HeliosThe Cake Is A Lie 625319 PostsJoined 06/03/2019
Posted 4 years, 1 month ago
Aight so I don't know why this is happening, but I was playing against my friend just to test the new cards before probably leaving the game forever and as a last desert, this happens. . . I was trying a crazy double yogg, cthun shudderwock deck with grumble and all that other stuff that's needed. My friend is on mobile and I'm in pc. When I played shudder after I've played all the key cards, the game stopped and my friend disconnected. He is now telling me his game is in an endless loop that it tries to reconnect, fails and over and over. I thought it's funny until I tried to close the game myself. And I close the game, battlenet and that stuff even with task manager, but when I open the game again it goes straight to that match and it waits for my friend to reconnect.
It's an endless loop and a new bug record for blizz. Anyways, I should not have posted this but thought it is something important. I can update you all with new screenshots later if you want. Now its 12 min waiting lol
HeliosThe Cake Is A Lie 625319 PostsJoined 06/03/2019
Posted 4 years, 2 months ago
Well, this expansion marks the end of playing HS for me. I was hoping they introduced something new, but this is just a mutant Arena 2.0 with the oversaturated dungeon run flavour. Listen, dungeon run was fun alright, I loved it when it came out. It frustrated me but I was really on the edge when I played the Kobolds run. It was a challenging, well-rewarding experience which I will never forget. But... there are so many other dungeon runs now and I personally got bored of it. I never liked Arena so I don't like this new game mode too obviously. Most people are excited to play wild cards, but I've only been playing exclusively wild for 2 years now. I had my hopes up... Feelsbadman, I just started streaming and I don't want to stream a game I don't enjoy... This also means I'm not gonna post any theorycrafting decks this time.
On the upside, the expansion looks fun and yes it will be fun but only for 3 weeks or so. Then people are gonna get annoyed by Yogg 15% lethal and all the crazy RNG they introduced. I was wrong about the Reward-Revamp they are doing. Seems good and very rewarding. I really like the achievements and I don't mind people buying the tavern pass or whatever. But these upsides are just not good enough for me and my stream. I'm sure new players are gonna have lots of fun!
P.S Im gonna be around and still following my favorite twitch hs streamers but I won't play much or comment much on HS. Maybe preorder an expansion here and there. I like the communtiy here, eventhough they easily slam the dislike button for most of things. Hope you guys remain active here because the mods are really active and nice. And no this is not a salty comment bud, I've joined this game since beta and loved it then. But time comes for everyone and everything eventually. Peace :)
HeliosThe Cake Is A Lie 625319 PostsJoined 06/03/2019
Posted 4 years, 2 months ago
wow chill, I think the guy had commented in a post before the announcement, predicting they will do expansion reveal and new game mode reveal on the same day. God damn, can't someone just be happy for their own reasons here without being downvoted? yall lawyers or somethin?
HeliosThe Cake Is A Lie 625319 PostsJoined 06/03/2019
Posted 4 years, 2 months ago
It has halloween vibes with some carnival mixed in. Those are both associated with "modified things". Maybe this means customizing classes, dual-heroes, 2v2 or something like that. Really hope it's not all based on RANDOM like many tavern brawls because I would be REALLY disappointed. Don't do me like that blizzard...
Going to be honest, I don't think this is Blizzard's fault.
Posts of the rewards structure are everywhere, and you are warned with the cost of entry before starting.
that's not the mentality someone should have in a videogame lad. "you are warned" .... are we playing a videogame or betting pants in a casino? I don't want to play a game who warns me I will lose money, no thanks -.-
HeliosThe Cake Is A Lie 625319 PostsJoined 06/03/2019
Posted 4 years, 3 months ago
I personally am slowly giving up on playing HS and that's the reason why I don't post as much as before. I'm still here lurking everyday though. I think the page is great and does a very good job integrating other games communities. The speed of admins posts is something to be admired. So maybe I don't like hs that much anymore, but i'd still post the earliest theorycraft decks whenever expansion hits almost everytime.
HeliosThe Cake Is A Lie 625319 PostsJoined 06/03/2019
Posted 4 years, 3 months ago
Zephrys the Great has been so incompetent to me lately. I'm trying to get to 1k wins with priest so ofc I'm playing raza priest in wild. Now this little wanker didn't give me any form secret removal of any sort when i had about 22 damage on board and lethal but opponent has iceblock. Instead he offers me high mana minions that deal only one damage and things like that. Can't he fucking see I've got so much damage, why do I need more?? I've lost exactly 4 games so far against quest mage because of this bs.
In 2 other cases he offers me 5 mana Brawl, a 2 mana Shadow Word: Death and a 7 mana minion when I got only 3 mana left and opponent has 7 minions on board. Logically he should offer me Frost Nova because I'm dead next turn lad, there is over 30 damage on opponent's side of the board. But nope, i'm forced to take the Death and lose another 2 games.
Aight so I don't know why this is happening, but I was playing against my friend just to test the new cards before probably leaving the game forever and as a last desert, this happens. . . I was trying a crazy double yogg, cthun shudderwock deck with grumble and all that other stuff that's needed. My friend is on mobile and I'm in pc. When I played shudder after I've played all the key cards, the game stopped and my friend disconnected. He is now telling me his game is in an endless loop that it tries to reconnect, fails and over and over. I thought it's funny until I tried to close the game myself. And I close the game, battlenet and that stuff even with task manager, but when I open the game again it goes straight to that match and it waits for my friend to reconnect.
It's an endless loop and a new bug record for blizz. Anyways, I should not have posted this but thought it is something important. I can update you all with new screenshots later if you want. Now its 12 min waiting lol
Edit, dont know how to upload image https://ibb.co/5980Lq4
expected cringeful video -> check
never change trump, never change
Well, this expansion marks the end of playing HS for me. I was hoping they introduced something new, but this is just a mutant Arena 2.0 with the oversaturated dungeon run flavour. Listen, dungeon run was fun alright, I loved it when it came out. It frustrated me but I was really on the edge when I played the Kobolds run. It was a challenging, well-rewarding experience which I will never forget. But... there are so many other dungeon runs now and I personally got bored of it. I never liked Arena so I don't like this new game mode too obviously. Most people are excited to play wild cards, but I've only been playing exclusively wild for 2 years now. I had my hopes up... Feelsbadman, I just started streaming and I don't want to stream a game I don't enjoy... This also means I'm not gonna post any theorycrafting decks this time.
On the upside, the expansion looks fun and yes it will be fun but only for 3 weeks or so. Then people are gonna get annoyed by Yogg 15% lethal and all the crazy RNG they introduced. I was wrong about the Reward-Revamp they are doing. Seems good and very rewarding. I really like the achievements and I don't mind people buying the tavern pass or whatever. But these upsides are just not good enough for me and my stream. I'm sure new players are gonna have lots of fun!
P.S Im gonna be around and still following my favorite twitch hs streamers but I won't play much or comment much on HS. Maybe preorder an expansion here and there. I like the communtiy here, eventhough they easily slam the dislike button for most of things. Hope you guys remain active here because the mods are really active and nice. And no this is not a salty comment bud, I've joined this game since beta and loved it then. But time comes for everyone and everything eventually. Peace :)
wow chill, I think the guy had commented in a post before the announcement, predicting they will do expansion reveal and new game mode reveal on the same day. God damn, can't someone just be happy for their own reasons here without being downvoted? yall lawyers or somethin?
It has halloween vibes with some carnival mixed in. Those are both associated with "modified things". Maybe this means customizing classes, dual-heroes, 2v2 or something like that. Really hope it's not all based on RANDOM like many tavern brawls because I would be REALLY disappointed. Don't do me like that blizzard...
idk man i still need to wait 86 hours to log in lol
hell yeah, he knows what he is doing. I still remember when he had 100 viewers in stream
I don't think you got his point mate ;p
ez 800 dust on that turtle. Guardian Animals still good but not meta
thats so far away FeelsBadMan
yo what the hell are the dislikes for lol
This gotta be good. Give the streamers some content to put out there man. Bring the people back in or this game is doomed soon.
that's not the mentality someone should have in a videogame lad. "you are warned" .... are we playing a videogame or betting pants in a casino? I don't want to play a game who warns me I will lose money, no thanks -.-
I personally am slowly giving up on playing HS and that's the reason why I don't post as much as before. I'm still here lurking everyday though. I think the page is great and does a very good job integrating other games communities. The speed of admins posts is something to be admired. So maybe I don't like hs that much anymore, but i'd still post the earliest theorycraft decks whenever expansion hits almost everytime.
does anyone know when the other characters will be unlocked for the solo adventure?
Zephrys the Great has been so incompetent to me lately. I'm trying to get to 1k wins with priest so ofc I'm playing raza priest in wild. Now this little wanker didn't give me any form secret removal of any sort when i had about 22 damage on board and lethal but opponent has iceblock. Instead he offers me high mana minions that deal only one damage and things like that. Can't he fucking see I've got so much damage, why do I need more?? I've lost exactly 4 games so far against quest mage because of this bs.
In 2 other cases he offers me 5 mana Brawl, a 2 mana Shadow Word: Death and a 7 mana minion when I got only 3 mana left and opponent has 7 minions on board. Logically he should offer me Frost Nova because I'm dead next turn lad, there is over 30 damage on opponent's side of the board. But nope, i'm forced to take the Death and lose another 2 games.
More like Zephrys the bugged...
well, that's boring ResidentSleeper
Darkglare damn, they killed my levelling deck. Now I have to really put effort getting those last 30 wins to 1000.