Choosing a Champion has always been a Final Tournament thing, these are just group stage games. Choosing a Champion is likely returning for the BlizzCon Finals.
Some of them are ladder decks too, mostly taken from Twitter. The "Deck Type" box should indicate whether the deck is from a Tournament or Ranked mode.
The expansion revived my love for Wild Reno Mage, it has been the highlight for the expansion so far.
Single most fun moment has probably been Plague of Murlocs giving Old Murk-Eye to me with maybe 6-7 minions in play (4-5 opponent's and 2 mine) with Bog Slosher in hand. Unexpected ending to that match, for sure.
HSReplay's latest tweet about quests post-patch is showing stats that would suggest otherwise: Mage quest is the worst one with an average deck winrate of 40.6%. Quest lists are probably somewhat unrefined but that's a brutal number regardless.
C'Thun will always be my favourite, back when he was still in Standard I at least tried him with almost every class. Sadly I don't think he's super viable in Wild.
N'Zoth is the one I play the most nowadays since he's just super strong. Right now I have him in Renolock, but I've also played him in Ramp Druid.
And because I'm evil incarnate, I also play Y'Shaarj in Big Priest.
I don't own Yogg and I doubt I'd play him even if I did. Not with my luck.
Excellent choice, Kazakus is such a fun card to have.
I had somehow managed to open 4 golden Conjurer's Callings from packs so I got 3200 dust from them. Definitely looking for potential legendary crafts as well.
Choosing a Champion has always been a Final Tournament thing, these are just group stage games. Choosing a Champion is likely returning for the BlizzCon Finals.
Some of them are ladder decks too, mostly taken from Twitter. The "Deck Type" box should indicate whether the deck is from a Tournament or Ranked mode.
The art of New "Recruits" promised so much, but the Amalgam Explorer token just re-uses some old art for it. Pity.
At least Reno Jackson has the art we all wanted it to have.
1 pack on Friday, I had the stream on in the background for some 10+ hours during the weekend.
Good changes in this patch. It will be interesting to see if some Discover cards fall out of favor because of the change.
I got one on the first day so I can confirm they exist. There are not that many packs being awarded though, so I bet you're not alone.
<3 Will do.
100g from the quest for me too and King Krush from the pack, a good brawl for me.
Haven't found an incentive to grind more either but might still play a couple of runs for quests/flavor.
Added it.
Five plague spells but only four plague lords...interesting.
The expansion revived my love for Wild Reno Mage, it has been the highlight for the expansion so far.
Single most fun moment has probably been Plague of Murlocs giving Old Murk-Eye to me with maybe 6-7 minions in play (4-5 opponent's and 2 mine) with Bog Slosher in hand. Unexpected ending to that match, for sure.
HSReplay's latest tweet about quests post-patch is showing stats that would suggest otherwise: Mage quest is the worst one with an average deck winrate of 40.6%. Quest lists are probably somewhat unrefined but that's a brutal number regardless.
Flamewaiter was definitely worth sharing, high quality Paint images make me happy.
Hunterace brought it to Grandmasters this week, so there might soon be.
C'Thun will always be my favourite, back when he was still in Standard I at least tried him with almost every class. Sadly I don't think he's super viable in Wild.
N'Zoth is the one I play the most nowadays since he's just super strong. Right now I have him in Renolock, but I've also played him in Ramp Druid.
And because I'm evil incarnate, I also play Y'Shaarj in Big Priest.
I don't own Yogg and I doubt I'd play him even if I did. Not with my luck.
Like Dalaran Heist, since there's a pre-order card back.
Excellent choice, Kazakus is such a fun card to have.
I had somehow managed to open 4 golden Conjurer's Callings from packs so I got 3200 dust from them. Definitely looking for potential legendary crafts as well.
Based on his Twitter, yes.
Lorewise, the gnomish capital Gnomeregan was taken over by troggs so gnomes definitely hate them.