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Crossroads Historian
Joined 07/18/2019 Achieve Points 715 Posts 471

Sparkinarius's Comments

  • Sparkinarius's Avatar
    Crossroads Historian 715 471 Posts Joined 07/18/2019
    Posted 4 years ago

    Looks like a weaker Chaos Nova that requires you to take face damage as well, and isn't an aggressive stat line for aggro decks. I don't see what archetype wants to include this.

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    Crossroads Historian 715 471 Posts Joined 07/18/2019
    Posted 4 years ago

    There are a handful of big demons that are really good to cheat out along with a 7/9 taunt all for 9 mana. Big minion cheating has historically been powerful and the defensive body add up to a game winning build around that slower archetypes like highlander DH will want to utilize.

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    Crossroads Historian 715 471 Posts Joined 07/18/2019
    Posted 4 years ago

    A great aggressive finisher, but also decent as a 3/5 on turn 4 to push 3 damage face. A card that has aggressive uses at any stage of the game is sure to be a staple for aggro Demon Hunter.

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    Crossroads Historian 715 471 Posts Joined 07/18/2019
    Posted 4 years ago

    Guaranteed burst damage is no joke. Efficient mana wise at 7 mana for 10 damage when compared to Pyroblast, and the drawback of the damage occurring over 2 turns can usually be achieved with aggressive decks that dictate the pace of the game.

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    Crossroads Historian 715 471 Posts Joined 07/18/2019
    Posted 4 years ago

    A really good finisher if anything. Will probably see play more in aggressive Demon Hunter decks than in slower archetypes.

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    Crossroads Historian 715 471 Posts Joined 07/18/2019
    Posted 4 years, 1 month ago

    Can't believe my deck got featured! Been having a lot of fun with it and I hope you all will too!

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    Crossroads Historian 715 471 Posts Joined 07/18/2019
    Posted 4 years, 4 months ago

    Overall, I'm alright with these changes. I don't think Blizzard wanted Galakrond Shaman to be unplayable (I mean, they gave Galakrond, the Tempest for free for everyone, so new and budget players should at least be able to play with something that can win), so they made changes to weaken it's early game to make it more vulnerable against aggressive decks.

    I think they will definitely cut Mogu Fleshshaper and Mutate because that combo can't come out as early as turn 3 or 4 anymore and at that point why don't you just run Sea Giant instead?

    The Corrupt Elementalist nerf breaks the curve of the deck a little as it will delay Dragon's Pack by a turn in general and prevents curving into Kronx Dragonhoof into Galakrond, the Tempest.

    The Sludge Slurper nerf is interesting and reminds me of the EVIL Miscreant nerf: not too impactful, but also keeps the early game of their class in check. Still a powerful card as you can just still curve into the lackey while you are overloaded on turn 2.

    I think the Faceless Corruptor nerf is not enough. 8/8 in stats on turn 5 or 6 is still really good and the fact that they still have rush is insanely tempo driven. It's still like a neutral Multi-Shot but with 1 or 2 4 attack bodies and not random. No decks that are running the card will cut it.

    Lastly, I'm very scared that Necrium Apothecary didn't get looked at. The card creates early game high rolls pretty consistently that feels like you can only win against the Rogue is if they don't draw it. We might want to start teching weapon removal and silence into our decks if Rogue becomes the top class, which I think might be the case.

    Of course, these are just my thoughts. Just giving people a perspective to think on.

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    Crossroads Historian 715 471 Posts Joined 07/18/2019
    Posted 4 years, 4 months ago

    This is Vulpera Scoundrel taken to 11. Having a minion that both contests the board really well on turn 3 and discovers a more tempo-driven card in a minion rather than a spell with Vulpera Scoundrel. Should be a staple inclusion in every Highlander Hunter deck, if not allowing for a Dragon Highlander Hunter deck.

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    Crossroads Historian 715 471 Posts Joined 07/18/2019
    Posted 4 years, 4 months ago

    I think every Hunter deck will want to find room for this card. It is very powerful to generate 5 damage almost for free, not to mention the flexibility in usage between burst and tempo the card provides when the 5 damage hits the face or a minion respectively. It will actively shape how opponents play as they will always be scared to have just a 5 health minion on board or nothing on board, allowing you to take advantage of their suboptimal plays. Also, this is decently threatening just being played on turn 4 as we have seen with Houndmaster Shaw.

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    Crossroads Historian 715 471 Posts Joined 07/18/2019
    Posted 4 years, 4 months ago

    Anyway I slice it, this feels inferior to the resources available to Quest Druid. Want efficient removal? Why not have upgraded Oasis Surger, Starfall, and Wrath instead? Want to draw 3 cards with Gadgetzan Auctioneer for 9 mana? Why not draw 3 cards for effectively 4 mana with upgraded Nourish? Pretty cool for a Gonk, the Raptor deck I guess.

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    Crossroads Historian 715 471 Posts Joined 07/18/2019
    Posted 4 years, 4 months ago

    If Druid wants to play Dragons to support Breath of Dreams, I think they will have better options than this. Does nothing the turn it is played and takes multiple turns to recognize the full value of the battlecry, but a fun card none the less.

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