Kind of a converse of secret keeper. It has good enough stats to be played and be significant without a secret reveal. I think it will be most significant in Paladin or Hunter.
Good early board clear and incidental armor gain for slower warrior decks. But, I think just as important is that it gives Warrior another tool for activating Frenzy effects.
Hex on a stick is pretty good. The requirement to have elementals in order to get value makes me think twice about i the though. Sure it keeps some hard removal for Shaman, but it requires two cards to enable with one of them almost needing to be prescient in being played.
This is an interesting take on hand buff. The only caravan card that I'm not completely sold on, but it could be just good enough to give midrange or control the opportunity to get established.
I love the spell school synergy. It helps to make decks different enough from one another that you don't feel like you play against the same neutral shell every game.
This could end up being a very frustrating card. It will be hard to trade one for one if it comes down on curve and then having to deal with a divine shield after that just makes it extra frustrating.
Warrior seems to be the best class to be able to reliably activate frenzy effects. This one just adds to that ability. I expect some form of frenzy warrior to be a thing.
I'm expecting Rogue to be pretty good this expansion. They are getting lots of ways to be efficient with their mana and still have effective removal tools.
I don't know how I feel about the conditional effects requiring you to play a tribe the previous turn. We saw in the final reveal with the half murloc half elemental deck that it can draw poorly.
I like this secret, summoning water elementals is almost always good. Plus it fits well into supporting a mostly spell based mage deck. You obviously would need to generate a few minions to be attacked, but it can help to keep the cycle of minions going on board.
Demon Hunter can now pull some deathrattles directly from deck, pull some from hand, and draw some into hand. I guess that covers all the avenues. Warlock has done that type of play with demons before and it seemed to work out. Someone will just need to find the optimum combination of deathrattles to target here. Maybe this is the deck that Baron Rivendare finds a home in.
I think this will need significant discounts in order for it to be run. Maybe you run this with the spell generation shell and put it alongside apotheosis.
I don't know if this makes the cut. Current DH builds want to go faster and I don't see the need for it in the deathrattle stuff that seems to be the new target.
This feels like it should have been a priest card, but I'm glad it isn't. Luckily, with no tribe it looks like there won't be many ways to reliably generate extra copies of this.
Kind of a converse of secret keeper. It has good enough stats to be played and be significant without a secret reveal. I think it will be most significant in Paladin or Hunter.
Good early board clear and incidental armor gain for slower warrior decks. But, I think just as important is that it gives Warrior another tool for activating Frenzy effects.
We saw what happened when an aggressive class gets sick card draw (demon hunter rampages). I really think Rogue is going to be nuts in this expansion.
Hex on a stick is pretty good. The requirement to have elementals in order to get value makes me think twice about i the though. Sure it keeps some hard removal for Shaman, but it requires two cards to enable with one of them almost needing to be prescient in being played.
This is an interesting take on hand buff. The only caravan card that I'm not completely sold on, but it could be just good enough to give midrange or control the opportunity to get established.
I love the spell school synergy. It helps to make decks different enough from one another that you don't feel like you play against the same neutral shell every game.
Overstatted, yes. Obvious downside, also yes. Good enough for the + to cancel out the -? I'm not sure.
This could end up being a very frustrating card. It will be hard to trade one for one if it comes down on curve and then having to deal with a divine shield after that just makes it extra frustrating.
Yay for more murlocs! Give me a chance to aggro up some Murloc Shaman!
Warrior seems to be the best class to be able to reliably activate frenzy effects. This one just adds to that ability. I expect some form of frenzy warrior to be a thing.
I'm expecting Rogue to be pretty good this expansion. They are getting lots of ways to be efficient with their mana and still have effective removal tools.
I don't know how I feel about the conditional effects requiring you to play a tribe the previous turn. We saw in the final reveal with the half murloc half elemental deck that it can draw poorly.
I like this secret, summoning water elementals is almost always good. Plus it fits well into supporting a mostly spell based mage deck. You obviously would need to generate a few minions to be attacked, but it can help to keep the cycle of minions going on board.
More DH deathrattle support. I'm still not sold on it being enough.
Demon Hunter can now pull some deathrattles directly from deck, pull some from hand, and draw some into hand. I guess that covers all the avenues. Warlock has done that type of play with demons before and it seemed to work out. Someone will just need to find the optimum combination of deathrattles to target here. Maybe this is the deck that Baron Rivendare finds a home in.
I think this will need significant discounts in order for it to be run. Maybe you run this with the spell generation shell and put it alongside apotheosis.
Again, the caravan cards intrigue me. I like the idea behind them and I think they will have some niche applications out there.
This would need to be run with something that you can generate multiple copies of in deck or on board. Is Wolpertinger good enough to target for this?
I don't know if this makes the cut. Current DH builds want to go faster and I don't see the need for it in the deathrattle stuff that seems to be the new target.
This feels like it should have been a priest card, but I'm glad it isn't. Luckily, with no tribe it looks like there won't be many ways to reliably generate extra copies of this.