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Joined 05/29/2019 Achieve Points 475 Posts 386

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  • GameTheory345's Avatar
    Island 475 386 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 3 years ago

    You can apply your logic to any class because there is overlap regardless of how you look at it. Let's take Warrior as an example:

    Weapon/aggro: Rogue with more armour.

    Control via hard removal: Mage & Warlock.

    Control via health gain: Priest and maybe Warlock.

    Control via board sweeps: Mage, Priest & Warlock.

    Midrange board-based buffing: Paladin. Granted, Paladin does this with spells while the minions are on board and Warrior does this without spells.

    Handbuffs: Hunter & Paladin (from MSoG).

    Recruit: Paladin & Priest.

    Forcing uniqueness is only going to limit design space. Why should anyone care if two mechanics in two classes are vaguely similar? Mage is supposed to be the spell damage class, but nobody cared when they started branching that off into Shaman (they did the same thing with freeze too). Your issue is not an issue as long as the decks feel fundamentally different to play. The word "archetype" literally dictates that the decks have the same goal and gameplan, but the process used to achieve it is different. Rogue, Hunter, Warrior, Warlock and DH all have aggressive decks, but you're lying if you say they're the "same thing", in the same way that you can't say Control Mage, Warlock, Priest and Warrior are the same. If all the decks start to become homogenous, then that is a problem, but as long as the cards are different, each deck has its own unique feel to it, and therefore they cannot be classified as the same.

  • GameTheory345's Avatar
    Island 475 386 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 3 years ago

    I know a friend who actually broke up over Mario Party. He wanted to break up anyways, and apparently Mario Party was the only medium through which he could truly express his emotions.

  • GameTheory345's Avatar
    Island 475 386 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 3 years ago

    I think it's just due to the specific wording of Sparkjoy Cheat; the fact that it says "cast". This makes the game think that the player played the spell, and it wasn't put into play through a minion's battlecry. But this begs the question, does Counterspell counter Soul Fragments? If it does, then that means the wording is consistent and is completely intentional (albeit rather dumb).

  • GameTheory345's Avatar
    Island 475 386 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 3 years ago

    Like he said, I think it's that many times the teams share resources. Therefore, it could be that there are only 2 people that stay in Systems, but they work with Initial Design, Final Design and UI to make a much larger team. 

  • GameTheory345's Avatar
    Island 475 386 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 3 years ago

    Wasn't Liooon the first female to have won the Grandmasters Global Finals?

    My point is that she isn't the first female participant, but that doesn't mean there isn't a significant skew in the gender of the players. That said, this appears to be the case regardless of the game played.

  • GameTheory345's Avatar
    Island 475 386 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 3 years, 1 month ago

    The deck dominates at lower ranks where people don't know how to play around the secrets. People I play against constantly pop the secrets when it's not necessary to, which allows me to snowball with the tempo gained and the Crossroads Gossiper. However, a friend of mine who plays at above 500 legend says the deck is trash because people realise that the deck doesn't actually have much gas as long as you don't pop the secrets. The only way the Paladin gains tempo is by constraining your plays, but if played correctly, they won't have much they'll be able to do.

  • GameTheory345's Avatar
    Island 475 386 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 3 years, 1 month ago

    It's probably better to just target what requires a response currently and see what happens later, then respond accordingly. It's entirely possible that somehow Primordial Protector won't be good at all after nerfs. The meta can change very drastically, and in such a way that preys on such gameplans. There's no need to preemptively nerf a card because it might be broken. In fact, it's pretty far from broken right now. It's only "broken" because Druid can play it on turn 4 sometimes.

  • GameTheory345's Avatar
    Island 475 386 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 3 years, 1 month ago

    I have no problem with Paladin, but I think Mage is so annoying. You're pit against these cards that were cost a certain amount for the sake of balance. Nagrand Slam costs 10 for a reason, and that reason is mostly that it shouldn't be played on turn 7.

    If the deck does get nerfed, I hope they continue with their current way of balancing and nerf with a scalpel and not a chainsaw. A small nerf to Deck of Lunacy like making the transformed spells only cost 2 less or only transform spells into ones that cost 2 more that keep their original costs could be enough. If it isn't, they can always rebalance it in another patch. 

    I really dislike the deck, but I am completely against the idea that any card or deck should be gutted into being entirely unviable. I feel like there must be a way to reduce the power level of the deck without ruining it for the people that enjoy playing it.

  • GameTheory345's Avatar
    Island 475 386 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 3 years, 1 month ago


    In my opinion, this is a pretty interesting insight that different skins are considered independent from the base class. I assume then that every time something fundamental from the class changes, they have to go into the code and change it for Thrall, Morgl, King Rastakhan (which I still hold is the best Shaman alt), The Thunder King and Lady Vashj. I wonder if the 1000 win skins and the tavern pass skins operate as variations of the Thrall skin since they share the same entrance animation and frame (the bits on either side of the hero portrait).

  • GameTheory345's Avatar
    Island 475 386 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 3 years, 1 month ago

    If a spell is discounted and played into Oh My Yogg, does it cast another random spell with the cost of the discount or of the spell itself? For example, if you played a 5 mana Libram of Hope, would you get a random 5 mana spell or 9 mana spell?

  • GameTheory345's Avatar
    Island 475 386 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 3 years, 1 month ago

    Hmm, there must be some issue because it didn't work for me.

    EDIT: Because I can't read instructions, that's why.

  • GameTheory345's Avatar
    Island 475 386 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 3 years, 1 month ago

    Strange idea: what about running Neeru Fireblade in Zoolock? Discarding a bunch of Hand of Gul'dans would thin your deck pretty heavily.

    EDIT: I just realised Expired Merchant rotated. Disregard this idea then.

  • GameTheory345's Avatar
    Island 475 386 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 3 years, 1 month ago

    One thing I disliked about this set was that, unlike RoS, all classes had access to Zephrys and Alexstrasza. During RoS, only the EVIL classes got Galakronds and the other classes got nothing. In SoU, as it turns out, the classes that could utilise Zephrys and Alex the best were... Galakrond classes.

    I realise there wasn't really any way to have the same card printed for only 4 classes, but it always felt strange that the EVIL classes had access to cards that were not intended for them.

  • GameTheory345's Avatar
    Island 475 386 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 3 years, 1 month ago

    My favourite thing about Exotic Mountseller is its flavour text:

    *Taps roof of mammoth* "You can fit so many squirrels in this thing!"

    Not only is it a meme reference, but it's permanent, so it eventually becomes irrelevant and an archaic remnant of an era of bygone memes.

  • GameTheory345's Avatar
    Island 475 386 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 3 years, 1 month ago
    Quote From Firenza

    I'm mainly happy to be done with the Reborn mechanic entirely as it was too visually similar to Divine Shield

    I've never understood this complaint. One is yellow and one is blue. However, I agree that the mechanic felt very strange and there was never any actual synergy outside Making Mummies.

  • GameTheory345's Avatar
    Island 475 386 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 3 years, 1 month ago

    The new (updated) battle pass actually let me have enough gold to afford Sylvannas and have some gold in the bank for packs. I'm annoyed that she's come up just at the launch of the new expansion, but it's understandable from a marketing perspective. 

  • GameTheory345's Avatar
    Island 475 386 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 3 years, 1 month ago

    There's definitely synergy with Cannonmaster Smythe, but why did he bring up Cariel Roame? Is there something I'm missing here?

    Regardless, it looks like Blizzard wants Secret Paladin. With Avenge coming back, Oh My Yogg! and Noble Sacrifice staying in standard and potentially the new Reckoning, there are some nice targets to pull with this. However, there needs to be more payoff to playing secrets than just Cannonmaster Smythe. Hopefully we'll see something during the reveal stream and the card dump.

    That said, it's a really powerful card, but it just needs something more to make it cohesive. Currently it looks as if it'll just be run as a small package in a Paladin deck, much like Hunter secrets nowadays (it's only just occurred to me that Phase Stalker is rotating).

  • GameTheory345's Avatar
    Island 475 386 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 3 years, 1 month ago

    Discarding your hand is soooo 2016. Salesman Thijs is here to show you the new wave: discarding your deck.

    Jokes aside, I really like this card with the new discard deck thematic of Warlock. That one card that deals 6 damage if you have little cards in your deck, that one legendary that summons the Un'Goro Warlock quest reward (I'm not good with the names of new cards) and Tickatus might just be enough for this to go from complete-meme tier to potentially-not-concede-Warlock tier.

    That said, we still have the reveal stream and the card dump today, so that's 70+ cards yet to be seen. I expect at least a couple more cards supporting this archetype, because it's really quite cool.

    EDIT: I just realised this says "destroy" and not "discard". Also, Tickatus says "remove". I assume these terms are mechanically identical, but come on Blizzard.

  • GameTheory345's Avatar
    Island 475 386 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 3 years, 1 month ago

    I don't think this helps the fact that the problem with handbuffing is that you gimp yourself for a turn to get a better turn later. However, that also means you basically passed a turn and your opponent gets 2 turns of development. Glowstone Technician worked in standard when it got buffed because you could hit massive deathrattles like Mechano-Egg, you got a 3/4, you just benefit from playing bigger magnetic minions and you get to run Kangor's Endless Army. Warrior needs some better handbuff targets, some better ways to handbuff or something that allows you to regain the tempo loss from playing these cards (exhibit A: Animated Broomstick, the all-purpose card that makes any jank worth considering whether it's viable).

  • GameTheory345's Avatar
    Island 475 386 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 3 years, 1 month ago

    I like this card because it indicates that Blizzard is moving more towards a board-centric Priest identity, and away from "I will kill every minion you play until you die of boredom". We're seeing a good bit of damage-based removal in this expansion which suggests a more midrange style. It also opens up avenues for Cabal Acolyte or Cabal Shadow Priest shenanigans.

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