an ass.

    What's hypocritical is to say that everyone else gets to be a dick, but not me. I have to sit here and say "oh thanks for wasting my time by playing your T1 deck I can't possible beat with my goofy T5 deck. Here let me make it easy for you and concede and give you exactly what you want and thank you sir may I have another?" Not buying it. You want to turn the other cheek, be my guest. But until either 1) Blizzard gives a place to exclusive play nonsense meme decks, or 2) people stop bringing ladder decks into the one place that ideally should be free of them, I'm going to continue to tell people who are actively ruining my good time that I can do the same.

    Here's a fun idea: No gold rewards for Casual. Period. Bet you wouldn't see too many T1 decks then, huh?


  • ArngrimUndying's Avatar
    Draconically Dedicated 520 626 Posts Joined 06/11/2019
    Posted 5 years, 1 month ago
    Quote From KANSAS
    Quote From ArngrimUndying

    I really don't get how people are misunderstanding me on this point.

    YES, you ABSOLUTELY have the ability to play what/how you want. I am not saying you should be drug out into the street and beaten for doing this, or spawn camping in a FPS, or cheesing out a win in some fighting game. !!!BUT!!! so do I. And when "how you want to play" and "how I want to play" are in direct opposition to one another, the argument that "well you should let people be dicks or concede and give them a free win" sorry doesn't hold water with me.

    You are 100% correct that roping doesn't solve any problem, but since Blizzard has shown absolutely 0 interest in addressing this I'm going to do what I think is right/fair. To take your exact argument: if you don't like me roping you for playing Tier 1 in Casual, you're free to concede to me and move on to someone else.


    The thing is, they are not playing a tier one deck simply to annoy you, they are doing it for a reason. You are roping them because they are annoying you and you want to annoy them back, this does not seem like a very mature thing, and it doesn't do anything good for anyone. Maybe they are being selfish by farming gold on casual, but at least someone is gaining something from this, whereas you are just being annoying for the sake of being annoying. You are right that it is within your power to rope them if you want to, but just because you have the freedom to do something doesn't justify doing it. 

    You just admitted that roping doesn't solve any problem, all you have said to justify roping them is that you think it is right/fair. It is not right to ruin someones day just because they ruined yours, and maybe it is 'fair' to hit someone back when they hit you, but it isn't nice, and it doesn't do anything good for anyone.

    Let's remember that we're talking about a free video game played for entertainment purposes. There's no "reason" behind anything here and no one is "gaining" anything - it's not a job & it fundamentally doesn't matter at all what happens.

    Also: ."..just because you have the freedom to do something doesn't justify doing it". And once again we return to the exact same circular argument. Just because they have the freedom to play tier 1 metadecks in Casual doesn't justify them doing it if it actively ruins someone else's good time. I accept that I'm being a dick to them by roping them; why is it so damn hard for them to accept they're being a dick by gold farming (or whatever reason they have).

  • ArngrimUndying's Avatar
    Draconically Dedicated 520 626 Posts Joined 06/11/2019
    Posted 5 years, 1 month ago
    Quote From KANSAS
    Quote From ArngrimUndying
    Quote From DestroyerR
    Quote From ArngrimUndying
    Quote From DestroyerR
    Quote From ArngrimUndying

    I am 100% with you on this.

    The only times I ever rope are:

    1) If I get roped first, almost always on Turn 1 - that tends to get people to knock it off.

    2) If I'm playing in Casual and come up against someone playing Tier 1 netdecks to gold farm those of us playing memes (as just happened with 6 Secret Highlander Paladins in a row this morning). As soon as I see what you are I rope every. single. turn. You want that easy win? Sure, but I'm going to suck up as much of your time as I possibly can. The more time you're stuck with me, the less time you can bother other people and I can just as easily read the news while I wait for my timer to burn down each turn. 

    Fundamentally, my philosophy is the same as that of 2nd century Chinese warrior-sage Zhuge Liang: "If you don't give a damn, we don't give a fuck (Hey!) Don't start no shit, it won't be no shit!" Truly a wise, wise man.  

    Might just be me, but wasting other people’s time because they’re playing a deck you don’t like doesn’t seem heroic or considerate. It’s just being a dick

    Being a gold farmer in Casual is also being a dick. Give shitty, get shitty. 

    No it isn’t. Playing Casual doesn’t mean you have the right to punish the opponent for playing a deck that is unfun to you.

    That's some fairly contradictory logic their friendo.

    If YOU have the right to be a dick and play tier 1 decks to goldfarm those of us trying to meme it up (which you do - the game obviously doesn't stop you), then I have the right to ALSO be a dick and rope you for it (which I do - the game obviously doesn't stop me).

    Fundamentally it's not about "unfun" - I personally don't find hyper aggro decks "fun" to play against, but I would NOT rope you for playing aggro Warrior or Zoolock since they're lower tier 2/upper tier 3 decks - the exact kind of deck CASUAL should be for. If you want to play Tier 1 decks, more power to you but stop being a little bitch and go play them on the ladder where they belong rather than wasting my time trying to farm gold off me and my garbage-tier meme decks.

    I get it - you like to gold farm and want to self-justify why you're not as asshole. Go off then my dude, but recognize that other people disagree with you, and since the game only gives me one way to communicate that I think what you're doing hurts the overall game state (roping), you can bet I'm going to continue to do it.

    Just because someone is annoying you doesn't give you the right to annoy them back. Two wrongs don't make a right. Revenge doesn't make people happy. Love your enemies. How is it that half the people on this thread don't get that? 

    Also, playing tier one decks on casual isn't a crime. Maybe you haven't considered this, but some people enjoy playing tier one decks not because they are super competitive and only care about winning, but because they think the deck is fun to play. People are allowed to play whatever they want in whatever way they want. And if that bothers you so much, then you can either suck it up and just play against them, or, if you really don't want to fight against a deck simply because its good, then you can concede and move on to the next match. It is not for you to decide what your opponent is allowed to have fun playing, and roping them doesn't help solve the problem.


    I really don't get how people are misunderstanding me on this point.

    YES, you ABSOLUTELY have the ability to play what/how you want. I am not saying you should be drug out into the street and beaten for doing this, or spawn camping in a FPS, or cheesing out a win in some fighting game. !!!BUT!!! so do I. And when "how you want to play" and "how I want to play" are in direct opposition to one another, the argument that "well you should let people be dicks or concede and give them a free win" sorry doesn't hold water with me.

    You are 100% correct that roping doesn't solve any problem, but since Blizzard has shown absolutely 0 interest in addressing this I'm going to do what I think is right/fair. To take your exact argument: if you don't like me roping you for playing Tier 1 in Casual, you're free to concede to me and move on to someone else.


  • ArngrimUndying's Avatar
    Draconically Dedicated 520 626 Posts Joined 06/11/2019
    Posted 5 years, 1 month ago
    Quote From Ethardoth
    Quote From ArngrimUndying
    Quote From DestroyerR
    Quote From ArngrimUndying

    I am 100% with you on this.

    The only times I ever rope are:

    1) If I get roped first, almost always on Turn 1 - that tends to get people to knock it off.

    2) If I'm playing in Casual and come up against someone playing Tier 1 netdecks to gold farm those of us playing memes (as just happened with 6 Secret Highlander Paladins in a row this morning). As soon as I see what you are I rope every. single. turn. You want that easy win? Sure, but I'm going to suck up as much of your time as I possibly can. The more time you're stuck with me, the less time you can bother other people and I can just as easily read the news while I wait for my timer to burn down each turn. 

    Fundamentally, my philosophy is the same as that of 2nd century Chinese warrior-sage Zhuge Liang: "If you don't give a damn, we don't give a fuck (Hey!) Don't start no shit, it won't be no shit!" Truly a wise, wise man.  

    Might just be me, but wasting other people’s time because they’re playing a deck you don’t like doesn’t seem heroic or considerate. It’s just being a dick

    Being a gold farmer in Casual is also being a dick. Give shitty, get shitty. 

    Not everybody is a gold farmer. Maybe they are practicing before they jump into ladder, need a fast win for a quest because they don't have time, or don't care about ladder and find that deck fun to play like you find your meme deck fun. And besides, testing meme decks against meta decks should also be part of deckbuilding, then you can tweak it and maybe come up with something new that can actually compete.

    While some of those are fair, quite simply I can't read someone's mind to ascertain their intentions. So by the time I've faced 6 Highlander Secret Paladins IN A ROW (as happened to me on Monday) any chance that I might assume good intentions has long since left me since the statistical  likelihood that NONE of them are goldfarmers is right about 0.00001%

    I would however return to my general argument: people need to remember that there is someone else on the other side of that game board also trying to have fun. You want to "practice" with a tier 1 deck - fine, hit a rank floor on the ladder and practice there. Or just, you know, remember that it's just a game and if you don't make X rank this month because you lost a few games on the ladder the world isn't going to fall apart.

  • ArngrimUndying's Avatar
    Draconically Dedicated 520 626 Posts Joined 06/11/2019
    Posted 5 years, 1 month ago
    Quote From DestroyerR
    Quote From ArngrimUndying
    Quote From DestroyerR
    Quote From ArngrimUndying

    I am 100% with you on this.

    The only times I ever rope are:

    1) If I get roped first, almost always on Turn 1 - that tends to get people to knock it off.

    2) If I'm playing in Casual and come up against someone playing Tier 1 netdecks to gold farm those of us playing memes (as just happened with 6 Secret Highlander Paladins in a row this morning). As soon as I see what you are I rope every. single. turn. You want that easy win? Sure, but I'm going to suck up as much of your time as I possibly can. The more time you're stuck with me, the less time you can bother other people and I can just as easily read the news while I wait for my timer to burn down each turn. 

    Fundamentally, my philosophy is the same as that of 2nd century Chinese warrior-sage Zhuge Liang: "If you don't give a damn, we don't give a fuck (Hey!) Don't start no shit, it won't be no shit!" Truly a wise, wise man.  

    Might just be me, but wasting other people’s time because they’re playing a deck you don’t like doesn’t seem heroic or considerate. It’s just being a dick

    Being a gold farmer in Casual is also being a dick. Give shitty, get shitty. 

    No it isn’t. Playing Casual doesn’t mean you have the right to punish the opponent for playing a deck that is unfun to you.

    That's some fairly contradictory logic their friendo.

    If YOU have the right to be a dick and play tier 1 decks to goldfarm those of us trying to meme it up (which you do - the game obviously doesn't stop you), then I have the right to ALSO be a dick and rope you for it (which I do - the game obviously doesn't stop me).

    Fundamentally it's not about "unfun" - I personally don't find hyper aggro decks "fun" to play against, but I would NOT rope you for playing aggro Warrior or Zoolock since they're lower tier 2/upper tier 3 decks - the exact kind of deck CASUAL should be for. If you want to play Tier 1 decks, more power to you but stop being a little bitch and go play them on the ladder where they belong rather than wasting my time trying to farm gold off me and my garbage-tier meme decks.

    I get it - you like to gold farm and want to self-justify why you're not as asshole. Go off then my dude, but recognize that other people disagree with you, and since the game only gives me one way to communicate that I think what you're doing hurts the overall game state (roping), you can bet I'm going to continue to do it.

  • ArngrimUndying's Avatar
    Draconically Dedicated 520 626 Posts Joined 06/11/2019
    Posted 5 years, 1 month ago
    Quote From DestroyerR
    Quote From ArngrimUndying

    I am 100% with you on this.

    The only times I ever rope are:

    1) If I get roped first, almost always on Turn 1 - that tends to get people to knock it off.

    2) If I'm playing in Casual and come up against someone playing Tier 1 netdecks to gold farm those of us playing memes (as just happened with 6 Secret Highlander Paladins in a row this morning). As soon as I see what you are I rope every. single. turn. You want that easy win? Sure, but I'm going to suck up as much of your time as I possibly can. The more time you're stuck with me, the less time you can bother other people and I can just as easily read the news while I wait for my timer to burn down each turn. 

    Fundamentally, my philosophy is the same as that of 2nd century Chinese warrior-sage Zhuge Liang: "If you don't give a damn, we don't give a fuck (Hey!) Don't start no shit, it won't be no shit!" Truly a wise, wise man.  

    Might just be me, but wasting other people’s time because they’re playing a deck you don’t like doesn’t seem heroic or considerate. It’s just being a dick

    Being a gold farmer in Casual is also being a dick. Give shitty, get shitty. 

  • ArngrimUndying's Avatar
    Draconically Dedicated 520 626 Posts Joined 06/11/2019
    Posted 5 years, 1 month ago
    Quote From Elfensilver

    I love the Cutlass, made some 300wins in wild with it, and like to try in in standard. But I neither own Captain Greenskin nor Edwin. What are good alternatives? Did you test any of the following cards?

    Academic espionage- because I don't care about winrate? And a second cutlass?

    A pirate-or attack synergy, like the  growing 3/3, or the combo-pirate that buffs your weapon?

    Maybe Shadowstep&Evil Miscreant for more options?

    I ran a list very similar to this before SoU (also without Greenskin) and found that good option was Cutthroat Buccaneer. It also buffs the weapon attack while being tutorable from Raiding Party

  • ArngrimUndying's Avatar
    Draconically Dedicated 520 626 Posts Joined 06/11/2019
    Posted 5 years, 1 month ago
    Quote From Shosupply

    I am surprised you are not using the quest with this deck.  Seems like it would fit in really easily.

    Not really - the point of this specific build (which is basically the same Burgle Rogue that existed before SoU with the new relevant cards added) is to buff the Spectral Cutlasses. If you have the quest, you're using your new hero power to generate weapons and thus destroy the cutlasses, which totally defeats the purpose.

  • ArngrimUndying's Avatar
    Draconically Dedicated 520 626 Posts Joined 06/11/2019
    Posted 5 years, 2 months ago
    Quote From ArngrimUndying

    According to HSReplay, Highlander Secret Paladin is the strongest Tier 1 deck in the meta right now with a nearly 58% win rate. So naturally this morning I run into 6 (SIX!) of them IN A ROW - on the ladder you might ask? No of course not - only in Causal where I'm trying to meme it up with Quest Rogue (currently T4 for comparison). I get that Blizzard responds to things with all the alacrity of a retreating glacier, but for fuck sake how many YEARS do we have to wait for some kind of attempt to mediate Causal and filter out the people who are just farming gold off people who want to play something other than the strongest current metadecks?!?

    There is no middle ground - play the strongest flavor of the month in Casual just like in Ranked or you will lose. Period. And fundamentally, that is the kind of thing that's costing this game players because it makes the game stale and unfun since there is effectively no place to play anything aside from those T1/T2 decks. Hell I literally don't play this game on the weekends at all anymore because it's SO MUCH WORSE with this shit in Casual than during the week for some reason (presumably more asshats with time off?).

    Rant over but for fucks sake people - how hard is it to not be a cunt and remember that there is another person on the other side of that board trying to have fun too?

    Hey you know what's fun? When you figure "why not try again since it's a bit later and see if you just had a run of bad luck on MMR earlier." So you jump back into Casual to fiddle with your Silence Priest deck and run into Evolve Shaman, OTK Combo Priest, & Evolve Shaman.

    I seriously don't understand why Casual exists. I really, truly do not.

  • ArngrimUndying's Avatar
    Draconically Dedicated 520 626 Posts Joined 06/11/2019
    Posted 5 years, 2 months ago

    1) The video is 70 seconds long.

    2) This is the 3rd expansion in the year 2019.

    3) 2019/(70*3) = 9.6.

    4) Round down to eliminate 0.6 since Dalaran crashed = 9

    5) 9 is the square of 3


  • ArngrimUndying's Avatar
    Draconically Dedicated 520 626 Posts Joined 06/11/2019
    Posted 5 years, 2 months ago

    I am 100% with you on this.

    The only times I ever rope are:

    1) If I get roped first, almost always on Turn 1 - that tends to get people to knock it off.

    2) If I'm playing in Casual and come up against someone playing Tier 1 netdecks to gold farm those of us playing memes (as just happened with 6 Secret Highlander Paladins in a row this morning). As soon as I see what you are I rope every. single. turn. You want that easy win? Sure, but I'm going to suck up as much of your time as I possibly can. The more time you're stuck with me, the less time you can bother other people and I can just as easily read the news while I wait for my timer to burn down each turn. 

    Fundamentally, my philosophy is the same as that of 2nd century Chinese warrior-sage Zhuge Liang: "If you don't give a damn, we don't give a fuck (Hey!) Don't start no shit, it won't be no shit!" Truly a wise, wise man.  

  • ArngrimUndying's Avatar
    Draconically Dedicated 520 626 Posts Joined 06/11/2019
    Posted 5 years, 2 months ago

    According to HSReplay, Highlander Secret Paladin is the strongest Tier 1 deck in the meta right now with a nearly 58% win rate. So naturally this morning I run into 6 (SIX!) of them IN A ROW - on the ladder you might ask? No of course not - only in Causal where I'm trying to meme it up with Quest Rogue (currently T4 for comparison). I get that Blizzard responds to things with all the alacrity of a retreating glacier, but for fuck sake how many YEARS do we have to wait for some kind of attempt to mediate Causal and filter out the people who are just farming gold off people who want to play something other than the strongest current metadecks?!?

    There is no middle ground - play the strongest flavor of the month in Casual just like in Ranked or you will lose. Period. And fundamentally, that is the kind of thing that's costing this game players because it makes the game stale and unfun since there is effectively no place to play anything aside from those T1/T2 decks. Hell I literally don't play this game on the weekends at all anymore because it's SO MUCH WORSE with this shit in Casual than during the week for some reason (presumably more asshats with time off?).

    Rant over but for fucks sake people - how hard is it to not be a cunt and remember that there is another person on the other side of that board trying to have fun too?

  • ArngrimUndying's Avatar
    Draconically Dedicated 520 626 Posts Joined 06/11/2019
    Posted 5 years, 2 months ago

    I'm not a big ladder player, but a friend mentioned how good Secret Mage was in Wild and I have Aluneth so I figured "why not?" Got from 20 to 12 so far playing a few games each day - crazy win % (not sure exactly since I don't use decktracker) so will probably push to 10 this month then try for 5 next month before set rotation.

  • ArngrimUndying's Avatar
    Draconically Dedicated 520 626 Posts Joined 06/11/2019
    Posted 5 years, 2 months ago

    I've seen Even Totem Shaman in Wild run her a few times - some times they've beat me sometimes not, but it was never a "bad" play when they did. Built around correctly she definitely adds a lot of burst dmg value potential.

  • ArngrimUndying's Avatar
    Draconically Dedicated 520 626 Posts Joined 06/11/2019
    Posted 5 years, 2 months ago
    Quote From Iplaywhite

    100 is alot

    It seems to count ALL Dreadsteeds summoned during a match summoned to your side i.e. when your opponent kills you DS that counts. I completed this in 2 brawls - probably 30-40 turns in total. 

  • ArngrimUndying's Avatar
    Draconically Dedicated 520 626 Posts Joined 06/11/2019
    Posted 5 years, 2 months ago

    Female Mogus are nearly extinct, we need those to breed the species.

    Look, man, I said don't want to read your fanfic. Stop trying to entice.