Now we have Centaurs, Saberon, Draenei (Broken), Murlocs, Trolls, Naga, and some other races as demon hunters aside from Night/Blood Elves.
Still waiting for the Pandaren DH.
I guess this card and the ones that lower the mana cost of outcast cards will make some combo, outcast have 4 draw cards, if I am not mistaken, they can cycle your deck fast a keep drawing and Pariah rising and rising,.
On the right deck is a must kill because it can give some trouble to you
Very strong indeed, good N'zoth target.
Even trading face is the place lol
Very difficult to trigger if your opponent manage to clear your board
3 mana 5/5 on 2 bodies and draw, a lot of stats and good effect. Very strong
Very easy to corrupt, it seems playable but... I don't know, druid is not like using his face since Gonk
Corridor Creeper on steroids
I am asking how the interaction between this card and Deck of Chaos will work.
If if can get corrupted the on 7 turn with a 5 mana card, then you suddenly will have a 9/4 full board on turn 8, well if you are alive by that turn.
Hope it works!
Good stats and all minon tribes on a common card.
Can use a lot of synergies, it will see play on all menagerie decks and on tribe dedicated ones too.
More fuel to Yogg's roulette
Two card combo with Broom and silence any threat your opponent have right in the spot
Now we have Centaurs, Saberon, Draenei (Broken), Murlocs, Trolls, Naga, and some other races as demon hunters aside from Night/Blood Elves.
Still waiting for the Pandaren DH.
I guess this card and the ones that lower the mana cost of outcast cards will make some combo, outcast have 4 draw cards, if I am not mistaken, they can cycle your deck fast a keep drawing and Pariah rising and rising,.
On the right deck is a must kill because it can give some trouble to you
With the outcast is really good for tempo, and can clear some low health minions on the board
With this card and adding more attack you can clear some big opponent threat and it enables to play the 6 mana minion for free
Love the art, an lorewise I think it's the first saberon on the game and as a demon Hunter, maybe a hint?
Best scenario is when it can be used along 1 mana outcast cards
Good against token decks, can clean a board completely
Lol love the art and the concept of this card
Very good option for deathrattle hunter and N'zoth decks
Very good if you manage to play it for free.
Very regular if you didn't manage to corrupt it
Very good removal tool
If you are not lucky it became a dead card in your hand until you can corrupt it