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Joined 03/19/2019 Achieve Points 2245 Posts 2636

Demonxz95's Comments

  • Demonxz95's Avatar
    Senior Writer 2245 2636 Posts Joined 03/19/2019
    Posted 3 years, 1 month ago

    First card I'm putting forward.

    The beauty of this comp is that when you analyze what you're supposed to do, then it's actually not as restricting as it might seem on first glance.

  • Demonxz95's Avatar
    Senior Writer 2245 2636 Posts Joined 03/19/2019
    Posted 3 years, 1 month ago
    Quote From Demonxz95

    Yeah, this is working as it should be. Your Hero Power isn't actually targeting anything when it's being fired by Reckless Apprentice, and thus won't trigger Ice Walker since Walker specifically mentions a target.

    Well shit, I guess it wasn't intended after all. A bit inconsistent with how other "targeting" mechanics work

  • Demonxz95's Avatar
    Senior Writer 2245 2636 Posts Joined 03/19/2019
    Posted 3 years, 1 month ago

    I'm gonna be honest. I didn't actually know that update would also affect cards like Jandice since it doesn't seem to be that big of a problem in this situation. I always thought it just applied to adding cards to the hand, and it's not entirely obvious that Jandice and other similar cards would also work this way.

    Hey, you learn something new every day.

  • Demonxz95's Avatar
    Senior Writer 2245 2636 Posts Joined 03/19/2019
    Posted 3 years, 1 month ago

    Feedback round 2. This comp definitely seems to be slower than the previous one.

    I already mentioned it on Discord, but I definitely like this a lot better.

    I appreciate that artwork for this comp is probably difficult to find, but the art on the card could definitely use an upgrade. Aside from that though, the card is fine.


    Not quite since there are quite a few characteristics that separate the two.

    But onto your cards, Velen looks a little too "weird" and it might look your opponent, but it can technically also be played around easily by just placing minions on the left or right-most sides so that the minions you want to attack with can attack (and the ones that can't attack couldn't attack anyway due to summoning sickness).

    I prefer Temple of Y'Shaarj. Good flavor. My only concern is the potential to be extremely swingy if you manage to pull a Strongman or Carnival Clown.

    Watch Post synergy is pretty neat. The idea of the ability is nice, but I fear that it basically creates a Lord Godfrey-like effect that any class can access with relative ease and is also easier to chain.

  • Demonxz95's Avatar
    Senior Writer 2245 2636 Posts Joined 03/19/2019
    Posted 3 years, 1 month ago

    Regardless of what the full context is, I don't understand why this exact situation happens as often as it does. Quite frankly, it's just sad.

  • Demonxz95's Avatar
    Senior Writer 2245 2636 Posts Joined 03/19/2019
    Posted 3 years, 1 month ago

    In regards to Tamsin Roame being Judicious Junior, I'm more concerned about how far back she can bend her fingers.

  • Demonxz95's Avatar
    Senior Writer 2245 2636 Posts Joined 03/19/2019
    Posted 3 years, 1 month ago

    Forged in the Barrens now out!

    Our journey into the Barrens follows Infinis Tempor, a young bronze dragon with ties to the Bronze Dragonflight who learns of his draconic nature and ability to use time magic through his journey with Elise into Un'Goro crater after awakening Eternos the Time Lord. Though he is far from a master in the arts of time magic, he is making quick strides in his journey to become better and aspires to be the best he can be. Why exactly he's found himself in the Barrens is not clear yet though.

    Full Forged in the Barrens set


    Infinis Tempor is the mercenary for Time Traveler in this set. In continuing the theme of all the mercenaries having different races, Infinis is a bronze dragon. His Rank Up spell card depicts him in his dragon form whereas his Legendary card depicts him in his human form. His story will be expanded upon in Book of Mercenaries.

    With Year of the Gryphon out, you can now unlock Nina Clockenwerk to use as your hero. She will eventually come into play at some point too.

    I am not looking forward to having to tag all my old spell cards..........

  • Demonxz95's Avatar
    Senior Writer 2245 2636 Posts Joined 03/19/2019
    Posted 3 years, 1 month ago

    Alright, time for my own feedback

    I feel like it is slightly too powerful, but it is otherwise a pretty solid card. At 5 mana, it seems a lot better.


    Congrats on the win in the previous comp!

    Personally, I prefer Dreadmist Watch Post since it seems easier to play around, and I feel like simplicity will likely be a key factor in getting a good score in this comp. Arcane Watchtower is fine, but it does feel quite a bit like Far Watch Post and might sometimes be too annoying to play around.


    I did already post about your card in Discord, but I will reiterate that the flavor is a little bit weird since I struggle to understand how a wardrobe can have more than 0 Attack unless it's supposed to represent a monster hiding in the wardrobe that only attacks when something gets close to it (hence why it still damages when it's traded into). If that's the intention, then there's probably a better way to illustrate that.

    Beyond that, it's a meme card which tend to vary in scoring quite a lot.

    Beyond what others have told you about Hearthstone UI and how its compatibilities with this effect are not too clear, hand information is generally overvalued and (in Hearthstone anyway), is not as strong as one might think, so I think it could probably use one additional stat point.


    I'm thinking for the Sheep token, I'll probably just use the same one found on cards like Polymorph. Save myself a little bit of real estate.

    As for your cards, Ragnaros, Felfirelord is super flavorful, but it is unfortunately quite weak as it is an 8 mana minion that does nothing when it hits the field, nor does it represent any type of long-term "floating" value. Frost Watch Post is pretty decent.


    Rusted Harvester is kinda neat, although I feel like it's not really that effective since it requires you to control Treants and suicide them on your turn to benefit from the additional Mana Crystal. Otherwise it just doesn't do anything.

    Headmaster's Arcane Focus is a pretty cool idea, but the name sounds more like a spell than a minion.


    Explorer's Blimp is a little bit confusing. When you draw a "duplicate card", what is the card of a duplicate of? A card in your hand, your deck, on the field? It has very weird flavor too given that the Explorers are supposed to be about not having duplicates in your deck.

    Hushing Librarian is pretty nice.

  • Demonxz95's Avatar
    Senior Writer 2245 2636 Posts Joined 03/19/2019
    Posted 3 years, 1 month ago

    Yes, Mini Ragnaros will come with a high-pitched "DIE, INSECT!"

  • Demonxz95's Avatar
    Senior Writer 2245 2636 Posts Joined 03/19/2019
    Posted 3 years, 1 month ago

    I assume that this is because Invoke is specifically tied to the Celestial cards. Same mechanic, just tied to a different set of cards and so it uses a different word.

    In terms of Hearthstone, the closest comparison to this would be Spare Parts to Death Knight cards.

  • Demonxz95's Avatar
    Senior Writer 2245 2636 Posts Joined 03/19/2019
    Posted 3 years, 1 month ago

    New round of feedback (sorry I couldn't do this yesterday)


    I already mentioned what I think about it in the Discord, so I don't really need to reiterate it here.

    (and by the way, for any of you reading this, be sure to join our Discord if you haven't already!)

    It's super flavorful, but it's a bit weird since "generates" is not an official Hearthstone term yet, and it's not entirely obvious what counts and what doesn't. If you use Reinforce for example, does that count as "generating" a Silver Hand Recruit?

    I wish I gave this feedback earlier. Unfortunately I'm not too big of a fan. It's not unbalanced or anything, but it's strength is very polarizing. It either does absolutely nothing or it quite literally wins you the entire game. It's not difficult to play around most of the time, but it makes moments where a player has exact lethal feel a bit cheated.

    This isn't a "me" thing since I'm totally fine with this, but I feel like "destroy the enemy hero" cards usually aren't well received in these types of environments unless they're designed in an extremely meticulous way.


    Path to Riches looks a lot better now. It seems pretty fun and pretty interesting.

    Alter Time is good, but I feel this effect is extremely overdone. Although to be fair, that's not really your fault and I haven't ever seen it as a Secret.

  • Demonxz95's Avatar
    Senior Writer 2245 2636 Posts Joined 03/19/2019
    Posted 3 years, 1 month ago

    There's currently a bug where only regular Thrall is updated to have Strength Totem, whereas all the other Shaman portraits still have Wrath of Air Totem.

    Or at least that's what I've been reading everywhere.

  • Demonxz95's Avatar
    Senior Writer 2245 2636 Posts Joined 03/19/2019
    Posted 3 years, 1 month ago

    Yeah, this is working as it should be. Your Hero Power isn't actually targeting anything when it's being fired by Reckless Apprentice, and thus won't trigger Ice Walker since Walker specifically mentions a target.

  • Demonxz95's Avatar
    Senior Writer 2245 2636 Posts Joined 03/19/2019
    Posted 3 years, 1 month ago

    I realize I'm doing it a lot faster for this comp than normal, but I think it's just because of the general prompt. Here's yet another round of feedback.

    Infinite effects are usually somewhat dangerous, but I think this one is probably okay. It captures the Legendary feeling pretty well, and I'd say it's pretty good overall.

    The effect looks a little bit dangerous (which is just a common occurrence in this comp), although it certainly looks and feels Legendary. I'm trying to compare this to Sigil of Flame and it looks quite powerful. Maybe a little bit too much so, but we haven't really had time to test out the Sigils yet and it won't help you if your opponent has a giant board because then you'll take a lot of damage anyway. Super difficult to judge properly.


    I'm going to say no. I do feel it's a bit too much like Dirty Tricks, and the additional upside is both very random and potentially quite big.

    Don't put it in The Witchwood either, as this will result in a period of time where it is the only Rogue Secret in Standard (the Raven/Dragon year).

  • Demonxz95's Avatar
    Senior Writer 2245 2636 Posts Joined 03/19/2019
    Posted 3 years, 1 month ago

    Yeah, this brawl is glitched out hard.

    Although I did have a lot of fun when I transformed my dyes with Deck of Lunacy (that I generated from a Wand Thief, haha).

  • Demonxz95's Avatar
    Senior Writer 2245 2636 Posts Joined 03/19/2019
    Posted 3 years, 1 month ago

    Feedback round 3.

    I still have mostly the same opinion as I did before. Looks pretty good.


    Super flavorful, but the effect is unclear. Does "cast it yourself" mean that you cast the spell instead of the opponent or that you cast a copy of the spell? It does also fall into the trap of the target being random and therefore the Secret in general as a whole being fairly unreliable.

    Don't put it in The Boomsday Project though. This will result in a period of time where it is the only Rogue Secret available in Standard, that being the Raven/Dragon year, effectively rendering the card non-functional. You're much better off using a custom watermark instead.

    The idea is there, but the Secret seems very weak. It's pretty easy to play around by either just not dealing much damage to them, or just outright killing them.

    It is technically a strictly better Repentance, but as Repentance is both a fairly underwhelming Secret and this one is also a Legendary, I can easily get behind this. I feel like in practice, this will be very easy to play around and the recurring effect won't really matter. You play around this the same way you play around Repentance, which is by just playing your smallest minion first. And since they will now know that this is in play when it's cast again, they can play around it even easier.

    Both of these look pretty good.

    I think I can rescind my statement of this being weak since it can potentially scale a lot of Spell Damage quickly. I know you can't change this because you already submitted it, but one problem I have with the card is the Classic watermark since both Legendary spells and spell schools did not exist yet. If it's intended to be an FitB card, then it should just use the FitB watermark.

  • Demonxz95's Avatar
    Senior Writer 2245 2636 Posts Joined 03/19/2019
    Posted 3 years, 1 month ago

    Round 2 of feedback.


    This is absolutely broken. At is absolute worst, it just ends the turn after your opponent plays a big card (no one is going to end their turn on turn 10 mana and not do anything). More often than that, it will basically be a 3-mana Time Warp with a small interruption and the player doesn't need to do anything to achieve this other than just putting it in their deck.

    Taking an extra turn is one of the most powerful effects in any card game, so it needs some type of limitation for it to be balanced. For comparison, Time Warp requires the player to complete Open the Waygate first, and Temporus gives your opponent an extra turn first and then you get your extra turn.

    That aside, "action" is not a standardized part of Hearthstone language, so it may not be clear to all voters what counts as an "action". You also should use "their turn" instead of "his turn" since you may be playing against a female character or a character with no discernable gender.


    Shattered Image is pretty flavorful, and I like it. While I understand the connection to Mirror Image and the card definitely isn't overpowered, I am slightly concerned about the fact that Mage isn't supposed to be good at Taunting (Mage and Rogue are the only classes in the game without any Taunt minions, and Mirror Image is the only source of Taunt minions that Mage has), which may effect your scores negatively.

    Wormhole seems a bit dangerous to me since you can get a lot of value out of it for 3 mana.

    Shroud of Concealment seems pretty alright to me. It does feel almost like a strictly better Evasion, but I admittedly don't remember how good Evasion actually was, and as a Legendary, it does reserve some right to be more powerful.

    Andrenaline Rush (typo, should be "Adrenaline) is my least favorite of the Secrets you have since it doesn't really follow traditional Secret design since it's based on something that you do and not something your opponent does.

    My favorite of your Secrets would be Shattered Image.

    This card is super flavorful, but it will feel pretty bad to get a Golden Kobold. I feel like the name doesn't really make that much sense either.

    This is probably one of the better cards posted here so far, although I do agree that there is a little bit of a Hunter disconnect. My main concern with the card is that the flavor seems a bit too obscure for most people to get without being explicitly told, but you've otherwise got good marks from me.

    I really like the idea of this card, but I feel it's probably too powerful spawning 4/4 tokens. I would suggest lowering them personally. If you can find the right statline for the tokens though, then you've got yourself a really nice card.


    I'm not a big fan of the amount of variance on this card. You can get either 5 mana worth of Secrets or 15 mana. In general, I think random Secrets are also seen as not being very fun to play against.

    One last note is that it shouldn't use the Classic watermark due to being a Legendary spell. I personally like Cydonianknight's suggestion of putting it in Scholomance Academy.


    I personally prefer the second version. Just remember to change the watermark and I think you've got a decent card.

    The first version seems too awkward to get working properly and the third version seems way too overpowered to me.

    Looks pretty good. We don't seem to have many Paladin Secrets in this comp, so it does provide a breath of fresh air that I personally like.

  • Demonxz95's Avatar
    Senior Writer 2245 2636 Posts Joined 03/19/2019
    Posted 3 years, 1 month ago

    Since I don't anticipate this comp will go by particularly quickly, here's some relatively early feedback.


    I think this is a pretty neat card, although cards that interact with Legendary cards outside of generating them tend to be looked down upon by a lot of people in communities I'm in (despite the fact that Rend Blackhand exists), so I guess consider that. This is a different place, so maybe they think differently. I still enjoy the card though.

    As far as watermarks go, I would go with your Rise of Shadows suggestion. Not only because it's super flavorful there, but also because Legendary spells did not exist until Journey to Un'Goro, and ones that weren't Quests didn't exist until The Boomsday Project, so seeing them in TGT or WotOG is a bit weird.

    I did already make a post about why making Secrets for non-Secret classes should be avoided in this comp. Ignoring this aspect though, I don't find the card particularly fun or interesting. As KANSAS pointed out, I think you should scrap it in favor of something for one of the traditional Secret classes.

    This is an interesting design for the most part, but I'm worried it might be too similar to (and possibly weaker than) Flame Ward.

    Overall, I think this looks pretty good.


    I think you should've posted your card here first before you submitted it. I don't really like the card too much. I feel like it takes away from the unique-ness of Yogg-Saron, Master of Fate by making a card with the same exact effect (in the same set no less).

    One other problem with the version you submitted is that it uses the Classic watermark when the card does not make any sense in Classic (being a Legendary spell and using a unique mechanic from an expansion).


    I really like the idea of this card (both flavorfully and mechanically). The thought of being able to get Grave Vengeance early in the game seems a bit spooky to me, although it can be played around by killing less than 3 minions in a turn and can be countered with weapon removal, so it's probably not as scary as it looks on first glance.

    I understand the desire to put this in Knights of the Frozen Throne for flavor and to fit with Uther of the Ebon Blade, although it does feel slightly weird given that non-Quest Legendary spells did not exist until The Boomsday Project, though the Quests themselves can be considered a precedent to idea of Legendary spells.

  • Demonxz95's Avatar
    Senior Writer 2245 2636 Posts Joined 03/19/2019
    Posted 3 years, 1 month ago
    Quote From meisterz39

    but it's not like Hearthcards has access to watermarks for any future years

    This is where the custom watermark option is your best friend!

    If you make a card doesn't fit any existing set or isn't made with any set in mind, then using a custom watermark (or none at all) is absolutely perfect.

  • Demonxz95's Avatar
    Senior Writer 2245 2636 Posts Joined 03/19/2019
    Posted 3 years, 1 month ago
    Quote From meisterz39

    Obviously legendary cards have higher power levels than non-legendary cards, but what are people thinking about adding Secrets to non-secret classes? The prompt seems to allow it, but because it would be your only possible secret (i.e not secret at all, leaving you pretty vulnerable to being played around...), the power level would probably have to be even higher than for legendary secrets in a secret class (or the trigger would have to be nearly unavoidable - probably the safer route to go so the card isn't totally game breaking).

    I feel like the rules probably don't explicitly state it because it's probably just common sense that you shouldn't submit a Secret for a non-Secret class. You certainly can try if you want to, but I feel like they tend to be looked down on as they don't really make any sense unless you put them in a set with other Secrets for that class. You can't exactly do that here, so you run into the problem of it being the only Secret we know for the class. If one uses a custom watermark for their Secret, then we can be sure that it would hypothetically exist in an environment that would include other Secrets for that class, but we don't know exactly what those Secrets are, which provides an obstacle for the card in the judging process. If I see a Secret for a non-Secret class without context as to what other Secrets exist for that class in the same set, then it's difficult to judge it on its own merit.

    Speaking of watermarks, this actually transitions into my next point. All Rogue Secrets that use improper watermarks (years whey they don't exist) I automatically rate 1 star regardless of how well designed the card is otherwise since they would run into the problem of being the only Secret for the class that exists within a certain time frame of Standard, rendering the card non-functional. If I had it my way, those cards would just be outright disqualified because of this, but this would likely result in having to disqualify several cards. Secrets for non-Secret classes also run into this same exact situation.

    Basically, I would recommend that you stick to the Secret classes when you make a Secret (for any prompt that is). But if you do for some reason make a Secret for a non-Secret class, be prepared to take some hit in score and use a custom watermark. I know I'm a stickler for this more so than other people, but it's actually pretty important in this instance.

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