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Hero of Warcraft
Joined 03/27/2019 Achieve Points 890 Posts 1034

Suchti0352's Comments

  • Suchti0352's Avatar
    Hero of Warcraft 890 1034 Posts Joined 03/27/2019
    Posted 2 years, 8 months ago

    It got solved a couple days ago, but it's probably the hardest one to execute as you can't just follow straight instructions and the starting point is randomized for each player for each of the 3 puzzles(8 Maze different mazes with Items, Rubix qube and Math). I'm sure a full guide will be covered here eventually.

  • Suchti0352's Avatar
    Hero of Warcraft 890 1034 Posts Joined 03/27/2019
    Posted 2 years, 8 months ago
    Quote From HuntardHuntard

    If that reasoning was as valid as you thought it was, then the squelch feature shouldn't exist at all because it would deprive emote spammers from deciding to emote reasonably, thus ruining their experience. All while subjecting poor Timmy who just got out of class to 20+ Anduin wow emotes. Whose experience should be protected in the first place?

    The point of that arguement was not to say that the enjoyment of 1 player should be put above the one of the other, but that a auto squelch feature would also block players whos behaviour might not even bother you, which results in less social interaction for both players. Think of the following scenario:  You are a player who generally like small interactions with your opponents (greetings, well played, sometimes wow etc.), but also gets annoyed rather quickly.

    Ideally you face players with the same preferences as you, have fun with him and move on.

    Then you face a player who uses too many emotes, in which case you squelch him. So let's say that this squelch would now also apply to all other players until you unsquelch someone. Or you meet another one of these guys in the next game and get so annoyed that you enable the auto-squelch. The point is, you activated it now.

    You play a couple more games, don't get annoyed anymore and go to sleep.

    Then on the next day you will most likely have forgoten that you activated the auto squelch. You continue playing the game, don't get annoyed by anyone and are fine with it. But here's the catch: You might have met a player with the same preference as you during your matches, but you never interacted with him because you never saw any of his friendly emotes. The "have fun with him" part never happened, even though it could have. And that's the thing that directly influences other players in a negative way.

    This would discourage your opponent from trying to use emotes in this match, and in the long term in every match too if he meets more players that don't respond, wether intentional or not (like in this example). Because why bother if no one responds? This eventually would all lead to 2 types of players: The ones who have auto-squelch active, and the ones who don't even bother emoting, because they think they are playing against someone who uses auto-squelch even if they don't. This would obviously be the worst case, but the point is that auto-squelch does not only effect you.

  • Suchti0352's Avatar
    Hero of Warcraft 890 1034 Posts Joined 03/27/2019
    Posted 2 years, 8 months ago

    I'm just gonna leave a reddit comment about why people are against auto-squelchs here.

    "I think the idea is to give people a chance. You can still squelch if you want, but making it auto removes the decision making process of "does this person deserve to be squelched.

    I think of it like disabling comments on a YouTube video instead of deleting specific problematic comments. Sure, that's one way to avoid annoyance, but it also detracts from the video/game experience.

    If im your opponent and I want to use my emotes appropriately to have an interaction with you and now I can't (not because of my own actions but because you aren't giving me a fair chance with auto squelch), my own gaming experience is worse strictly because of your decision to squelch everyone, rather than making a real time decision to squelch an individual"

  • Suchti0352's Avatar
    Hero of Warcraft 890 1034 Posts Joined 03/27/2019
    Posted 2 years, 8 months ago

    Mech Paladin was one of my favorite archetypes for that class (even if it never took off) so I'm thrilled for its return.

  • Suchti0352's Avatar
    Hero of Warcraft 890 1034 Posts Joined 03/27/2019
    Posted 2 years, 8 months ago

    I mean, they kinda made it work. Their 2v2 mode basically had minimal interactions between the players (as in both players play normal 1v1 matches and you choose a buff every couple rounds and the other player got the other options), but that's probably not what you or other players have in mind when they talk about 2v2. Apparently LoR players neither since it got removed a couple months after the launch and had pretty long que times from what I have heard.

  • Suchti0352's Avatar
    Hero of Warcraft 890 1034 Posts Joined 03/27/2019
    Posted 2 years, 8 months ago


    Iksar said that a tournament mode comes up ever so often, but one of the problems for designing it is that many players have different expectations for how such a mode would work. I personally also doubt the popularity of that, since casual players (99% of the playerbase) probably won't care too much about it. Also there were people who wanted a more hardcore version of the Dungeon runs and Duels has a pretty stable playerbase.

    Also a side note: no one asked for a digital WoW cardgame, yet here we are.


    2v2 was actually one of the original Ideas that ended up becoming Mercenaries.

    ""We started with a handful of pitches and ideas to explore,” he explains. “One of the things that gets asked about from the community, and that the team is passionate about trying to figure out, is some form of 2v2, and that was actually one of the original pitches. But as we went through, we settled on… character progression, roguelike RPG [elements]… as the thing that we wanted to add to Hearthstone."


    Probably not worth the dev ressources. Dynamically adding and changing rules would not only be rather hard to program, but the UI for this would also be pretty overloaded(especially on mobile), which is something they always try to avoid. It also wouldn't really add anything to the game that hasn't been there before with Tavern Brawls and would probably end up being played even less. Also giving players the ability to play with every card in their deck for free would probably negatively impact their sales.


    Sure, cheaper deals are always nice but... Why would they lower the prices? The game obviously already makes a ton of money and if their data would show that making they bundles cheaper would increase the overall income they would have already done that. You also don't have to buy every pre-order, even if you are not f2p. Buying both expansion pre-orders is also (in my opinion) overkill anyways and the mini-sets are best of being bought with gold and a great deal on top of that. Sure that's still a ton of money and worth 3-4 tripple A games, however you also (hopefully) get a year long of fun out of it. Or you just go f2p


    Arena never really was a popular mode even when they did regular changes (also remember the Arena event? I feel old now), so I don't see any reason why that would be different nowadays, especially since there are so many more options now. Also they already do ban cards. I'm not saying that they won't do any changes to it in the future, but that those won't make it "one of the best modes" for the majority of the playerbase.

  • Suchti0352's Avatar
    Hero of Warcraft 890 1034 Posts Joined 03/27/2019
    Posted 2 years, 8 months ago

    Quote From Author
    Heck they even LIE to your face in promotional videos claiming they dont wanna create decks you cant interact with and yet they do exactly that every xpac….

    Which video are you specificaly talking about? Also the only uninteractive deck that got enabled from the latest expansion is owl lock and I highly doubt that this was the intentional use case for Tamsin's Phylactery.

  • Suchti0352's Avatar
    Hero of Warcraft 890 1034 Posts Joined 03/27/2019
    Posted 2 years, 8 months ago
    Quote From h0lysatan

    The amount of people replying to this article really shows how high the popularity of Mercenaries.

    That doesn't sound like a good way to messure basically anything. I'm not saying that it's the most popular mode ever, but I'm just annoyed when people try to claim that the mode is "dead". Especially for a mode that's aimed at casual mobile players who aren't represented in any forum or third party tool statistic.

    Mercs still gets regular content updates and still has a average que time of 30-60sec (which sounds not that bad when you consider that pve is the main attraction) and that 5 months after launch. It has audience, it has dev support and it's here to stay, just like duels.

  • Suchti0352's Avatar
    Hero of Warcraft 890 1034 Posts Joined 03/27/2019
    Posted 2 years, 9 months ago

    I was lucky enough to open him in my 5. pack or so. I'm still leveling him (obviously), but I see a bright future ahead of him, atleast in pve.

  • Suchti0352's Avatar
    Hero of Warcraft 890 1034 Posts Joined 03/27/2019
    Posted 2 years, 9 months ago

    So soon? That seems a bit quick considering that the last N'zoth is just about rotating out of standard.

  • Suchti0352's Avatar
    Hero of Warcraft 890 1034 Posts Joined 03/27/2019
    Posted 2 years, 9 months ago

    So that's the expansion of which one of a dev claimed that it's "better than your wildest dreams?". I never played WoW, but that theme doesn't them that wild to me, so I'm hoping for a awesome twist in the trailer and some banger card mechanics. This is probably also one of the two "expected" themes for the year that Iksar recently talked about (based on the teaser).

  • Suchti0352's Avatar
    Hero of Warcraft 890 1034 Posts Joined 03/27/2019
    Posted 2 years, 9 months ago

    So the expansion got leaked already. Wanna guess who's fault it was this time? Yeah you are right, it's

    Show Spoiler

  • Suchti0352's Avatar
    Hero of Warcraft 890 1034 Posts Joined 03/27/2019
    Posted 2 years, 9 months ago

    This description might be enough for you, but it instantly raises some questions for me. Like:

    A button? So you press it and it randomizes your currently equiped hero? Can you also press it to randomize your favorite hero? Where exactly is the button located? How big should it be? Does it need a text description next to it or rather use a icon? What is if I want a random hero for each match. Do I have to press the button each time? How about if I only want a random hero from a previous selected pool of heroes? How would the hero in your deck preview look like? Just a boring question mark? How do you differantiate between the classes if every class has the same Icon?

    What are the expectations of other players?

    All of those questions have to be considered and that's just the first step of the ones I mentioned above.

  • Suchti0352's Avatar
    Hero of Warcraft 890 1034 Posts Joined 03/27/2019
    Posted 2 years, 9 months ago

    But...why? What difference could those 2 days possible do for them?

  • Suchti0352's Avatar
    Hero of Warcraft 890 1034 Posts Joined 03/27/2019
    Posted 2 years, 9 months ago
    Quote From h0lysatan

    They promised to tone down QL popularity, and yet, those decks were still popular (and hated, yes I meant you Demon Seed).

    Granted I didn't play much ranked in the last couple weeks/months, but the questlines don't feel oppressive at all to me. Sure there's the occasional Pirate warrior and newly also questline hunter, but that's about it. I also havn't seen a questline warlock in ages.

  • Suchti0352's Avatar
    Hero of Warcraft 890 1034 Posts Joined 03/27/2019
    Posted 2 years, 9 months ago

    For the mercenaries section I also expect them to talk about the pve endgame system that was mentioned on Discord in early January. There's also the legendary difficulty that was announced as post-launch content way back during the mercs announcement stream. Some of the mercs that released with Altarac also briefly featured tasks for the legendary difficulty before the bug got patched out.

    For constructed it's probably also worth noting that the last expansion of the next year will be bigger than usual (too lazy to look up in which Q&A that was stated). It's still a while away, but it will surely be featured on the upcoming Roadmap.

    I'm also 100% sure to have read somewhere that the next expansion will also feature a new cardtype...I'm just not sure where exactly. I'm sure someone else here can help me out.

  • Suchti0352's Avatar
    Hero of Warcraft 890 1034 Posts Joined 03/27/2019
    Posted 2 years, 9 months ago

    Oh there definetely is, especially because it's a low priority feature and as such only has very few ressource.

    You first have to design the feature (how does it work, is it completely random or from a selected ammount of skins?,is there a limit? Should the random skin be a hero or a option? Does each class have a own Icon for a random hero? etc.),

    After that they have to design the UI changes and additions (do we use tick boxes? If yes, where to we put them without making the UI feel cluttered? How should the different Icons for the random heroes look like? etc.).

    Then the programmer has to implement that feature (which can quite a bit of time, considering that no one ever touched the base code for the skin selection in years)

    Next everything has to be tested

    And finally the feature has to be added to a release build and the contents of those are usually decided weeks in advance.

  • Suchti0352's Avatar
    Hero of Warcraft 890 1034 Posts Joined 03/27/2019
    Posted 2 years, 9 months ago

    The fact that it's NFT based is a huge red flag for me.

    In reply to New(?) card game
  • Suchti0352's Avatar
    Hero of Warcraft 890 1034 Posts Joined 03/27/2019
    Posted 2 years, 9 months ago

    If I had to guess they are  going to add more decks/mechanics than they are removing with the next expansion.

  • Suchti0352's Avatar
    Hero of Warcraft 890 1034 Posts Joined 03/27/2019
    Posted 2 years, 9 months ago

    that idea was already talked about

    Quote From Ben Lee

    Having a global "not less than (1) mana" rule is not something Hearthstone should have.

    • This isn't intuitive to players, the rule should be on the card text for the card.
    • They use this rule on cards when they know a card can be disruptive.