Flurry (Rank 1)

Card Stats
- Class Mage
- Expansion Forged in the Barrens
- Rarity Rare
- Cost 0
- Attack 0
- Health 0
Card Text
Freeze a random enemy minion. (Upgrades when you have 5 Mana.)
Flavor Text
Flurry, Flurrier, Flurriest.
Freeze - Frozen characters lose their next attack.
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Flurry (Rank 2) Flurry (Rank 3)Leave a Comment
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How good this will be is definitely dependent on how good of a Frost Nova impression this does. If the meta shapes out that this is just 0 mana frost nova at any point in the game reliably, then I think this has a very good chance of being great. Otherwise I have serious doubts.
Incredibly solid for freeze synergy
0 mana seems really good as a discover but idk about having it in your deck
How if feels to chew 5 Gum.