4 mana 4/4 draw 2 is nice. Condition for draw isn't too hard to meet. If their are a few good deathrattle cards that may warrant this to draw them quicker.
I like this. We see a lot of druid spells giving taunt. It's a nice twist for it to care about the minion having taunt. All this needs is cheap battle cry taunt minion and we'll see it for sure. Heck even [Hearthstone Card (Taelen Fordring) Not Found] isn't a bad card to hit for more draw. Just a neat card.
This isn't so bad. Zero mana almost a Frost Nova is great. Nova was such a strong card. Even though this says random, you can definitely get this into a favorable position. Just a real solid card.
Nice simple board clear early on. Not too hard to have a 1/1 or deathrattle minion you want to pop to clear another aggressive deck. Definitely will see this.
Real interesting. Since it hits all minions you have to manipulate your minions so they don't die to this so you don't loose extra cards but with cards like the one that wants your deck to be thinned out maybe you want to loose that extra card.
Looking forward to that Horde coin. I like these cosmetics this time. Shouldn't be too hard to get either. I think I got the darkmoon one after the mini-set dropped.
New shiny thing. Looks cool. Nice cosmetic idea. I was thinking of getting the pass anyway this time and a new shiny thing doesn't hurt. Cant wait to see it in game.
I don't see this being a thing. We have Fortune Teller and doesn't see much use. I think if we want a good taunt the Fairground Fool is the best way to go as it can get pulled back by Rally!
Really like this. 3/3 life steal for 3 is alright. But the deal 6 gain 6 at the late game is nice. Warlocks can burn through their deck fast enough that this guy is likely to actually kill what he hits.
Love the idea of Sigils. "Secrets" but both players know them. So simple yet really evokes the sigils from WoW. Excited to see more of them.
As for Flame itself. Seems strong. A cheap 3 damage is nice. Can deter further plays and clean up a board. Real nice control tool, I'm certain it will see some play and probably push the Control Demonhunter architype.
This one seems weak but at the same time discounts tend to get underestimated. It depends on the beasts in the set for sure. Maybe this goes into some N'zoth thing with a few big beasts you can discount.
4 mana 4/4 draw 2 is nice. Condition for draw isn't too hard to meet. If their are a few good deathrattle cards that may warrant this to draw them quicker.
With those Augmerchant cards still around. This could be quite strong on 6 with any board. Might find a home somewhere.
I don't know if murlocs are quite there yet. But still this will be a good card if they are. Big push in the right direction.
Also I love the art. It's like he's showing a lighter to children for the first time. Love that orange one out back just hypnotized.
Just a real nice card. Either Frost Nova or Flamestrike the opponent and develop a 3/3.
With Flurry (Rank 1) and Glacier Racer existing as well, freeze mage is going to be real strong.
I like this. We see a lot of druid spells giving taunt. It's a nice twist for it to care about the minion having taunt. All this needs is cheap battle cry taunt minion and we'll see it for sure. Heck even [Hearthstone Card (Taelen Fordring) Not Found] isn't a bad card to hit for more draw. Just a neat card.
This isn't so bad. Zero mana almost a Frost Nova is great. Nova was such a strong card. Even though this says random, you can definitely get this into a favorable position. Just a real solid card.
Nice simple board clear early on. Not too hard to have a 1/1 or deathrattle minion you want to pop to clear another aggressive deck. Definitely will see this.
Real interesting. Since it hits all minions you have to manipulate your minions so they don't die to this so you don't loose extra cards but with cards like the one that wants your deck to be thinned out maybe you want to loose that extra card.
Awesome design, I love this.
This card is just good. Generating free spells is great. Gonna see a lot of this card for sure.
It's alright. Might be a bit too expensive. Might try it in handbuff paladin in wild.
Nice token generator. Lifesteal minions are great buff targets themselves. Will be nice in a Libram deck.
I think this is pretty strong. A rush minion with divine shield is quite good and the discounts are just a nice extra.
Looking forward to that Horde coin. I like these cosmetics this time. Shouldn't be too hard to get either. I think I got the darkmoon one after the mini-set dropped.
New shiny thing. Looks cool. Nice cosmetic idea. I was thinking of getting the pass anyway this time and a new shiny thing doesn't hurt. Cant wait to see it in game.
It's alright. Could see some use.
Interesting card. Will be quite strong with rush minions. He can fill up your board quick. Very cool design. Will find a home somewhere for sure.
I don't see this being a thing. We have Fortune Teller and doesn't see much use. I think if we want a good taunt the Fairground Fool is the best way to go as it can get pulled back by Rally!
Edit: Fixed card links.
Really like this. 3/3 life steal for 3 is alright. But the deal 6 gain 6 at the late game is nice. Warlocks can burn through their deck fast enough that this guy is likely to actually kill what he hits.
Love the idea of Sigils. "Secrets" but both players know them. So simple yet really evokes the sigils from WoW. Excited to see more of them.
As for Flame itself. Seems strong. A cheap 3 damage is nice. Can deter further plays and clean up a board. Real nice control tool, I'm certain it will see some play and probably push the Control Demonhunter architype.
This one seems weak but at the same time discounts tend to get underestimated. It depends on the beasts in the set for sure. Maybe this goes into some N'zoth thing with a few big beasts you can discount.