What Free Quest Did You All Get?
Submitted 5 years, 5 months ago by
I got Rogue myself, quite happy with that!
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I got Rogue myself, quite happy with that!
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I got Rogue myself, quite happy with that!
Hack the System
Back to playing my Jade Shudderwock Shaman unless I get some Pirates, then a big "if" in case of playing this Quest.
"Truth is in the shadows, waiting to be revealed by the light. But light only disperses the shadow." - Me
"If other people shared traits of those considered naive, the world would've become a better place." - Also me
Also got Hack the System, sadly. Would have preferred Rogue or Paladin to play now, but then again, who who knows what'll happen when Dr. Boom rotates out of Standard.
I got druid. Quite fun, that one.
Making Mummies
I barely opened enough reborn cards to make this work. Still been enjoying it. Once I get a few more I'll put it to better use.
Casual Dragon Cardgame enthusiast.
I got Unseal the Vault as my quest and [Hearthstone Card (Awaken the Obelisk) Not Found] as my golden Legendary. Big meh to both of those, but at least I opened Bazaar Burglary in a pack.
A man is lying on the street, some punks chopped off his head
I'm the only one who stops to see if he's dead.
Hmm. Turns out he's dead.
I got raid the sky temple, and opened the other ones(except warrior and priest the two i would have actually used maybe(?)) and since i'm f2p i dusted them to get the stuff i actually wanted.
Living like that.
My quest was also the hunter's one but I really can't complain about my golden legendary ... Siamat Golden !!
I'm sooooo excited about that set - yay!
Struggle with Heroic Galakrond's Awakening? I got your back :
I got Making Mummies as well
I dream, and the world trembles.
Hack the System. And then dropped Making Mummies.
Got Bazaar Burglary in an account that DOESNT have Tempo Rogue, and opened the Druid quest in a pack, and got Hack the System in my main account which had Tempo Rogue :/
Edit: My backup account has Flobbidinous Floop, but my main account got Elise the Enlightened, so that Druid OTK deck is out of the window
Also, my backup account has Mecha'thun, but I got Anka, the Buried on my main. RNG just doesn't like giving the cards I need on the right account lmao
Well it's over
Free Quest: Supreme Archaeology
Golden Preorder: Corrupt the Waters
One good, one bad, in my opinion.
Activate the Obelisk
Hack the System
Been experimenting with it, but it hasn't helped my game plan.
Free Quest:
Corrupt the Waters
For comrades, this might be some solace for our bad luck:
Deck ID Not Found
Hack the System for me too..
♡ u 4ever 2008 - 2022
I got Unseal the Vault and a golden Making Mummies because of the 50 Bucks Pre-Order
Challenge me ... when you're ready to duel a god!
Got Untapped Potential as free, and golden Raid the Sky Temple from pre-order.
Also, first pack from todays quest gave me Activate the Obelisk. Really lucky this expansion!
Papa Nurgle wants to share his gifts.
Free Quest was Corrupt the Waters and my guaranteed legendary in 10 packs was Supreme Archaeology.
Was really wishing to open Untapped Potential :(
Corrupt the Waters! I haven't used it yet since I'm playing with Whizbang, but I'm pleased about it.
Raid the Sky Temple Not happy as I don't see much of mage to be interested in. Getting more random spells seems even less interesting. Maybe I can make a deck of PUR RANDOMNEZZ of only cards that make other cards.
Why trade with minions when you can face for...billions?
Supreme Archaeology, looks fun at least. I might craft the necessary cards if that archetype turns out to be decent.
Gosh dang it, cards bad.
Corrupt the Waters - nice.
Golden Hack the System from pre-order - blergh.
Bazaar Burglary...which is just as redundant as I thought it would be
I tried having fun once.
It was awful.
Corrupt the Waters
That's a good card but i'm a bit sad, I couldn't get Bazaar Burglary. :(
Unpopular Opinion Incarnate
Activate the Obelisk
Quite happy about it because I'm (or was) a Priest main and I always craft all Priest cards each new expansion, but also quite disappointed because the Quest per se doesn't seem good and so I still wait for a new archetype that may renew the class (pun intended) gameplay.
"For what profit is it to a man if he gains the world, and loses his own soul?"
Exactly the same here
Unseal the Vault here, plus got Making Mummies from packs.
Hunter quest is nowhere near as broken as some of the other quests, but it's a lot of fun. Haven't really play the pally quest yet.
May all your legendaries be golden.
I got Hack the System. I'm very annoyed. My pack opening session was a HUGE disappointment. I don't know how long I'm going to be irritated. So far the only Standard deck I can create that's somewhat decent is Warlock Lackey zoo, since I got a Dark Pharaoh Tekahn. But Warlock Zoo continues to suck, of course, because Control Warrior destroys it. I really hoped I could get the Rogue quest since I'm 200 wins or so away from golden hero portrait for Rogue. Won't be happening. Alternative rogue decks without the quest aren't great.
I think I'm probably going to play the game and not have fun for a while until I can craft some decks that are a little less sucky.
Activate the Obelisk (free), Untapped Potential (pack) and Supreme Archaeology (pack)
I've got druid's quest.
Got rogue
the one I wanted the most
would have liked all but hunter and mage as the other ones seem like they would be fun to experiment
Gets to legend then plays memes.
Rogue > all
Hack the System
Got the rogue one. Then Reno and the one that nakes lackeys 4/4 Golden. Didnt unpack that much quests... Had to craft 3 I desired and still missing some
Lemushki - The one and only since the 2006 rebranding.
Hack the System. I'm disappointed even though I'm a Warrior main, since I'm not too enamored with the play style this will promote. The quest reward feels underwhelming and boring, tbh.
Oh well, at least I got the Druid and Shaman quests from my pack opening, which look promising and fun to play. Might have to craft Bazaar Burglary.
After playing with it for a bit, I'm wondering... is Hack the System actually not that bad?