BloodMefistOld God Fanatic 850804 PostsJoined 05/28/2019
Posted 5 years ago
A bit different from Patches, but the same energy. Coming from hand is substantially worse than from deck, but it still synergizes really well with that Warrior pirate mech.
BloodMefistOld God Fanatic 850804 PostsJoined 05/28/2019
Posted 5 years ago
Super good at contesting the board, which is what Shaman Galakrond is all about. Really like seeing the wolfy bois coming back, stronger better than ever.
BloodMefistOld God Fanatic 850804 PostsJoined 05/28/2019
Posted 5 years ago
While I like the idea of a "no neutral" deck, I do kinda wish it was spread across more classes than just Paladin. Based on how strong a lot of the neutral cards are, I don't think this will be enough. I am happy to be proven wrong in this case though.
A bit different from Patches, but the same energy. Coming from hand is substantially worse than from deck, but it still synergizes really well with that Warrior pirate mech.
Oh no...Pirate Warrior 2: Electric Boogaloo. Along with this other pirates, this actually seems a bit terrifying.
Not exceptionally strong, but it simultaneously pushes Miracle and Tempo Priest, so I like it.
Super good in spell-spam Mage decks and combines really well with the sidequest.
A bit hard to pull off, but the payoff is huge. I think decks will be run with it based on the number of cheap elemental that have been added.
Super strong in spell-spammy Mage, especially along with the new support like Chenvaala and the deathrattle add Arcane Missiles.
More or less Carnivorous Cube on a spell seems strong to me, especially with cards like Convincing Infiltrator.
Nice cheap invoke, I like it. Definitely good for Control Galakrond and might be able to push Galakrond Priest in a different direction.
Great effect for a Control Mage. Custom Hearstone checks another card off the list.
Good arena card, not good enough to make the cut in constructed.
Super good at contesting the board, which is what Shaman Galakrond is all about. Really like seeing the wolfy bois coming back, stronger better than ever.
Very good for contesting the board or building up for a swarmy Shaman deck. Also the best Galakrond art imo.
Freeze shaman is back bois. Decent for Control Galakrond, but definitely not great.
Great artwork, but like the other "no neutral" card, I don't think it is enough to make the archetype happen.
While I like the idea of a "no neutral" deck, I do kinda wish it was spread across more classes than just Paladin. Based on how strong a lot of the neutral cards are, I don't think this will be enough. I am happy to be proven wrong in this case though.
Easy upgrade to Galakrond and gets a very good amount of board potential.
Certainly a peg down from Tunnel Trogg, but I think this will definitely see play as a strong early minion for Shaman.
Seems REALLY good to me. Mark of the Lotus was great, Grim Rally sees consistent play, and overload isn't even necessarily a downside these days.
Swarmy Mech Paladin seems good with this, but it probably won't survive the Boomsday rotation.
Swarm paladin, sure. Definitely not a "new" archetype as advertised on stream.