I like the return of Kazakus. He was always a great card to use and once I really understood more about planning what I wanted from the card instead of just picking what looked good when the options came up, he became awesome. I think this will be the same kind of card. Once we get a good handle on the options and work out what deck can do without 4 drops, this will turn into a good card.
This is what a high mana cost legendary is supposed to be about. A good immediate board effect and a nice board threat to follow it up. I feel like I'll want to craft this if I don't unpack it.
I really like this card. I played around with hero power mage back when I got Jan'alai, the Dragonhawkback in RR. I think this will be lots of fun to mess around with. Especially when coupled with the new legendary.
Nicely versatile card. You can use it on your own minions to cheat out something big, or escape a negative battlecry. You can use it as a potential disruption card to break combos. There is also always the soft removal option, a la Sap, to just put something scary, or buffed up back into your opponent's hand and trade for some other minion of theirs. I wonder what happens if there is no minion in hand to swap. Is there no effect or does it behave exactly like Sap at that point?
This is interesting. You don't get the possibility of lethal on the turn you play it. But it will most likely clear one enemy minion. If it lasts to the next turn you get face damage and a minion clear every turn. Not a bad effect.
I just don't know what to think here. It is a strong card on its own, but can you force your opponent to play into it in the manner in which it is intended? Guardian Animals might be its best option but even then it can be inconsistent.
If you keep your armor after not developing on board from turn 2, this can be a rough card to deal with. I'm just not sure that it is impactful enough on a consistent basis to make it worth running.
This is proably a card that will surface in later decks once the rotation happens. I don't think it replaces any of the current weapons that warrior has access to right now.
This is a great Warlock card. It does exactly what any Warlock deck already wants to do. Honestly, this would be a good card for almost any class in almost any deck.
This is a weird card. The stats/cost combo make you want it to be an evolve target, but the effect makes you not want to evolve the board. I don't know about this one.
I think this is a tech card against draw heavy decks. Even then it usually doesn't hit an important card, just a card that is being pulled to get you closer to the important cards.
This probably doesn't trigger Hanar, so I'm not sure this becomes a thing. Secret Rogue almost always wants the value from Hanar because otherwise their secrets aren't as impactful.
This is a fun little card. I think I'm going to play around with it in a Stealth Rogue style deck. The weapon will corrupt it and you usually have a minion on board to target the attack buff. Looks llike fun.
I like the return of Kazakus. He was always a great card to use and once I really understood more about planning what I wanted from the card instead of just picking what looked good when the options came up, he became awesome. I think this will be the same kind of card. Once we get a good handle on the options and work out what deck can do without 4 drops, this will turn into a good card.
I guess this will be an ok card. I do wonder what happens if there is only one minion on board. Does it get hit twice?
This is what a high mana cost legendary is supposed to be about. A good immediate board effect and a nice board threat to follow it up. I feel like I'll want to craft this if I don't unpack it.
I really like this card. I played around with hero power mage back when I got Jan'alai, the Dragonhawkback in RR. I think this will be lots of fun to mess around with. Especially when coupled with the new legendary.
Have you perfected the plague?
It is a decent early game minion. Ok stats for the cost and will sometimes give you value from either a favorable trade or a decent spell generation.
It has a decent Frenzy payoff, but I wonder if there will be some handbuff options to make it really powerful.
Nicely versatile card. You can use it on your own minions to cheat out something big, or escape a negative battlecry. You can use it as a potential disruption card to break combos. There is also always the soft removal option, a la Sap, to just put something scary, or buffed up back into your opponent's hand and trade for some other minion of theirs. I wonder what happens if there is no minion in hand to swap. Is there no effect or does it behave exactly like Sap at that point?
Let me spend my achievement points on hero skins.
An interesting tech card that would have been nice back in the deathrattle heyday times. I don't see a use for it now but maybe in some future metas.
This has to go in a murloc themed deck right? I don't know that it has enough stats on its own to be just a rush/removal tool.
This is interesting. You don't get the possibility of lethal on the turn you play it. But it will most likely clear one enemy minion. If it lasts to the next turn you get face damage and a minion clear every turn. Not a bad effect.
I just don't know what to think here. It is a strong card on its own, but can you force your opponent to play into it in the manner in which it is intended? Guardian Animals might be its best option but even then it can be inconsistent.
If you keep your armor after not developing on board from turn 2, this can be a rough card to deal with. I'm just not sure that it is impactful enough on a consistent basis to make it worth running.
This is proably a card that will surface in later decks once the rotation happens. I don't think it replaces any of the current weapons that warrior has access to right now.
This is a great Warlock card. It does exactly what any Warlock deck already wants to do. Honestly, this would be a good card for almost any class in almost any deck.
This is a weird card. The stats/cost combo make you want it to be an evolve target, but the effect makes you not want to evolve the board. I don't know about this one.
I think this is a tech card against draw heavy decks. Even then it usually doesn't hit an important card, just a card that is being pulled to get you closer to the important cards.
This probably doesn't trigger Hanar, so I'm not sure this becomes a thing. Secret Rogue almost always wants the value from Hanar because otherwise their secrets aren't as impactful.
This is a fun little card. I think I'm going to play around with it in a Stealth Rogue style deck. The weapon will corrupt it and you usually have a minion on board to target the attack buff. Looks llike fun.