Good to know, yeah it looks like support in Edge is considered experimental and you can enable to with a special flag.
No clue why its experimental considering it s on chromium lmao. Well, we'll refrain from using avifs going forward. Sometimes we get avif files and don't convert them but that's not a great experience if Edge is going to be silly. Thanks.
Yeah I'm pumped about that dropping at the end of the month. 10 player dungeon/raid in BFD sounds like it'll be a lot of fun to figure out and more importantly, the world is going to have lots to discover. The gated leveling experience also makes it easy to not fall behind which I appreciate as my time isn't as open as it once was lol.
I expect it at this point though. Classic, in what I feel is a lot of folks eyes is Vanilla -> Wrath. I'm pumped about Cataclysm though because that means Mists of Pandaria should be coming and oh boy, I would LOVE to experience that again.
I love that games are embracing their pasts. In the ever-evolving nature of the online service games, so much content is lost to time. I'm looking forward to getting some tilted drops in this week to relive some of chapter 1.
Double post time, get in quick so we can get Sylvanas as a guild, thanks. We're 13% of the way there and there's a new surge coming... tomorrow? So plenty of easy progression towards her.
Oh no, the thread that I get to reflect on the past month briefly and set myself up for failure by not accomplishing anything I'd love.
Looking back at last month quick, I finished all the Timewalking dungeons each week to get my achievement in Dragonflight, so that was great. I finally installed and played Forza Motorsport and have had a few peaceful hours of cruising Spa, Silverstone, and Suzuka. No F1 2023, but we're at the end of the season now with Brazil, Las Vegas, and Abu Dhabi left, so I know the itch will need to be solved by going back to the game. No Payday 3 at all. RIP.
This month I'm hoping to close out my Oracle of Seasons run and start Oracle of Ages. I may or may not have gotten stuck at one point, requiring me to experience an old school zelda title's feeling of exploration, which was something I hadn't felt in a long time. Apparently, I don't remember the games perfectly :D
Warcraft Rumble will also be touched every night for 10-15 minutes to build experience with the game - plus it's just a bunch of fun. I've been playing Rumble now for a little over a month and it has been exactly what I wanted from Clash Royale. Plus, Warcraft stuff so that's awesome.
Dragonflight will be played. I'm not really sure what I want to do in it, but everything has been fun to do so dabble I shall!
ARK: Survival Ascended came out and I've already got the boat built so my friend and I went on our first expedition this week to the Northern peaks. On our return trip, we caught a couple of Argentavis which are going to be great for transporting metal around, a resource we so desperately need. ARK is probably going to be the main game for me for November. We've also got half a dozen Trikes, an endless number of Dilos, and only a few deaths to the Alpha dinosaurs that keep interrupting us at our base.
November 30, World of Warcraft Season of Discovery begins and... yup I'll be playing. I might start a guild for it too, it would be nice to have at least a group of 10 to play the new Blackfathom Deeps raid.
It sounds like I have a lot to play this month, but I don't even know how much I'll end up being able to play games. There is just so much stuff to do- new staff to onboard, site updates to deploy, the Hearthstone expansion launch, the never-ending daily news to cover. I've always joked about wanting to clone myself, and I think I might need to seriously figure this out.
Oh, I'm going to be playing. Level 25 will be a joke to get to and it sounds like a ton of broken fun. Feels very ARPG to break classes like that and so it gives me quite high hopes for its success.
The catch-up pack sure looks like a great freebie though! Not as great for folks who have a large collection, but what a great way to get people back into Hearthstone.
After sounds like the correct thing to do. Gives you the most possible cards for the catch-up pack and then the regular packs, most of the commons and maybe even rares would end up being dupes anyway, so any epics or legendaries you get from the catch-up won't really harm the fun openings from the 50 packs.
Good to know, yeah it looks like support in Edge is considered experimental and you can enable to with a special flag.
No clue why its experimental considering it s on chromium lmao. Well, we'll refrain from using avifs going forward. Sometimes we get avif files and don't convert them but that's not a great experience if Edge is going to be silly. Thanks.
Are you using Edge, by chance?
Apparently it's like the only browser that doesn't support the image format.
yeah if you just type “Out of Games” in the search box on the guilds panel you should be able to request an invite.
We've still got a few open slots!
Yeah I'm pumped about that dropping at the end of the month. 10 player dungeon/raid in BFD sounds like it'll be a lot of fun to figure out and more importantly, the world is going to have lots to discover. The gated leveling experience also makes it easy to not fall behind which I appreciate as my time isn't as open as it once was lol.
No one really knows tbh.
I expect it at this point though. Classic, in what I feel is a lot of folks eyes is Vanilla -> Wrath. I'm pumped about Cataclysm though because that means Mists of Pandaria should be coming and oh boy, I would LOVE to experience that again.
That's great :D
I love that games are embracing their pasts. In the ever-evolving nature of the online service games, so much content is lost to time. I'm looking forward to getting some tilted drops in this week to relive some of chapter 1.
Double post time, get in quick so we can get Sylvanas as a guild, thanks. We're 13% of the way there and there's a new surge coming... tomorrow? So plenty of easy progression towards her.
Let's gooooo!
That is a very good question. They are seemingly flagged as Year of the Wolf cards but they definitely are not. I'll check our data, thanks.
Oh no, the thread that I get to reflect on the past month briefly and set myself up for failure by not accomplishing anything I'd love.
Looking back at last month quick, I finished all the Timewalking dungeons each week to get my achievement in Dragonflight, so that was great. I finally installed and played Forza Motorsport and have had a few peaceful hours of cruising Spa, Silverstone, and Suzuka. No F1 2023, but we're at the end of the season now with Brazil, Las Vegas, and Abu Dhabi left, so I know the itch will need to be solved by going back to the game. No Payday 3 at all. RIP.
This month I'm hoping to close out my Oracle of Seasons run and start Oracle of Ages. I may or may not have gotten stuck at one point, requiring me to experience an old school zelda title's feeling of exploration, which was something I hadn't felt in a long time. Apparently, I don't remember the games perfectly :D
Warcraft Rumble will also be touched every night for 10-15 minutes to build experience with the game - plus it's just a bunch of fun. I've been playing Rumble now for a little over a month and it has been exactly what I wanted from Clash Royale. Plus, Warcraft stuff so that's awesome.
Dragonflight will be played. I'm not really sure what I want to do in it, but everything has been fun to do so dabble I shall!
ARK: Survival Ascended came out and I've already got the boat built so my friend and I went on our first expedition this week to the Northern peaks. On our return trip, we caught a couple of Argentavis which are going to be great for transporting metal around, a resource we so desperately need. ARK is probably going to be the main game for me for November. We've also got half a dozen Trikes, an endless number of Dilos, and only a few deaths to the Alpha dinosaurs that keep interrupting us at our base.
November 30, World of Warcraft Season of Discovery begins and... yup I'll be playing. I might start a guild for it too, it would be nice to have at least a group of 10 to play the new Blackfathom Deeps raid.
It sounds like I have a lot to play this month, but I don't even know how much I'll end up being able to play games. There is just so much stuff to do- new staff to onboard, site updates to deploy, the Hearthstone expansion launch, the never-ending daily news to cover. I've always joked about wanting to clone myself, and I think I might need to seriously figure this out.
Some decent Battlegrounds Duos info, and card reveals, but other than that, not much else.
This needs to happen!
Oh, I'm going to be playing. Level 25 will be a joke to get to and it sounds like a ton of broken fun. Feels very ARPG to break classes like that and so it gives me quite high hopes for its success.
The catch-up pack sure looks like a great freebie though! Not as great for folks who have a large collection, but what a great way to get people back into Hearthstone.
Alright, that opening ceremony CRUSHED the bingo card.
I'm assuming it's after each pack is opened it'll recalc.
And yeah, these are primarily a way to get people back into Hearthstone easily, which is great value.
After sounds like the correct thing to do. Gives you the most possible cards for the catch-up pack and then the regular packs, most of the commons and maybe even rares would end up being dupes anyway, so any epics or legendaries you get from the catch-up won't really harm the fun openings from the 50 packs.
The catch-up packs are attached to specific expansions so when those sets rotate out, you will still get those cards from them.
I'm assuming catch-up packs will start to be added for each year's last expansion. This one is Badlands specific, so the last 5 sets are within it.