It’s worth its gold price just for the dust; in terms of cards seeing play in Wild it depends on what kinds of decks you want to play. If you only care about playing tier 1 decks to climb ranked maybe 2-3 cards will see play but if you want to play a wide variety of different decks for fun you may want more of the cards.
After the recent nerf of the Odd version (the Twinspell card going to 2 mana) Non-Odd Quest Hunter is rising in popularity and may even be more powerful.
This is a poll about which deck will be in next week’s Wildest of Wednesdays article. The deck with the highest score after 3 days will be the winner. Each of the following decks have cards from the Onyxia’s Lair miniset.
Yes I’m talking Wild, where you can combo it with hero power and other spells and get it to work on 3,4, and 5 hp minions easily as well. No easy way to play around it, and it can easily be a big upgrade over some suboptimal cards that the deck was forced to run.
### Legend Maker
# Class: Warlock
# Format: Wild
# 2x (1) Flame Imp
# 2x (1) Malchezaar's Imp
# 2x (1) Soulfire
# 1x (1) The Soularium
# 2x (1) Wicked Whispers
# 2x (2) Boneweb Egg
# 2x (2) Expired Merchant
# 1x (2) Kanrethad Ebonlocke
# 2x (2) Tiny Knight of Evil
# 2x (3) Silverware Golem
# 2x (4) Fist of Jaraxxus
# 2x (4) Lakkari Felhound
# 2x (4) Nightshade Matron
# 2x (5) Doomguard
# 2x (5) Spawn of Deathwing
# 2x (6) Hand of Gul'dan
# To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone
This guide is great, one of the best I’ve seen! Really enjoyed reading it.
Portrait Northwatch Cariel
Cardback Tournament Grounds
It’s worth its gold price just for the dust; in terms of cards seeing play in Wild it depends on what kinds of decks you want to play. If you only care about playing tier 1 decks to climb ranked maybe 2-3 cards will see play but if you want to play a wide variety of different decks for fun you may want more of the cards.
After the recent nerf of the Odd version (the Twinspell card going to 2 mana) Non-Odd Quest Hunter is rising in popularity and may even be more powerful.
Token Demon Hunter
Togwaggle Warlock
Void Contract Warlock with Kazakusan
Astral Communion Druid
Reno Dragon Big Spell Mage
Double article week with Midrange and Aggro Discard Warlocks.
Fun version of Questline Hunter.
This is a poll about which deck will be in next week’s Wildest of Wednesdays article. The deck with the highest score after 3 days will be the winner. Each of the following decks have cards from the Onyxia’s Lair miniset.
Yes I’m talking Wild, where you can combo it with hero power and other spells and get it to work on 3,4, and 5 hp minions easily as well. No easy way to play around it, and it can easily be a big upgrade over some suboptimal cards that the deck was forced to run.
Dragonbane Shot has potential in Quest Hunter, at least in Wild and probably in Standard.
I remember when the Dragon Egg summoning 2/1 whelps was even played in Druids.
Thanks about the guides! Have you played Egg Hunter? Also a pretty nice Egg deck, Korrak is really good there too.
Thanks! I like your Egg Paladin deck btw, I saw it on Reddit. Egg decks are cool.
Thanks! As soon as I saw the Ramen cardback I knew it would be perfect for this deck.
Are you trying it in ranked? The decks on this series are “off meta” meaning they are not recommended for climbing.