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  • shaveyou's Avatar
    415 198 Posts Joined 06/08/2019
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago

    Wondering whether to sit this one out. Nothings really jumping out at me, but I'll drop these and see what people think...

    As for feedback:

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    Linkblade91 - I've got to agree that Sapphiron feels really weird as a Shaman card. The card itself I really like, but the flavour just feels off.

    KANSAS - I'm going to throw my backing behind Tad the Fisher. It's an effect we've only seen a couple of times (Roll the Bones and Wrathion), but in a deck that could really capitalise on it. 

    anch4rman - I'll just throw this in first. I anticipate any of the either League not to do too well, just because of how over exposed they've been in the past year. Dr. Boom has had 3 cards, repeated appearances in expansions, and a whole set dedicated to him, so this already feels like "yet another Boom". As for the card itself… it's probably a little underpowered. The whole Mech tribe has basically taken Magnetic and run with it, to the point that this feels needless. You need to get, at minimum, a 6/6 out of this to make it really worth playing, and unless it follows a Sn1P-Sn4P trade, I can't see it happening.

    Wailor - I really like Julianne and Romulo, but it may be a little overpowered. Getting a 3 mana 7/7 is incredible, even if it dies to 3 damage. Maybe consider dropping Julianne to a 1/4? I know it ruins the synergy, but 5/7 is a lot less scary than a 7/7 if you can't answer it.

    Demonxz95 - Frostfur. I love it.

    The Hoax91 - I assume by unidentified you mean the series from K+C? Regardless, I'm going with the Black King here. Very like Moat Lurker, but not as bad. I'm not really seeing the flavour though. 

  • shaveyou's Avatar
    415 198 Posts Joined 06/08/2019
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago

    Thanks for the feedback. Based on what I've received, it's a good idea, but exploitable with Supreme Archaeology, because you could play this, followed by Plot and get a 3 mana Twisting Nether with no draw back. So, slight rework to counter/limit that below.

    This way, trying to Plot Twist after playing this would be...painful. It can still work with the quest, but requires much more precise timing in order to minimise the damage.

    Original in the spoiler:

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  • shaveyou's Avatar
    415 198 Posts Joined 06/08/2019
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago

    Hmm, I'm not really feeling this weeks theme, but I'll have a crack.

    It allows a huge tempo play, with a significant drawback. You lose your HP, but retain the damage it caused, and can't escape it. You could potentially run this alongside another way to change your Hero Power, or try to capitalise on the damage using cards like Diseased Vulture, Duskbat, Nethersoul Buster and Deathweb Spider.

    Extremely quick feedback, if anyone wants anything expanded on, I'll try and do it in the morning.

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    Tox - It's clear, but it just reads a bit…strange, compared to other upgrading style cards like the Schemes or spellstones. I'm not sure what could be done about that though.

    KANSAS - Feels strong. Compared with the rogue 2/1 which increases weapon attack by 1 (the name eludes me), this is much stickier, and has a much better effect. This could easily be 3 mana.

    Dermostatic - Solid, functional, balanced, would likely score well, but fall short of finalist due to it lacking flair.

    Menacingbagel - First of, a few grammar corrections - Fishy Constructs needs a comma after Murlocs, as does Mur-pocalypse, which also needs Murloc capitalised. Murloc also needs to capitalised on Vesh, and Fishy Flesh. That aside, it's massively overcosted, this could easily be 5 mana, Fishy Constructs could be brought down to 3,  and I can't even begin to work out balance on Mur-pocalypse. Still, nice idea!

    Inconspicuosaurus - I like it, but I do think it should go to either Hunter or Druid (probably the latter) with a beast restriction. Hunter got Dino-mancy in the same set, so this could be too much there, while Beast Druid got a push in the set. Apart from that, nice card.

    Linkblade91 - I've played Recruit Warrior/Big Warrior enough to feel that To The Arena would be enough to take it past viable and straight to broken. I'd personally go with Power of Friendship. Unlimited casts of a 3 mana spell is very, very good, but it's balanced by the fact that Hunter will always struggle to play a 5 mana do nothing spell. The flavour on Blackhand makes me very, very happy though, but my vote is for Power of Friendship.

    Demonxz95 - Interesting idea for a neutral. Obviously some Hero Powers are contradictory (Mage/Priest for example), but others work quite nicely together (Rogue/Druid being the first that comes to mind.) My only question is how this would work with some of the upgraded powers, or more specifically, Dinomancy. Maybe, maybe could do with a cost increase, but I'm not entirely set on that myself.


  • shaveyou's Avatar
    415 198 Posts Joined 06/08/2019
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago

    Congrats Conduit!

  • shaveyou's Avatar
    415 198 Posts Joined 06/08/2019
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago
    Quote From Zeratia


    To be honest it does sound kind of unfair to other competitors if the theme creator; not only had more time do design his card, But also had no card design restrictions. I’m a stranger to this debate but if what you said is true then maybe the previous week winners should not be allowed to participate in following week’s competition.


    But of course I’m not blaming the person at all since this was never a rule. Did nothing against the rules

    Firstly, winners aren't asked for a single idea, but several, and the mods decide which one is best, so planning a card well in advance would necessitate planning multiple cards in advance, most of which won't be used. 

    Secondly, just because you think an idea is amazing, doesn't mean everyone else will. I've won twice, and they've come from off the top of my head ideas, when I've rushed an entry because I left it til the last minute to review feedback and post. Other weeks, including both of my competition picks, I've refined my design several times, and promptly failed to make the final.

    I may be a little salty, just because I failed to make the final in either of my suggestions, but I don't think there is an unfair advantage to the previous winner.

    /Edit - On a side note, make sure you vote BEFORE you submit. Just submitted mine, only to find 2 other entries that are extremely similar. Oh well, there's always next week.

  • shaveyou's Avatar
    415 198 Posts Joined 06/08/2019
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago

    Revised the name to better fit the art. I was hoping to go with a smaller monkey, but I can't find art for it anywhere. With regards to it not fitting Paladin, I'd agree, but also point out that SoU was a weird set for Paladin. If anything, a mummified Gorilla fits better than wasps or lions.


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    TheHoax91 - Cost should be capitalised. That aside, I think the third version is the most balanced. Playing this, a random 3 mana spell, and something like Flamestrike/Puzzle Box/Pyroblast feels like plenty for a turn already, without having 4 mana left over.

    bananenparty - Nice idea. It's feels like it stretching a bit to fit in with the criteria, but not the worst offender. It's a solid enough card, and I can't think of suggestions for improvement.

    Nirast - Shadow Pilfer - Full stop should follow the brackets, not precede it.  (Although this is inconsistent, even within Blizz) Friendly is misspelled. Aside from that, this is really stretching to fit into the weeks theme. It's a significantly worse Shadowstep, with a weird unrelated combo effect. I suppose it could be used to try an extend a some kind of tempo/thief blend, but it's a weird card.

    Xarkkal - I prefer Marshfin Spiritcaller by a long way. It feels like a card that could exist, and happen to fit criteria for the competition, rather than a card designed especially to fit. Murloc Decks love ways of keeping a board, and this card helps with that.

    CapnMunch - Really Memey card. It feels like a custom card, rather than a real one, but there isn't a lot you can do to change that and keep the idea. All I would say is drop the cost. If it weren't for Dr Boom, this could easily be 1 cost. As it is, I'd say 2 mana would be fine.

    Grumpymonk - I prefer Amber Rager personally. While Rager cards can veer into Meme territory, this one feels somewhat playable, in a similar vein as Cursed Disciple.


  • shaveyou's Avatar
    415 198 Posts Joined 06/08/2019
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago

    Love this theme! My favourite so far by some way. I think the real challenge here is not making cards feel forced.

    I'll post mine first, then edit in feedback, so check back in 20 mins or so for that.

    As for mine:

    Both fairly simple, I wanted them to feel like "real" cards, so I thought I'd start off fairly safe, and test the waters.


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    Linkblade91 - Congrats on last week! I'd personally say Tauren Horncaller here. The ability doesn't feel enough to make a stand out legendary, but reasonable enough on a rare. My one issue with Wraith Knight is the 0.000001% chance you manage to get Embalming Ritual as a Paladin, or Wraith Knight as a Priest. It's not gamebreaking, but it's the kind of interaction that worries me.

    Pokeniner - This looks like a card that would be instantly overrated if it was released, with everyone clamouring about how much value it generates, forgetting that Rogue isn't exactly a class that thrives on that. That's not a criticism of the card, but just something that came to mind. I feel like Rogue cards this week might feel like their trying a little to hard to meet the criteria, and that is my main issue with this. A 1 mana spell on a 3 mana stick is fine, but the combo could win or lose games the minute you see the options.  I'm also unsure on the wording, Tolin's Goblet would suggest it should read "it", rather than "them".

    Mr Rhapsody - I would make a new card. If it didn't come close to winning last time, I wouldn't expect it to do any better this time out.

    Demonxz95 - I like it. The issue with Paladin has often been how to make high cost buffs playable, and this could go a long way to making cards like Dinosize see regular play.

    MenacingBagel - Drop the Battlecry down onto the next line, and capitalise "Your". That aside, this would be a potent finisher with Arcanite Reaper, or Gorehowl + Upgrade. I wonder if you have considered switching this to a TGT card and making it an Inspire effect? It would limit the worst of the burst potential (While perhaps adding an Otk, I haven't run the numbers), but it feels like an effect that can stand alone without either quest, while enhancing both, which is really difficult to do for Warrior this week. Nice job.

    thepowrofcheese - Murloc Tidehunter says hello. 

    Conduit - Of all of them, I like Clumsy Alchemist the best. Several feel like they're being forced to fit in with one or both quests, while Clumsy Alchemist could work in different ways, with or without the quests. Only suggestion is maybe look at MSoG as being a home for it, as the flavour fits quite well.

    Wailor - Darkspear Survivor for me. It's just a good card, and feels like something that could exist.

  • shaveyou's Avatar
    415 198 Posts Joined 06/08/2019
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago

    Congrats to those who made it to the final. Really happy to see 8 different characters make it as well.

  • shaveyou's Avatar
    415 198 Posts Joined 06/08/2019
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago

    Next up, show me something with Mech synergy

  • shaveyou's Avatar
    415 198 Posts Joined 06/08/2019
    Posted 4 years ago

    I've pretty much settled on revamping Sergeant Sally, (although I've gone through enough different ideas to pretty much fill a whole set), but some of the feedback has made me want to make it closer to the original. So, two different ideas. I feel Rush is essential to making it playable (like the original would have been somewhat usable if it had had Rush), but otherwise they're very different cards. The first links in to a theme I'm adding to Paladin in my own custom set (which will be posted soonish) creating a kind of anti-tempo feel, slowing the opponent down. The second links a lot more closely to the original (same cost/statline), but with potential for a re-usable board clear. Thoughts?


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    Swizard - By make them legendary, do you mean just change the card rarity to Legendary? If so, it feels unnecessary, considering it's unlikely you'll bounce this back and play it again. If it transforms them into random legendaries, then it needs to be worded more clearly (although is the better effect). In addition, you've broken the unwritten rule of limiting lines of text to 4 lines. I'm unconvinced this needs the highlander requirement. Compared to Psychic Scream, this adds a 5/6 body, but (probably) strengthens the minions shuffled into the deck. I would personally remove HL requirement, raise the cost to 9 and make it transform minions into random legendaries.

    KANSAS - Nice, more big beast support. I would say this would instantly become an near otk in wild with Charged Devilsaur/King Krush, but it's not really a big issue in Hunter. Good card.

    DestroyerR - Sneakmaster Hogger is my favourite.

    Nexus God Millhouse - The issue I have with this is it should, in theory trigger itself. Even if it doesn't, it feels far too strong in aggro/burn mage decks.

    Sneakmaster Hogger - I'm having Quest Rogue flashbacks. Outside of that, it's an interesting stall card to enable otks, which Rogue does very well.

    Hakkar, the Blood God - Zoo decks should have no issue pumping this out early, while clearing the board with Plague of Flames. Summon from hand effects is something unusual in HS, so it's an interesting idea, but feels a little weak.

    The Hoax91 - I like Greymane the Cursed.

    Eydis the Ascended - I've actually played around with the idea of a "temporary" Hero Card in the past. The issue is, how to make it clear, when you have transformed, that the deathrattle exists. As for the Hero Power, I would limit it to enemy minions given how many cheap spells Priest can churn out.

    Archlich Kel'Thuzard - My question here is what happens to minions with 2 or less health? Are they destroyed in the deck, or do they die when they're played? It also doesn't feel like a mage card, which isn't a major issue, but could cost votes. It feels like a neutral card with a class tacked on.

    Greymane the Cursed - Now this feels like a class card. It fits as removal on a stick, or a way of proccing multiple triggers on "when damaged" minions. It's the most elegant of your cards.

    Menacingbagel - Main card - Pixie Dust should be capitalised. On Pixie Dust, Restore needs a capital, and allies should be friendly characters as it is on Potion Vendor. Those issues aside, healing feels really strange in Mage. Healing in mage feels stranger than Spell Damage in priest, so I would swap the class, and maybe give Brightwing Spell Damage +1.

    Wailor - Archmage Manastorm is my favourite by a whisker over Harrison, Artifact Collector

    Archmage Manastorm - Really solid card. Could be combo-ed with several smaller spells, or something like Blizzard. Value, but it doesn't feel broken.

    Harrison, Artifact Collector - I love this card if only for its flavour. I would personally remove the Highlander requirement and the cost reduction, but either way it's fine.

    Xavius, Nightmare Lord - I feel this is too high-roll personally. Either you draw your ramp, and get a massive board, or you don't, and it's just a big statstick. It's not bad, but the other two are better.

  • shaveyou's Avatar
    415 198 Posts Joined 06/08/2019
    Posted 4 years ago
    Quote From linkblade91
    Quote From Xarkkal

    Don't know about anyone else, but when it comes to the finals I basically always give out 5-stars or 1-star. 5-stars for the card I want to win, and 1-star for everyone else. At that point we're looking for a sole winner, so I give the card I want to win the maximum chance of victory. This is especially true if I'm one of the finalists: frankly, how else should I vote? I would be shooting myself in the foot and jeopardizing my chances to win by giving someone else more than 1-star. I don't do this during the regular voting period, but I absolutely do so if I'm in the finals.

    On a side note, we (the moderators) have been discussing the possibility of removing the ability to vote for finalists if you yourself are a finalist. That would remove the situation I just described, wherein the meta way to "play the game" is to vote 5-stars for yourself and 1-star to everyone else.

    I guess I'm an exception then. I'll generally keep to my standard voting style in finals, which results in not giving any 1's out, since cards that have made it that far should be correct, playable, and not hopelessly broken. Incendiary Chicken did earn a rare (for a finalist) 2, just because I felt it was significantly weaker than the competition.

    Even when I'm in the final, I stick to my rating system, which generally means I will vote other people higher than my own. If they made a better card, they deserve a higher vote. I've just got to hope enough people disagree with me.

  • shaveyou's Avatar
    415 198 Posts Joined 06/08/2019
    Posted 4 years ago

    Everyone else is going for incredible lore related characters, while my mind went to revamp trash meme legendaries!

    I'm not overly happy with either, and I'll probably come up with something completely different overnight, but for now... thoughts? Cards are based (loosely!) on Sergeant Sally and Nexus-Champion Saraad


    Feedback! (Take with a large dollop of salt. I'm fairly certain I fluked my way into winning previously)

    Xarkkal - Nice DR hunter finisher. It's a archetype I really enjoy, and this would fit nicely. It's not too strong, but would work with a deck built around it, exactly how a legendary should be. My only concern would be this idea has come up twice in the first 4/5 posts, and may struggle to stand out. Out of the two, I prefer this, but it will probably suffer the same way the Rogue "go dormant" secrets suffered.

    anchorm4n - See Shadows comments regarding this activating itself for lethal loops with several different minions. I don't think she overlaps Teron enough to make it redundant, but featuring in the same set might be a little much. My main concern would be this idea has come up twice in the first 4/5 posts, and may struggle to stand out. It will probably suffer the same way the Rogue "go dormant" secrets suffered.

    Demonxz95 - The card that would push Thief Rogue into the meta. Maybe. One of the main drawbacks of Thief rogue has been getting lumbered with expensive cards that aren't really worth the mana cost, so they just sit in hand. Admittedly, this is less so now a lot of the thief cards are discover, rather than pure random, but it can still be a problem. My main concern is the number of cards that can push this from "really good in the right deck" to "horrible cheesy unfun way to lose. You flagged Antonidas, but imagine getting an Evocation with this? There's other problematic cards, that aren't so powerful, but cards like Cabalists Tome or Devour Mind might even feel like too much. I really like the idea, but it might be a little too problematic. Maybe first card? Or costs 1, that way multiple cards can be prepped or coined out, but you couldn't pull a ridiculous swing turn.

    Linkblade91 - Love it. Flavour is there and would add something massive to an archetype that is already looking like it's going to be forgotten. I really don't have much to add.

  • shaveyou's Avatar
    415 198 Posts Joined 06/08/2019
    Posted 4 years ago


  • shaveyou's Avatar
    415 198 Posts Joined 06/08/2019
    Posted 4 years ago

    Thanks for the reminder!

    If anyone wants last minute feedback, I'll be online for the next few hours.

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    415 198 Posts Joined 06/08/2019
  • shaveyou's Avatar
    415 198 Posts Joined 06/08/2019
    Posted 4 years ago

    I've actually revised the Shadow Council deck with a few improvements. I'll update the decklist later. Thanks for the feature!

  • shaveyou's Avatar
    415 198 Posts Joined 06/08/2019
    Posted 4 years ago

    Congrats Linkblade!

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    415 198 Posts Joined 06/08/2019
    Posted 4 years ago
    Quote From linkblade91
    Quote From shaveyou

    Quick clarification - Can the effect be mirrored? Can it affect both decks?

    Yes: Void Contract destroys both decks. Also there's Hakkar, the Soulflayer, which was one of Devizz's examples that we didn't use for some reason lol

    I... probably should have read it more clearly. Thanks!

    Anyway, first couple of ideas:

    Incitus can be used to boost a tempo deck, or work as a combo tool, but the mirrored effect means that this is a dangerous card to play against some opponents. Meanwhile, Roaring Inferno acts in a similar vein to Beneath the Grounds, only with the removal of resources rather than tempo gain of adding a 4/4 to your side of the board.

    EDIT: Didn't see the posts above me. Feedback! (As always, this is my personal opinion, and is nearly always wrong)

    Conduit: The idea is ok, although personally, I think very weak. The original Bendictus worked to stave off fatigue, allowing you to draw rapidly, and then top your deck off later on. This does the opposite. You could make you deck intentionally bad, but then...your deck is bad, and theirs is only half bad. This would work against Mecha'thun decks, but otherwise it's too weak. Also, a minor thing, but having the corrupted (uncorrupted? redeemed? purified?) Benedictus in the same set as the original is weird, flavour-wise.

    Linkblade91: Out of the three I prefer Toxic Longtongue. Deck disruption that functions as it's own removal would be a new blend of mechanics as far as I'm aware. I know Burning Chainwhip almost has the same effect, but I prefer the frog, and if Burning Chainwhip existed in standard alongside Hoard Pillager...

    As for Switch Teams, I get where you're going with it, but it feels overcosted, even for a meme focused card. I suppose you could build a deck focusing on strong battlecries/weak minions (maybe handbuff focused?), but it seems expensive.

    DemonXZ95: I really like the idea, but this is undercosted. Clockwork Goblin loses 1 stat on vanilla for 1 bomb. While this is admittedly poor if you don't draw bomb-shuffle cards, or if your opponent somehow pulls them straight out again, the upside of this is potentially huge. It doesn't need to be a huge increase of cost, or decrease of stats, but I'd say this is too strong as it.

  • shaveyou's Avatar
    415 198 Posts Joined 06/08/2019
    Posted 4 years ago

    Quick clarification - Can the effect be mirrored? Can it affect both decks?

  • shaveyou's Avatar
    415 198 Posts Joined 06/08/2019
    Posted 4 years ago
    Quote From anchorm4n

    Good luck to all the finalists! And fingers crossed for my favorite this week, Counter Shot. Saving Grace should have made it, too, it was really a fair Ice Block with paladin flavor.

    I'm feeling the love :) I think Saving Grace just gave too many people Ice Block flashbacks for it to be universally well received. 

    I'm really impressed with the finalists this week, Secrets are harder to design than most cards, and there's some really incredible ones here. Good luck everyone who made it!


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