I hope High Abbess Alura is unnerfed eventually, I was having so much fun with her in prelate paladin as a highroll option for buff spells. She is definitely not too powerful in wild so it’s another case of a card that is a cool option for wild decks but not in any high meta decks for wild being nerfed because of standard, similar to what happened with Dinotamer Brann.
I would not recommend crafting the deck as is at all if it would deplete your dust reserves as there is a new expansion coming soon. It's fun and I even won against a secret mage using Corrupted Bloods and it worked because they drew through their deck pretty quickly. However, it has an abysmal winrate overall against Secret mages and Big Priests. Reno Priests are not as bad bc even if they play Sphere if you get 2 bloods into their deck, their Reno, Raza, Kazakus, and Zephrys are disabled which makes it easy to win just through Deathstalker Rexxar beasts. I am generally playing this deck in lower mmr where there is a high variety of decks and it does better there, if you are playing this in diamond you will definitely lose a lot.
It depends on your draw, last game I played with this yesterday both schemes were the bottom 2 cards in the deck but I still won by drawing quickly and the opponent was a slow ress priest deck so I didn’t face too much pressure and stalled the game with Saps, Doomsayers, and Vanishes.
A video would look really cool, I personally don’t want to upload Hearthstone videos on my youtube account so I don’t make them but if anyone wants to make a video maybe they could comment it.
I saw a post with a similar topic for another card game, and I think it would be fun to do a similar thing for Hearthstone on the forum. I will start, let’s put a card you underestimated and one you overestimated from expansion reveals as compared to how it actually played out in the meta. If you only have a card in one of these categories just post that one.
I thought it was going to be way too slow to see play and that you would often lose to aggro before having a chance to play it but it actually saw play in a lot of control shamans and was considered a powerful card.
I thought it was going to be a powerful late game card in deathrattle decks, copying 3 deathrattles and having a large impact. But it turned out to barely see play in the meta, it is only used in fun and meme level decks but not in any meta decks.
Which cards did you underestimate and overestimate and what was your reasoning at the time?
You are right! He would be a good alternative way to do the combo if you don't draw Grand Empress Shek'zara. I actually don't have him and might have to craft him to test it out but he definitely has a spot in the deck. I actually updated it to put him in. Thanks so much for pointing it out!
Thanks for the deck spotlight! Also I want to say that this is one of the articles I look forward to the most each week. I like the big approach to dragon priest a lot, it's really cool.
On my final boss game to legend, I queue into secret mage and draw and play Kezan Mystic turn 3 with coin to steal a secret and then Eater of Secrets turn 4 to destroy 2 more secrets. After that they conceded.
Yeah I’m not sure how to explain it other than low sample size or we get different matchups, especially bc you said you did well with the Reborn Quest Paladin deck a week or so ago but I didn’t do as well with it as I did with this deck and thought it’s mostly a meme level deck. Either way, I definitely appreciate all of your suggestions even though I don’t end up implementing all of them bc it’s fun to test out different things and some things like Greybough in Reno Druid worked really well and Dragonrider Talritha is an awesome idea for Midrange Dragon Pally.
Mass Dispel is interesting, I personally didn’t face decks with a lot of taunts other than big priest but it could definitely be a good idea depending on what decks you face.
Maybe I can watch some of your games to see how you mulligan and stuff? I usually had 3 big minions on the board by turn 6 and then they just went face, with the help of Loatheb and Mindrender Illucia. There’s also some things like when to use the 1/1 minion creators and saving silences for more than one minion at a time vs using them aggressively early on. Of course it’s possible I was lucky some games or you were unlucky some games with draws and that sort of thing, sample sizes below 100 are hard to trust for any deck in my opinion. My sample size is about 45 games starting at silver mmr and building up to diamond and my winrate started off at 75 percent for the low mmr ranks and dropped to about 50 percent at high ranks. What decks were you facing in your meta when you tried this deck, it definitely had more and less favored matchups in my experience so I’m curious what your pocket meta was. Odd paladins and kingsbane rogues destroy this deck so I definitely would not be surprised at a 10 percent winrate if you face a lot of those.
Are you going face enough? I also ran out of gas if I tried to control the board too much but I did beat a bunch of meta decks including big priest, reno priest, even shaman and secret mage by being very aggressive. Even against something like odd demon hunter and face hunter I won by rushing them down with face damage vs trading, before I tried the aggressive playstyle I was losing more too as this deck runs out of gas by turn 10. This is not a meta deck of course, it’s more of a fun level deck, so against tier 1 decks it won’t have a great winrate but I didn’t do nearly as bad as that in testing. I am trying out your idea for card draw but so far what I see is you get cards like Inner Fire and Divine Spirit by themselves and they don’t help a lot, the combo seems inconsistent although it does work well when you get both pieces. I agree that the meta isn’t good for it as a top tier competitive deck because darkglare warlock is more powerful as it can get 8/8 giants out faster than you.
Thanks for replying! Here is my own list, I wasn’t sure if I should post it initially.
1. Warlock
Warlock has such a high variety of decks and deck archetypes, and Renolock is so versatile and after Tickatus can do well against any archetype combo aggro and control.
2. Mage
I like Reno Galaxy Mage a lot and the general spell based synergy gameplay.
3. Hunter
This used to be lower for me but after the new expansion Deathrattle hunter with Tonk, Flark’s Boomzooka, and other things became one of my favorite decks. I also like the death knight for hunter and its hero power.
4. Shaman
Shudderwock is my favorite card in the game and I like the flavor of the evolve mechanic. The battlecry quest enables a lot of archetypes as well
5. Druid
Many different deck archetypes from aggro to midrange to control to combo, it has the aviana kun combo for many different possible combos, plus Reno Druid is one of my favorite decks
6. Priest
It has some nice control value decks but somehow is less enjoyable than other classes with similar decks
7. Paladin
Paladin is too limited and doesn’t have any control type decks, pure recruit paladin is nice though
8. Rogue
Kingsbane rogue and Thief rogue are ok but one gets repetitive and the other has a very low winrate so I end up almost never playing it
9. Warrior
It has a lot of deck types, but so far most warrior decks I tried are just boring to play for me or are not competitive at all
10. Demon Hunter
Too limited to aggro, and it’s not even the most enjoyable aggro for me. Outcast is a nice mechanic though
I am curious what the rankings are for the 10 classes for wild players and why for which classes you like to play the most and are your favorite. By rankings I mean ranking the classes from number 1 to 10. Obviously this can change over time but it is still interesting to see what it is.
I hope High Abbess Alura is unnerfed eventually, I was having so much fun with her in prelate paladin as a highroll option for buff spells. She is definitely not too powerful in wild so it’s another case of a card that is a cool option for wild decks but not in any high meta decks for wild being nerfed because of standard, similar to what happened with Dinotamer Brann.
That’s just a really bad matchup because hunter doesn’t have any good wide board clears. You need to try to get Zephrys.
I would not recommend crafting the deck as is at all if it would deplete your dust reserves as there is a new expansion coming soon. It's fun and I even won against a secret mage using Corrupted Bloods and it worked because they drew through their deck pretty quickly. However, it has an abysmal winrate overall against Secret mages and Big Priests. Reno Priests are not as bad bc even if they play Sphere if you get 2 bloods into their deck, their Reno, Raza, Kazakus, and Zephrys are disabled which makes it easy to win just through Deathstalker Rexxar beasts. I am generally playing this deck in lower mmr where there is a high variety of decks and it does better there, if you are playing this in diamond you will definitely lose a lot.
It depends on your draw, last game I played with this yesterday both schemes were the bottom 2 cards in the deck but I still won by drawing quickly and the opponent was a slow ress priest deck so I didn’t face too much pressure and stalled the game with Saps, Doomsayers, and Vanishes.
A video would look really cool, I personally don’t want to upload Hearthstone videos on my youtube account so I don’t make them but if anyone wants to make a video maybe they could comment it.
He also combos with Deathstalker Rexxar for a greater clear and with Seeping Oozeling to shuffle in 2 Corrupted Bloods at once. So he is definitely useful but the deck idea will work without him. I would put in either Wandering Monster or Unleash the Hounds for him as another defensive spell.
I saw a post with a similar topic for another card game, and I think it would be fun to do a similar thing for Hearthstone on the forum. I will start, let’s put a card you underestimated and one you overestimated from expansion reveals as compared to how it actually played out in the meta. If you only have a card in one of these categories just post that one.
I thought it was going to be way too slow to see play and that you would often lose to aggro before having a chance to play it but it actually saw play in a lot of control shamans and was considered a powerful card.
I thought it was going to be a powerful late game card in deathrattle decks, copying 3 deathrattles and having a large impact. But it turned out to barely see play in the meta, it is only used in fun and meme level decks but not in any meta decks.
Which cards did you underestimate and overestimate and what was your reasoning at the time?
What happened to the Brawl Haul series? Is it ever going to come back?
My winrate is about 30-40 percent, this is a fun level deck not really meta so it’s not going to be high.
Any card draw or add a second Antique Healbot.
I ended up crafting him and he won me the very first game I tried him in.
You are right! He would be a good alternative way to do the combo if you don't draw Grand Empress Shek'zara. I actually don't have him and might have to craft him to test it out but he definitely has a spot in the deck. I actually updated it to put him in. Thanks so much for pointing it out!
Thanks for the deck spotlight! Also I want to say that this is one of the articles I look forward to the most each week. I like the big approach to dragon priest a lot, it's really cool.
On my final boss game to legend, I queue into secret mage and draw and play Kezan Mystic turn 3 with coin to steal a secret and then Eater of Secrets turn 4 to destroy 2 more secrets. After that they conceded.
Yeah I’m not sure how to explain it other than low sample size or we get different matchups, especially bc you said you did well with the Reborn Quest Paladin deck a week or so ago but I didn’t do as well with it as I did with this deck and thought it’s mostly a meme level deck. Either way, I definitely appreciate all of your suggestions even though I don’t end up implementing all of them bc it’s fun to test out different things and some things like Greybough in Reno Druid worked really well and Dragonrider Talritha is an awesome idea for Midrange Dragon Pally.
Mass Dispel is interesting, I personally didn’t face decks with a lot of taunts other than big priest but it could definitely be a good idea depending on what decks you face.
Maybe I can watch some of your games to see how you mulligan and stuff? I usually had 3 big minions on the board by turn 6 and then they just went face, with the help of Loatheb and Mindrender Illucia. There’s also some things like when to use the 1/1 minion creators and saving silences for more than one minion at a time vs using them aggressively early on. Of course it’s possible I was lucky some games or you were unlucky some games with draws and that sort of thing, sample sizes below 100 are hard to trust for any deck in my opinion. My sample size is about 45 games starting at silver mmr and building up to diamond and my winrate started off at 75 percent for the low mmr ranks and dropped to about 50 percent at high ranks. What decks were you facing in your meta when you tried this deck, it definitely had more and less favored matchups in my experience so I’m curious what your pocket meta was. Odd paladins and kingsbane rogues destroy this deck so I definitely would not be surprised at a 10 percent winrate if you face a lot of those.
Are you going face enough? I also ran out of gas if I tried to control the board too much but I did beat a bunch of meta decks including big priest, reno priest, even shaman and secret mage by being very aggressive. Even against something like odd demon hunter and face hunter I won by rushing them down with face damage vs trading, before I tried the aggressive playstyle I was losing more too as this deck runs out of gas by turn 10. This is not a meta deck of course, it’s more of a fun level deck, so against tier 1 decks it won’t have a great winrate but I didn’t do nearly as bad as that in testing. I am trying out your idea for card draw but so far what I see is you get cards like Inner Fire and Divine Spirit by themselves and they don’t help a lot, the combo seems inconsistent although it does work well when you get both pieces. I agree that the meta isn’t good for it as a top tier competitive deck because darkglare warlock is more powerful as it can get 8/8 giants out faster than you.
Thanks for replying! Here is my own list, I wasn’t sure if I should post it initially.
1. Warlock
Warlock has such a high variety of decks and deck archetypes, and Renolock is so versatile and after Tickatus can do well against any archetype combo aggro and control.
2. Mage
I like Reno Galaxy Mage a lot and the general spell based synergy gameplay.
3. Hunter
This used to be lower for me but after the new expansion Deathrattle hunter with Tonk, Flark’s Boomzooka, and other things became one of my favorite decks. I also like the death knight for hunter and its hero power.
4. Shaman
Shudderwock is my favorite card in the game and I like the flavor of the evolve mechanic. The battlecry quest enables a lot of archetypes as well
5. Druid
Many different deck archetypes from aggro to midrange to control to combo, it has the aviana kun combo for many different possible combos, plus Reno Druid is one of my favorite decks
6. Priest
It has some nice control value decks but somehow is less enjoyable than other classes with similar decks
7. Paladin
Paladin is too limited and doesn’t have any control type decks, pure recruit paladin is nice though
8. Rogue
Kingsbane rogue and Thief rogue are ok but one gets repetitive and the other has a very low winrate so I end up almost never playing it
9. Warrior
It has a lot of deck types, but so far most warrior decks I tried are just boring to play for me or are not competitive at all
10. Demon Hunter
Too limited to aggro, and it’s not even the most enjoyable aggro for me. Outcast is a nice mechanic though
I am curious what the rankings are for the 10 classes for wild players and why for which classes you like to play the most and are your favorite. By rankings I mean ranking the classes from number 1 to 10. Obviously this can change over time but it is still interesting to see what it is.