New Druid Spell - Mark of the Spikeshell
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A new Rare Druid Spell, Mark of the Spikeshell, has been revealed!
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A new Rare Druid Spell, Mark of the Spikeshell, has been revealed!
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Slightly dissapointing, druid uses basically not targetable taunts now
If my info is correct the Name is Mark of the Spikeshell !
Looks ok to me for 2 Mana - but depending what kind of Taunt Minions will make it into standard Druid decks this could be very good or either not see any play at all.
But still 2 Mana +2/+2 seems pretty ok.
Challenge me ... when you're ready to duel a god!
This may see play in clown druid if the archetype isn't dead next expansion. It's definitely more a value/control card and if my assumptions are correct, the copy added to hand would still retain the +2/+2 buff. So it's not bad, but other classes have had better cards revealed so far
TREMBLE before.... the most legendary dragon that ever existed!
another useless druid cards sadge
While I know that Fluffy Tortollan is only a placeholder, it's a wonderfully ironic name for this spiky shell spell.
Not entirely sure that this is usefull. The only good target I can think of is Strongman, but even that is just kinda meh.
Maybe there's something more useful to do with this, but as is it just looks like an arena card to me
I tried having fun once.
It was awful.
Why isn't this a warrior card? They print better taunt synergy for other class than warrior...
Murlocs <3
This with the clown card could be insane for more value .Clown druid can become stronger .
A bit too greedy for a class that already has extremely greedy cards.
Can be compared to Mark of Y'Shaarj. Adding a minion to your hand is like drawing a card.
Btw, I'm not sure if the copy has +2/+2 buff.
Greybough's time to shine!
"Be excellent to each other." -Bill and Ted
Love the card art it's really good looking and that's enough for me to put it in my deck :)
Oh my Greybough :D I wish we had this card sooner, when I was desperately trying to complete the "summon 200 Greyboughs" achievement.
♡ u 4ever 2008 - 2022
In a deck built around taunts, this is functionally Hand of A'dal. Seems like an excellent card. Druid has no shortage of good, natural taunts for this effect, but you can also use it to duplicate any late game minion by pairing it with Ironbark.
I feel that pain. Celestalon has already teased a bunch of new (potentially annoying) achievements so I'm sure an equally happy grind awaits in the Barrens.
Oh nooo! Here we go again, I guess :P
♡ u 4ever 2008 - 2022
Could be good if discovered? Don't think so you put it in a deck.
5 stars in greybough druid
Banned for spamming.
Incoming 1/3 druid with taunt.
Okay best taunt minions to target with this (so far) are: Carnival Clown, so you can potentially get another wave of corrupted clowns in, Strongman, Greybough, Teacher's Pet, Circus Amalgam, Dreaming Drake, Archspore Msshi'fn and Lone Champion.
Also worth mentioning is the fact that you can also get a copy of any minion you casted Mark of the Wild, Ironbark and Germination on, which makes this card even more versitile.
Yeah this card is actually really good when you think about it, it will surely see a lot of play. The deck it will 100% see play in is Y'Shaarj, the Defiler druid, because it has too much synergy to not be included. Like seriously another wave of clowns is really good, and worst case scenario you can copy a corrupted Strongman to get a free 6/6 and +2/+2 on the Strongman you had on board.
RNG is only fun as long as there is a 50/50 chance of getting something really good or trash level of bad. If RNG always results in something good, then it's not fun.
finally a reason to play a Greybough druid!
I am 69 years old and still reach Legend
There's some decent synergy here with carnival clown and strongman. Outside of that its still a +2+2 with an upside for 2, which means it can fit into aggro/token druid.
Flexible, but as a druid card, it really needs to be broken to see some form of inclusion. And this card isn't really at that kind of power level.
Will definitely try it in my Clown Fiesta Druid.
Value card which looks a little bit greedy to me, but with the right support playable
English is not my native language, so please excuse occasional mistakes
Excelente with clowns... Kinda scary
Lemushki - The one and only since the 2006 rebranding.
It's a semi-targetable Hand of A'dal, with the condition that it has to be a Taunt minion. While not amazing, there are certain Taunts availavle for Druid that are seriously mana efficient, most notably Corrupted Dreaming Drake and other Corrupt shenanigans.
However, this is a win more card and, since Druids have virtually no way to interact with the opponent's board outside of punching them with their face and minion trading, a potential Taunt Druid needs stabilizing tools more than win more cards.
Rating cards on coolness factor rather than predicting power because I like screwing up rating averages (and because I suck at predicting real power levels, but we'll ignore that LUL)
Wins per class (2/6/22): DH-197; Druid-996; Hunter-91«60; Mage-1056; Paladin-1126; Priest-746; Rogue-961; Shaman-1095; Warlock-871; Warrior-906
More support to taunt druid. It never ceases to exist.
Cool mechanic.
Hadronox druid would be pleased.
Papa Nurgle wants to share his gifts.
I can imagine Msh'fin in a deck with this. Also just love taunts in druid so looking forward to this.
taunt minions in druid were always good. this will make decks for sure
clowns clowns more clownsss
Not bad, not good enough to make the cut in constructed. Decent if generated, like if you have Greybough on board.
If there is a strong 1 drop it will very strong just like Mark of Y'Shaarj was with Enchanted Raven
Just so awkward. If this was released with ungoro, then this would be auto include, but it's just so weird
Very cheap way to put strong cards in your hand. Works very well with Clowns or Greybough
The buff isn't that strong in and of itself, but getting copies of things is usually pretty nice, especially the big, defensive Taunt minions that Druid likes to play. I'm sure it'll be experimented with, maybe this'll even slot into a new archetype.
Started playing HS in May, 2015. The bad news: I missed the excitement of 'Naxx out?' and GvG. The good news: I never met an Undertaker.
Way too slow, unless you have some really bonkers taunt (which I don't think we have) it is not worth it...
I am envoy from nowhere in nowhere. Nobody and nothing have sent me. And even though it is impossible I exist. ©Trimutius
TauntDruid, here we go
Rogue DH
Best target is maybe that Sleepy Dreamer? The corrupted dragon taunt? Doesn't seem great.
Chumbawumba is the worst band name.
Looking grey...
This+dreaming drake=profit.
this really has some serious potential. good card.
Pretty good Greybough target.
There's not much more right now, but that alone sounds pretty funny to me.
I thought they said they were backing away from resource generation and long games.
Whatever, this card is insane, and not just for Greybough. Any minion you cast it on is obviously one you chose to have in your deck, so you're not sad to cast it on any of your Taunt minions, really.
Greybough, Clowns and Teacher's Pet like it
This might be good, hard to tell what sort of taunts will be available.
Gonna be interesting to see what kind of support this gets. Buffing Tokens isn't great, so Druid will need some cheap-medium cost Taunts for this to really be good. Might actually see play in some big Taunt ramp deck as a way to continue gaining value.
Buffing and adding a copy of the taunt will definitely be used in bigger minion druid decks will definitely see play in wild
Average at best
I love the art, but not so much the card.
I've been here a while; just hanging out in the background.
It's similar to Mark of Y'Shaarj, give a minion +2/+2, if it fits a certain requirement add a card to your hand. This seems slightly worse however since beasts lean more towards an aggressive strategy and can appreciate the buff more, whereas taunts lean towards a slower strategy where you would rather play something more impactful than a 2/2 buff. However, Mark of the Spikeshell does give you a copy of a specific minion, meaning you can utilize it more to do crazy things. If nothing else I will have fun using this to copy Greybough.
Carrion, my wayward grub.
In itself not a bad card, but I only this being played in a taunt archetype for druid, which we haven't seen a for a while I feel like.
If a cheap Taunt is on the horizon for Druid, this is easily 4-star for stalling vs aggro - it's kinda meh otherwise for Constructed, will see play in other formats for sure
NOt bad at all. Great for Arena where you look for taunts and anything that could bring more minions into your hand
Greybough. Oh yes.
This and Greybough looks scary.
Disclaimer: if the above is factually incorrect or complete rubbish it is definitely both intentional and comedy genius.
Seems okay in taunt beast druid.
Nice tool for doubling up on resources for any kind of control or combo druid. I wonder if the copy added to hand is from the minion's base stats or buffed stats.
Unfortunately, common sense isn't as common as it should be.
Could be fun. Getting copies of cards is usually great. Just situational enough it's not an auto include. I like it.
It's okay. I'm almost 100% sure the copy won't be buffed, right? A base stat copy of a Taunt minion, unless it's a busted one, isn't super appealing.
+2/+2 for 2 mana with a potential upside seems nice.
It's probably gonna be used mainly on Carnival Clown. Can also be used on the 2nd half of Druid of the Plains.
And now that I think about it: It should also work with Germination and Ironbark, right?
ArtStation | Twitter
how does this work with the new druid epic with frenzy? will give a copy of the taunt version to your hand right not the rush and frenzy one
It's not bad? But idk you need something you want to copy to make it worth it.
I'm not sure what taunt cards see play in druid decks right now, except for Teacher's Pet and Dreaming Drake. There are also some spells that give taunt to minions, but I'm not sure if they are used much. Maybe this will make them more worth using. Too bad Treenforcements is leaving.
I like this. We see a lot of druid spells giving taunt. It's a nice twist for it to care about the minion having taunt. All this needs is cheap battle cry taunt minion and we'll see it for sure. Heck even [Hearthstone Card (Taelen Fordring) Not Found] isn't a bad card to hit for more draw. Just a neat card.
Casual Dragon Cardgame enthusiast.
mediocre value, but could see play
Seance time baybee
4 Mana 7/7
This will probably be a pretty good card. And that tortollan looks like it is up to something.
Clunky name lol.
Nice value card for a deck that suits it (taunt dense, ramp for additional mana). For existing archetypes, I think this can find a home in big druid decks as those run a lot of taunts and ramp.
Nature loooooves recycling!
Struggle with Heroic Galakrond's Awakening? I got your back :
Greybough! Lucentbark! Carnival Clown! DARK ARAKKOA!
Better call Thrall!
Druids have plenty of options when it comes to taunt minions, but this might still be too slow or too specific. I would want at least 6 taunts in my deck to feel comfortable putting this in there too.
Arena > Wild > Standard
Yeah, the first thing that comes to my mind - Greybough)
Worse than Paladin version hand of adal, beast synergy is OK
Not very exciting, but its not awful. That said I think this is too weak unless there is a taunt you really want multiple copies of. I suppose if you can get this effect consistently though then its sort of like Hand of Adal in a way.
Basically the above
I'm not online it's just your imagination
Hadronox loves it, maybe druid will get more taunt support that set.
By The Holy Light!
Only really useful in Taunt Druid, like the art!
Seems balanced, a little underwhelming even, then you remember Ironbark exists - basically Seance with +3/+5 and Taunt on any big minion up to 8 mana. This will be good for sure, if anything at least for memes.
Dream Scenario would be a turn 10 corrupted clown + innervate + this
Nice Taunt work, I can see it working with Greybough.
At this point I have spent too much money on these games to quit.
Now pass me another pack, and lets see what I pull.
More Greybough support
good card
Kenny's little poet. 😇
2 mana plus 2 health and attack is bad. Even with the random taunt, it won’t see play.
Blah blah Taunt Druid
A fine card in Taunt druid. Also functions like Seance in a druid deck that wants to play a specific taunt card multiple times. Strong combo with Strongman.
Okay card, along with that 2/3, might make Taunt-midrange Druid playable.
Mark of Y'Shaarj have seen play, but Mark of the Spikeshell isn't impressive stand alone. Maybe it have some potetial with the new Druid legendaries
An ok spell i guess, maybe better in arena
+2/+2 and draw a card. This is as good as it gets for 2 mana.
Greybough Taunt Druid
I don't get why those bad comments, this card can virtually copy any minion! just add taunt... i see great potential for the future
For The HORDE!
Druid has many cheap cards that can give any minion taunt, this works as a better Seance then. I can see a greybough midrange token taunt druid emerging, but it might need more good taunt minions and a good reason to play taunts in the first place.
Love this kind of value cards, you can get copies of your fav defensive tools back.
Its weird that its phrased like that because we know the copy doesn't come with the +2/+2.
Could actually be powerful in a token deck to get some big, cheap taunts out early.
not that useful tbh I think to fit into the taunt druid deck
copy clown
I like getting extra cards, especially when it was a minion that I already put in my deck on purpose. This works really well with the kind of Taunt Druid things that Druid will want to be doing, more as an enabler or a way to get more minions. Decent card.
I don't want to cure cancer; I want to turn people into dinosaurs.
Looks good
Amazing card, will work really well with sticky minions like Greybough
Nice stats for 2mana cost card. Also better fot taunt, so may be in some decks
Nice resource generation for taunt druids.
mostly a late game card, which makes it less good
Weird value generator for a Taunt Druid deck. I don't think it makes the cut.
This reminds me a lot of mark of y'shaarj. Nice and flexible, less random, seems good
Buff and value, not bad at all
Seems like good synergy with strong taunts like greybough and clown.
Seems like good psuedo-draw for this Taunt Druid deck that's coming.
~ An expertly disguised dinosaur
Well, obviously this is the best card in the expansion!
Seriously though, seems like a fine new Mark. I don't think a dedicated Taunt deck will rise up, but if you happen to run a fair few Taunts then this is a nice addition.
Welcome to the site!
Yay, more taunt druid support... It's half the cost of Blessing of Kings for half the effect, with a small bonus if you target a taunt minion. Overall, it's a pretty good card.
What I find most exciting is the idea of combining this card with other cards that can give taunt to minions that don't normally have taunt, allowing you to copy minions that wouldn't otherwise be copiable.
Along with Razormane Battleguard, this is promising for an aggressive Taunt Druid build as Mark of the Spikeshell is effectively a Hand of A'dal in that context. I don't think there is much use case outside of aggression since there aren't many late game taunts you really want to copy and you already have Y'Shaarj, the Defiler for Carnival Clown.
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