BloodMefistOld God Fanatic 850804 PostsJoined 05/28/2019
Posted 4 years, 4 months ago
Super dig this card. I always loved Rez Priest in theory as a way to get mega value out of deathrattle effects, but was turned off after it turned towards degenerate big-style gameplay. Vectus spreads some of that sweet deathrattle-rez to non-priest classes and literally cannot be abused with rez Priest cards since it creates three really bad bodies to rez. Looking forward to tinkering with deathrattle-rez in other classes.
BloodMefistOld God Fanatic 850804 PostsJoined 05/28/2019
Posted 4 years, 4 months ago
First Transfer Student, then Lorekeeper, and now a Neutral Legendary weapon, this expansion is breaking all the molds. Idk how to properly judge this, but I don't think it will see play. There are better ways to cycle through your deck or even tutor what you're looking for where this might be run, but I'm open to this seeing play. We've never seen a Neutral scry-esque effect, so who knows what could come out of it.
BloodMefistOld God Fanatic 850804 PostsJoined 05/28/2019
Posted 4 years, 4 months ago
I think this along with Cobalt Spellkin will make it into a Mozaki combo deck where you generate a ton of 1-cost spells and then pop off with Mozaki to kill the opponent. Otherwise, a pretty neat card that also might support some battlecry + spell Shaman deck.
BloodMefistOld God Fanatic 850804 PostsJoined 05/28/2019
Posted 4 years, 4 months ago
A super interesting card that I never thought would make it out of custom hearthstone, but we live in a world of 10 classes now, anything is possible. I don't think this gets run in control decks unless the meta slows down enough since cheaper removals are usually needed to take back the board to stabilize efficiently. However, this card is pretty good in combo decks since you can manipulate your deck to fit the draws you need. Notably current iterations of Quest Warlock might like this card a lot since you could get 0-mana DQA or Maly much more consistently.
BloodMefistOld God Fanatic 850804 PostsJoined 05/28/2019
Posted 4 years, 4 months ago
Not sure how strong this card is since it only has an effect in Outcast, but man is it going to feel bad to play against. I feel like its better in in midrage or tempo matchups since the enemy's hand size will be small enough to reliably get something good shuffled. In control matchups the enemy's handsize might be large enough that you can't shuffle a needed card. Not as annoying as glide imo, but Blizzard is doing a great job at making DH into the new most hated class.
BloodMefistOld God Fanatic 850804 PostsJoined 05/28/2019
Posted 4 years, 4 months ago
Ironically very bad against mages since their minions almost never care about being silenced. I think the best comparison for this card is Earth Shock since both accomplish very similar tasks. In that regard, I think this is a meta-specific tech card. If there are a ton of buffs or taunts running around, this can act as an efficient removal or pseudo-Kayn, but I think this is one of the first cuts when perfecting a deck list.
BloodMefistOld God Fanatic 850804 PostsJoined 05/28/2019
Posted 4 years, 4 months ago
Pack-filler, but interesting pack-filler. I'm not confident that this will make it in any T2-1 lists, but it synergizes with enough things (especially in Shaman) that it might see some play.
BloodMefistOld God Fanatic 850804 PostsJoined 05/28/2019
Posted 4 years, 4 months ago
This seems pretty meh for Rogue, but crazy good in Warrior. Corsair Cache tutors weapons you want already and even gives them the durability to still be in play on turn 5, assuming you play the weapon on turn 3 and attack each turn. Wrechcaliber, Livewire Lance, and Ancharr do really well with added durability, but Rogue weapons that have seen play have had Deathrattles, such as Wagle Pick, which this sort of anti-synergizes with. That said, the aggressive power this card provides could let it see play in tempo Rogue lists. It's 100% in aggressive Warrior decks though.
BloodMefistOld God Fanatic 850804 PostsJoined 05/28/2019
Posted 4 years, 4 months ago
Enhanced Dreadlord is currently the best thing that this can hit, but it otherwise doesn't seem too good. There are some other decent demons that you might run in the same deck like Aranasi Broodmother or maybe even Dread Infernal, but the lack of good big demons in Warlock makes this card unlikely to see play as it currently stands.
BloodMefistOld God Fanatic 850804 PostsJoined 05/28/2019
Posted 4 years, 4 months ago
As it stands there are only Restless Mummy and Kargath as good Rush minions if I recall. As such, I don't see this being especially helpful despite the value it can provide since Bloodsworn Mercenary is already run for similar purposes. That said, if a strong and cheap Rush minion is printed, then this card will almost definitely see play as well.
BloodMefistOld God Fanatic 850804 PostsJoined 05/28/2019
Posted 4 years, 4 months ago
This card effectively cycles itself by adding another card from your deck to your hand, and comes with the nice benefit of buffing both as well. Unsure if it will see play in DH, just because there aren't that many good hits besides Battlefiend. I suppose Sightless Watcher wouldnt be awful, but I don't think DH currently has the demon infrastructure required to make this card see play. Warlock on the other hand runs Flame Imp, Voidwalker, and Fiendish Servant in zoo, making it far more likely that this hits something cheap and useful.
BloodMefistOld God Fanatic 850804 PostsJoined 05/28/2019
Posted 4 years, 5 months ago
Oh for the love Yogg. It acts as a hand refresh for aggro DH AND disrupts the enemy, possibly depriving them of board control or sustain tools they need to survive against the DH onslaught. I was hyped for this set, even after seeing some pretty strong cards, but this card looks extremely anti-fun. Can't they just change the outcast to more draw or something? Why does it have to be one of the strongest disruption tools in the game's history? All we can do is pray that the card is no where near as strong as it looks.
BloodMefistOld God Fanatic 850804 PostsJoined 05/28/2019
Posted 4 years, 5 months ago
A '5 mana 5/12' spread across 5 bodies seems pretty decent. After running Totem Shaman for a little bit, this card is a blessing since it makes it easier to actually stick a Totem on the board. That said, the Overload is harsh and might cause be enough to push this out of consideration, but only time will tell.
BloodMefistOld God Fanatic 850804 PostsJoined 05/28/2019
Posted 4 years, 5 months ago
I think this card is great for Control archetypes in Warrior and Paladin. You'll be able to pretty consistently get 4-5 stat Taunts after using a removal spell like Brawl, Consecration, or Plague of Wrath, but I don't see a place for this outside of Control decks.
BloodMefistOld God Fanatic 850804 PostsJoined 05/28/2019
Posted 4 years, 5 months ago
I don't know a ton about Miracle Mage outside of that I hate getting OTKed by it, so this card makes me sad. Mage has access to many cheap and cycling spells to act as fodder for building this up, and then finishing with a huge Frostbolt or Arcane Missiles, which I am not looking forward to.
BloodMefistOld God Fanatic 850804 PostsJoined 05/28/2019
Posted 4 years, 5 months ago
The strength of this card comes from the huge number or Rush minions both classes have access to. Heroes being affected is a nice little addition, but the ability to clear and develop the board at the same time is what makes this nutty.
BloodMefistOld God Fanatic 850804 PostsJoined 05/28/2019
Posted 4 years, 5 months ago
As someone who plays a lot of Thief Priest, I honestly don't see this card being too good. The requirement of a cheap spell and the inability to choose the minion leaves it outshined by Cabal Shadow Priest. I will gladly be proven wrong, but it doesn't seem that good compared to other options in the class.
BloodMefistOld God Fanatic 850804 PostsJoined 05/28/2019
Posted 4 years, 5 months ago
A very interesting card for sure, but it seems like it will more easily find a home in Warlock than Priest. With how easy it is to damage your hero in Warlock, I could see a possible tempo or midrange self-damage warlock come to fruition with this plus the other P/W card revealed today. The issue in Priest is that there are some matchups where you will not be able to consistently heal your face. Additionally, Warlock self-damage cards have above-average stats for the cost to compensate for hurting your face, making it easier to play them on curve while Priest healing effects are more conditional in getting value (your hero has to be damaged) and their healing takes up power budget instead of allotting more. All that said, Priest's quest saw amounts of success despite running into similar issues, so this might find a home there as well.
BloodMefistOld God Fanatic 850804 PostsJoined 05/28/2019
Posted 4 years, 5 months ago
I ADORE this card. I pushes tempo/zoo style decks for Warlock and Priest by appealing to things that both benefit greatly from. Eggs and other cheap deathrattles like EVIL Conscriptor are popped instantly and it essentially makes every minion you play a 4/4, letting it function as a pseudo-Tekahn for lackeys. As it stands, the only major downside to the card is that it effectively does not allow you to play any Rush minions, removing some reactive tools typically in zoo decks and having anti-synergy with Magic Carpet. That said, it does make that new broom card a bit more interesting.
Super dig this card. I always loved Rez Priest in theory as a way to get mega value out of deathrattle effects, but was turned off after it turned towards degenerate big-style gameplay. Vectus spreads some of that sweet deathrattle-rez to non-priest classes and literally cannot be abused with rez Priest cards since it creates three really bad bodies to rez. Looking forward to tinkering with deathrattle-rez in other classes.
First Transfer Student, then Lorekeeper, and now a Neutral Legendary weapon, this expansion is breaking all the molds. Idk how to properly judge this, but I don't think it will see play. There are better ways to cycle through your deck or even tutor what you're looking for where this might be run, but I'm open to this seeing play. We've never seen a Neutral scry-esque effect, so who knows what could come out of it.
Pretty cool pseudo-refill that also synerigizes with Rogue's ability to shuffle cards into their deck, I like!
I think this along with Cobalt Spellkin will make it into a Mozaki combo deck where you generate a ton of 1-cost spells and then pop off with Mozaki to kill the opponent. Otherwise, a pretty neat card that also might support some battlecry + spell Shaman deck.
A super interesting card that I never thought would make it out of custom hearthstone, but we live in a world of 10 classes now, anything is possible. I don't think this gets run in control decks unless the meta slows down enough since cheaper removals are usually needed to take back the board to stabilize efficiently. However, this card is pretty good in combo decks since you can manipulate your deck to fit the draws you need. Notably current iterations of Quest Warlock might like this card a lot since you could get 0-mana DQA or Maly much more consistently.
Not sure how strong this card is since it only has an effect in Outcast, but man is it going to feel bad to play against. I feel like its better in in midrage or tempo matchups since the enemy's hand size will be small enough to reliably get something good shuffled. In control matchups the enemy's handsize might be large enough that you can't shuffle a needed card. Not as annoying as glide imo, but Blizzard is doing a great job at making DH into the new most hated class.
Ironically very bad against mages since their minions almost never care about being silenced. I think the best comparison for this card is Earth Shock since both accomplish very similar tasks. In that regard, I think this is a meta-specific tech card. If there are a ton of buffs or taunts running around, this can act as an efficient removal or pseudo-Kayn, but I think this is one of the first cuts when perfecting a deck list.
Pack-filler, but interesting pack-filler. I'm not confident that this will make it in any T2-1 lists, but it synergizes with enough things (especially in Shaman) that it might see some play.
This seems pretty meh for Rogue, but crazy good in Warrior. Corsair Cache tutors weapons you want already and even gives them the durability to still be in play on turn 5, assuming you play the weapon on turn 3 and attack each turn. Wrechcaliber, Livewire Lance, and Ancharr do really well with added durability, but Rogue weapons that have seen play have had Deathrattles, such as Wagle Pick, which this sort of anti-synergizes with. That said, the aggressive power this card provides could let it see play in tempo Rogue lists. It's 100% in aggressive Warrior decks though.
Enhanced Dreadlord is currently the best thing that this can hit, but it otherwise doesn't seem too good. There are some other decent demons that you might run in the same deck like Aranasi Broodmother or maybe even Dread Infernal, but the lack of good big demons in Warlock makes this card unlikely to see play as it currently stands.
As it stands there are only Restless Mummy and Kargath as good Rush minions if I recall. As such, I don't see this being especially helpful despite the value it can provide since Bloodsworn Mercenary is already run for similar purposes. That said, if a strong and cheap Rush minion is printed, then this card will almost definitely see play as well.
This card effectively cycles itself by adding another card from your deck to your hand, and comes with the nice benefit of buffing both as well. Unsure if it will see play in DH, just because there aren't that many good hits besides Battlefiend. I suppose Sightless Watcher wouldnt be awful, but I don't think DH currently has the demon infrastructure required to make this card see play. Warlock on the other hand runs Flame Imp, Voidwalker, and Fiendish Servant in zoo, making it far more likely that this hits something cheap and useful.
Oh for the love Yogg. It acts as a hand refresh for aggro DH AND disrupts the enemy, possibly depriving them of board control or sustain tools they need to survive against the DH onslaught. I was hyped for this set, even after seeing some pretty strong cards, but this card looks extremely anti-fun. Can't they just change the outcast to more draw or something? Why does it have to be one of the strongest disruption tools in the game's history? All we can do is pray that the card is no where near as strong as it looks.
A '5 mana 5/12' spread across 5 bodies seems pretty decent. After running Totem Shaman for a little bit, this card is a blessing since it makes it easier to actually stick a Totem on the board. That said, the Overload is harsh and might cause be enough to push this out of consideration, but only time will tell.
I think this card is great for Control archetypes in Warrior and Paladin. You'll be able to pretty consistently get 4-5 stat Taunts after using a removal spell like Brawl, Consecration, or Plague of Wrath, but I don't see a place for this outside of Control decks.
I don't know a ton about Miracle Mage outside of that I hate getting OTKed by it, so this card makes me sad. Mage has access to many cheap and cycling spells to act as fodder for building this up, and then finishing with a huge Frostbolt or Arcane Missiles, which I am not looking forward to.
The strength of this card comes from the huge number or Rush minions both classes have access to. Heroes being affected is a nice little addition, but the ability to clear and develop the board at the same time is what makes this nutty.
As someone who plays a lot of Thief Priest, I honestly don't see this card being too good. The requirement of a cheap spell and the inability to choose the minion leaves it outshined by Cabal Shadow Priest. I will gladly be proven wrong, but it doesn't seem that good compared to other options in the class.
A very interesting card for sure, but it seems like it will more easily find a home in Warlock than Priest. With how easy it is to damage your hero in Warlock, I could see a possible tempo or midrange self-damage warlock come to fruition with this plus the other P/W card revealed today. The issue in Priest is that there are some matchups where you will not be able to consistently heal your face. Additionally, Warlock self-damage cards have above-average stats for the cost to compensate for hurting your face, making it easier to play them on curve while Priest healing effects are more conditional in getting value (your hero has to be damaged) and their healing takes up power budget instead of allotting more. All that said, Priest's quest saw amounts of success despite running into similar issues, so this might find a home there as well.
I ADORE this card. I pushes tempo/zoo style decks for Warlock and Priest by appealing to things that both benefit greatly from. Eggs and other cheap deathrattles like EVIL Conscriptor are popped instantly and it essentially makes every minion you play a 4/4, letting it function as a pseudo-Tekahn for lackeys. As it stands, the only major downside to the card is that it effectively does not allow you to play any Rush minions, removing some reactive tools typically in zoo decks and having anti-synergy with Magic Carpet. That said, it does make that new broom card a bit more interesting.