This is sweet because it affects future deck draws. I don't think this goes into the current elemental curvestone deck but may go into a more mid-range control based elemental deck.
This feels like a treasure from duels almost. Obviously not worth it until you played 2 overload cards. (3 mana for a 3-cost), but gets better as the game goes on. Slightly memey but still fun!
Quest support, and nothing more.
Y'shaarj+Bolner+corrupted medic is apparently the talked about combo right now.
A broken effect, if it gets off. Will need lots of refinement to see top tier play I think though.
5 mana 7/7 is gonna be hard to play after playing 2 overload cards.
3/3 taunt helps stall while your locked crystals may or may not hamper you.
We'll see if this is actually good or not...still not hard to get first stage done.
More evolve support. Not a fan because these cards are either beyond broken, or meme-tier.
So when we see an "underload" mechanic? I'll see myself
This is sweet because it affects future deck draws. I don't think this goes into the current elemental curvestone deck but may go into a more mid-range control based elemental deck.
This feels like a treasure from duels almost. Obviously not worth it until you played 2 overload cards. (3 mana for a 3-cost), but gets better as the game goes on. Slightly memey but still fun!
Mana discounts, particularly battlecries in shaman, are often very strong. So i can see this replacing whack a gnoll hammer in many variants.
Walking Fountain's little brother...
This is gonna be really good with lightning bloom. Like, spirit wolves is bad already, but being able to flood a board with wolves isn't half bad.
Overload cantrip? Odd inclusion but probably support for the quest.
Rush and stealth on attacking another minion. Odd combination but it allows trading into weaker targets and guarantees a 2nd attack at least.
Not sure this card is worth it...
I don't know if this is necessarily a meme, but still good support for a quest rogue build.
Not a horrible card. Slightly weaker due to it needing to be undamaged but still decent.
More rattle support for rogue. I approve.
Assassinate on a stick that in theory by turn 7, should be only 4 cost (if not less). It's easy to play 3 SI:7 cards by the midgame.