From a Wild point of view, I'll be curious to try Crystology in a fancy Odd Aladdin Paladin with Magic Carpet (not that I expect the deck to be any better than it is already, being THE topdog deck in Wild).
And maybe Extra Arms in Wild Nomi Priest, considering Radiant Elemental, although I think that is bound to stay just a meme deck, within the tyrannical Wild meta.
I am no Control player, but I do play draw-heavy decks, including various iterations of Aluneth Mage, so I will definitely craft this kind Archivist, and enjoy her flavour with books and stuff.
From a Wild point of view, I'll be curious to try Crystology in a fancy Odd Aladdin Paladin with Magic Carpet (not that I expect the deck to be any better than it is already, being THE topdog deck in Wild).
And maybe Extra Arms in Wild Nomi Priest, considering Radiant Elemental, although I think that is bound to stay just a meme deck, within the tyrannical Wild meta.
Updated the deck to its final Library Miracle version.
Sadly Khadgar had to go...
Thank you guys for keeping the website up.
I have just realized it: perfect curve for Nerubian Egg.
Zoomage confirmed in Wild.
My concern was about trying to have some board in early turns, against Aggro, but indeed the Fly is sometimes irrelevant, especially against Control.
I will try that replacement, thanks!
I am no Control player, but I do play draw-heavy decks, including various iterations of Aluneth Mage, so I will definitely craft this kind Archivist, and enjoy her flavour with books and stuff.
Major synergies with Mechs and Murlocs, but also Pirates, considering Ship's Cannon and Southsea Captain.
Also, Zoobot suddenly becomes interesting in all of the above Tribe-based decks, if they include the Hag.
Again, as far as Wild goes, this is not the card that is bringing balance to Nature...
This is sick
Bad indeed.
Decent value, but it will never find room in a Ranked deck.
EDIT: unless some crazy synergy is provided ofc.
Definitely an interesting card.
The text is bonkers, but the card is quite slow.
I don't think i can use him in Mill Rogue. :(
It took me a good few seconds.
Good news everyone (also post-testing)!
Dryads can work on their own.
As for a Restoration archetype about generating class cards, it needs a further synergy. Handsize alone is not enough to carry the archetype.
I wish it was a Mage card for flavor.
The card is really good imo, especially for Renolocks trying to dig for critical cards.
Replacement for Cube.
To be seen how effective, and how the archetype will adjust.
Free eviscerate for Thieves. Pretty nice.
Squirrel should be a thing in a token/hand deck
The spell looks like a deck filler tho. At least so far.
However, if they added Leyline Manipulator for Druids, Handruid would suddenly become solid, possibly for Wild as well.
Crossing fingers.
Basically a reprint of Primordial Glyph, less efficient, but with a focus on Small Spell archetype.
Still waiting for a "Twinlight": (0) Twinspell, kindle the lights of Dalaran (do nothing).