Made it to the Plague Lord with Finley, and FML, he got Rhonin out of the first tomb, then added 3 copies with Shadow of Death, then kept spamming his HP and burned me down like hell to like 6HP left, then the Truesilver Lance appeared!
Gnomeregan Infantry is a card I don't have since I left after vainilla and returned in the beggining of Boomsday, without really getting into Wild (Yet).
Yeah well... I'm not usually salty, and if I am, I normally don't whine about it but...
I was about to hit rank 10 after a loooooong climb (I was rank 20) and the boss to rank 10 was a Highlander Mage... Who played really... REALLY BAD... I was winning by a lot, he vas full life but already wasted Alesxtrasza and I recovered in a pinch thanks to a buffed up Zilliax and a Vicious Scraphound, healed 11hp and gained 11 armor so, I was really ok... Then... Internet crashes... Like "trying to reconnect" for 4 minutes... And on top of that my browser was doing good so... WTF!
Totally agree and that's what I meant, even with Restless Mummy it's just removal with removal. Being able to remove every single board is insane, and adding a body, with or without rush (with rush it just get's crazier), is an overkill combo.
It's not necessary nor game changing, but it surprisingly helps a lot because the opponent get's really scared and wants to clear it asap. More than once I was saved by a 7-6 Zilliax or froze the enemy with a wall of buffed up Tomb Warden.
I agree with it being too easy to fulfill and that it will likely get nerfed, but it's not gamebreaking, just annoying that they can ping for 3 and they can get a lot of unexpected spells that makes them even more annoying and unpredictable, but it can go either way and they get a lot of crappy cards (that happened to me a lot...) Anyways, Blizzard gave the archetype a new twist, and it's for the best.
Everyone complains about Dr.7, it IS a fundamental card in CW, but the deck still shines if you don't draw it... There is too much removal, either aoe or single targeted, and the things that really is a problem with CW is the brutal amount of removal, and the efficiency of it.
On a side note, I prefer a control centered gamestyle and I couldn't ever play highlander it feels waaaaaaaaaaaay to inconsistent, there are too many cards that you need 2 of.
The deck is insane... beats Tip the Scales Pally, Quest Druid, Quest Rogue, Quest Priest, Zoolock, Taunt Warrior, Conjurer's Mage, and is not that reliant on Dr.7, unless in a mirror match of course.
Then why did Rag and Al'Akir came to be allies with Deathwing in Cata, especially Rag, who fought against Deathwing's son, Nefarian for control over Blackrock Mountain.
Made it to the Plague Lord with Finley, and FML, he got Rhonin out of the first tomb, then added 3 copies with Shadow of Death, then kept spamming his HP and burned me down like hell to like 6HP left, then the Truesilver Lance appeared!
Right after that he played 7 Arcane Missiles...
Gnomeregan Infantry is a card I don't have since I left after vainilla and returned in the beggining of Boomsday, without really getting into Wild (Yet).
And Beaming Sidekick never came to mind, could easily replace 1 Conjured Mirage and 1 Radiant Elemental.
Whoops! 2 of them where supposed to be Loot Hoarders
Gonna try this "control" warrior and see if it works
What cards could replace Bloodmage Thalnos, Cenarius and Wardruid Loti?
I was thinking Archmage Vargoth, Mark of Nature and Power of the Wild, but I feel it kind of inconsistent.
I guess the pre-order will come in the first days of September, the adventure in the middle of the month. Like the Heist.
Yeah well... I'm not usually salty, and if I am, I normally don't whine about it but...
I was about to hit rank 10 after a loooooong climb (I was rank 20) and the boss to rank 10 was a Highlander Mage... Who played really... REALLY BAD... I was winning by a lot, he vas full life but already wasted Alesxtrasza and I recovered in a pinch thanks to a buffed up Zilliax and a Vicious Scraphound, healed 11hp and gained 11 armor so, I was really ok... Then... Internet crashes... Like "trying to reconnect" for 4 minutes... And on top of that my browser was doing good so... WTF!
F*cking mages and their disconnect spells...
Totally agree and that's what I meant, even with Restless Mummy it's just removal with removal. Being able to remove every single board is insane, and adding a body, with or without rush (with rush it just get's crazier), is an overkill combo.
It's not necessary nor game changing, but it surprisingly helps a lot because the opponent get's really scared and wants to clear it asap. More than once I was saved by a 7-6 Zilliax or froze the enemy with a wall of buffed up Tomb Warden.
You could put Into the Fray but I personally don't like it, or you could run another Plague of Wrath maybe.
I agree with it being too easy to fulfill and that it will likely get nerfed, but it's not gamebreaking, just annoying that they can ping for 3 and they can get a lot of unexpected spells that makes them even more annoying and unpredictable, but it can go either way and they get a lot of crappy cards (that happened to me a lot...) Anyways, Blizzard gave the archetype a new twist, and it's for the best.
Everyone complains about Dr.7, it IS a fundamental card in CW, but the deck still shines if you don't draw it... There is too much removal, either aoe or single targeted, and the things that really is a problem with CW is the brutal amount of removal, and the efficiency of it.
Well, there's always a Carpet Zoo Warlock.
On a side note, I prefer a control centered gamestyle and I couldn't ever play highlander it feels waaaaaaaaaaaay to inconsistent, there are too many cards that you need 2 of.
It's not a real budget deck, has many epics but no legendaries.
Maybe if you tell which legendaries you got, we can improve it.
Semi Budget Control Warrior
Control/Taunt Warrior is pretty strong right now, so I climbed with it.
Then played Quest Druid/Priest a lot, really fun game when you either highroll or get rekt.
Also, gonna try an Pogo Rogue I've seen.
The deck is insane... beats Tip the Scales Pally, Quest Druid, Quest Rogue, Quest Priest, Zoolock, Taunt Warrior, Conjurer's Mage, and is not that reliant on Dr.7, unless in a mirror match of course.
It shines when you mullingan for Eternium Rover, Town Crier, Frightened Flunky and if you have Dr. Boom, Mad Genius you keep it and win.
The only bad thing is that after winning 10 games in a row, I feel ashamed of myself... warrior it's just too op atm.
The elementals lord could be a good topic.
Ragnaros the Firelord, Neptulon, Al'Akir the Windlord and Stonemother Therazane, their corruption by the Old Gods and how they broke free of their control.
Then why did Rag and Al'Akir came to be allies with Deathwing in Cata, especially Rag, who fought against Deathwing's son, Nefarian for control over Blackrock Mountain.
I think that's a good lore topic.
Got Untapped Potential as free, and golden Raid the Sky Temple from pre-order.
Also, first pack from todays quest gave me Activate the Obelisk. Really lucky this expansion!
133 packs as well, got:
[Hearthstone Card (Dinotamer Brann) Not Found]
[Hearthstone Card (King Phaoris) Not Found]
[Hearthstone Card (Armagedillo) Not Found]
[Hearthstone Card (Dark Pharaoh Tekahn) Not Found]
[Hearthstone Card (Vessina) Not Found]
[Hearthstone Card (Sir Finley of the Sands) Not Found]
[Hearthstone Card (Making Mummies) Not Found]
[Hearthstone Card (Bazaar Burglary) Not Found]
First time getting so many legendaries, but the real deal is that I got around 30 epics
Never had that kind of luck, I'm really happy with these results
Really hyped to see if the real name of the adventure is Tombs of Terror. I want my PvE content right now!