This looks fun. A glimpse into the past of what Scholomance was before the cult truly took over. Dual class cards sound fun. What they have shown looks very flavorful and melds the classes nicely. Spellburst too is a nice touch. Another way for minions to enhance spells beyond spell damage. The one time use makes it strategically interesting as well. Do you play it early and let your opponent worry about the potential landmine? Or do you hold it to combo off and make a big swing turn? Can't wait to see more, excited about the reveal season!
They have to keep this stuff as secret as possible to avoid leaks. Simply the more people who know the more chances you have for a leak (accidental or otherwise).
Howiepenguin: Yes true. I tried to stick with most logical (Magic/undeath). Though if I remember right those trolls were cursed or something too.
Goliath: Yes exactly. I can imagine an Argent Dawn spy trying to learn about the school or Scarlet Crusaders of Hearthglen used as target practice for the spells.
Welcome back. What decks do you play? Favorite class? Standard or wild?
I will always recommend taking a break to anyone. Min maxing your account (character, ect) is not worth your sanity. If it's not fun don't force it. New expansion should revitalize the meta and hopefully create some fun new combos! Enjoy your time back!
Remember Blizzard is good at pulling from the area too. In Ashes of Outland they wanted to go with the Black Temple but ended up pulling in all of Outland. I can see Scholomance doing the same. Pulling characters from other schools of magic (Dalaran, Nar'thalas in Azsuna, Karazhan) or prominent characters from the area. In Western Plaguelands we have Hearthglen (Scarlet Crusade), Andorhal and even Uther's Tomb. In the Eastern we have the Argent Dawn, Stratholme, and Darrowshire. All these places have characters that could show up. However I don't disagree that a Harry Potteresque theme is right up Blizzard's alley. Still were are my dragons and murlocs! I know they'll find a way in there.
Excited to see what cards they'll come up with for some of the interesting characters found in the school. Gandling, Rattlegore, Lillian Voss, all the Barovs, and Krastinov the butcher. Should be fun!
Those whispers I remember 'fondly'. The Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj (20-man) was one of the last raids I played in the Classic era. Always love the old Gods and their minions. The whispers and manipulation have always been a fun part of the overall story. Fandral Staghelm and his future from that point on is interesting too.
Y'Shaarj, Rage Unbound is my favorite of the Old Gods. Even in death, his presence still cursed the land (Pandaria) and spawned the Sha. These things being so powerful death doesn't even stop them is awesome. In WoW we are getting to see N'Zoth, the Corruptor fully unchained. Seeing these things up close and getting involved in their story/downfall really brings the card game to life for me.
Always nice getting a refresher on the epic stories these characters are involved in.
Dragoncaster drops Puzzle Box a bit early for most decks to deal with and too consistantly.
Reducing anything to Zero cost is dangerous (Giants, Galakrond, ect). Actually having a cost at 1 is better for the game. It makes mana crystals matter' along with strategic use of the coin or Innervate. Not that zero should never be used however being more rare is a good thing.
Zephrys, the Great is very strong, though I would not say over powered. Highlander restriction is cool but too many powerful reward cards (especially wild) makes the restriction feel negated. Being Neutral as well makes multiple decks feel similar. Every Highlander deck now has Silence, Weapon Desctruction, board clears. Again I don't think the card is too strong just too prevelant in the meta.
Cards from another class overall is fun. But again like Zeph too widespread. Every class can do it now, easily. Rather see more restrictions. Things like Mind Vision are fun. Having to react to what you pull from your opponent is skill testing. But every (highlander) class having access to a garenteed Twisting Nether is less so.
Excited for more balance changes and the continued growth of the game in future expansions.
Love Renounce Darkness. My cousin and I made decks with that card and had a rule we couldn't attack each other with warlock cards. Requiring us to renounce before we got to fighting. Was real fun. I put C'Thun and Reno Jackson in there to make it competitive and had fun surprising people on ladder back then. Gotta try it again.
Also Shadow Council has been a fun splash in my Galakrond Warlock. Can get you out of a few matches with luck on your side.
It can be a slow and grindy but it typically generates enough midrange threats that it pushes out a win with just damage. Hyper faster decks to tend to need a good draw. Control decks can loose to using removal early and failing to take Dragonkin Sorcerer seriously.
I have added some Librams and [Hearthstone Card (Hand of Adal) Not Found] to experiment more. Libram of Wisdom makes the quest much more reliable and not just an end game threat.
I posted this deck for a contest and mostly play ranked but for fun. So it's not a high winrate deck but an absolute blast for a tribal nerd like me. If you have any suggestions or play with it at all let me know.
I love playing wild. It's so fun to pick at old cards and see how the mix with the new. Or picking up old cards that never saw play and trying to make them work. I'm still terrible at the game but cackling madly while V-07-TR-0N goes off is winning in my mind.
Congrats to the other winners! Messaging you asap Flux. Deciding the expansion is hard :D
I love using "bad" cards. Something satisfying about winning with the unexpected.
Zerek, Master Cloner was one I tried hard to get right. I haven't played with him since he rotated but maybe it's time for round two.
Confessor Paletress is still my old favorite. Heck Inspire as a whole is something I like. I can see the problems with it but I really enjoyed a lot of these cards. Mukla's Champion was a particular favorite that I managed to work well back in the day.
Current standard favorite is Transmogrifier! So fun. Especially with the "cards you draw cost zero this turn" effects. Random zero cost Legendaries!
I appreciate how hard this card was to design. On one you don't want to kill the armor classes. On the other you have classes gaining thousands of armor. So this effect had to be printed like this. The only mistake I see is that it's an effecient body for cost so some decks will just run it because they can. I wish it could of been different but overall this was needed.
I agree that this card will be pretty good in dragon/spell mage. The new breathe really helps. I also thing priest has some good one Mana options to consider. Certainly not op but this will see play somewhere.
Looks good but I don't own a [Hearthstone Card (Shirvalla, the Tiger) Not Found]. This deck my change that, seems pretty solid. I've always like the card [Hearthstone Card (A New Challenger…) Not Found] too but never really had a place for it. Although a lot of the 6's don't look great. I did also just pick up a Sir Finley of the Sands, hm highlander sounds interesting.
I recently got Keeper Stalladris and wanted a place to use him. This deck is super fun. I had a Stag druid deck with Archmage Vargoth back in Rise of Shadows that was a lot of fun. So with your deck I ended up building a Stalladris version with History Buff (always wanted to use this guy). He does amazing work too. Acornbearer pairs so well with it and buffing the Stag is brutal, especially since he is almost always active. Speaking of healing Potion Vendor is a lot better than I thought. Trading in aggressive mirrors then droping an Injured Tol'vir into vendor or pairing the her with Lightwarden just ended games.
The only downside is I did not draw [Hearthstone Card (Lifewarden) Not Found] before the game ended. I was curious how this card went and I even crafted them too! Ah well I only played a handful of games at low ladder ranks but still a fun deck for sure.
Update: Got Lifewarden, teamed up with Pyro to knock down a quest Shaman. So good!
Metaltooth Leaper was one of those cards back in GvG I tried to get to work. It wasn't enough back then. However with all the bomb summoning cards that was the first deck I made in Boom's Day. The monkey bot was a favorite card in League of Explorers so he was an auto include. All the bombs with the leaper make them so deadly. Getting opponents to blow themselves up is priceless! The Gorillabot A-3 makes even more leapers so the fun never stops!
Actually back in GvG when hunter didn't work I took mechs into my favorite class, Warlock. Fel Cannon is a monster of a card. Again wasn't popular back then but I've used to to great success. I was also lucky enough to open a Mimiron's Head as a finisher back then. For those who don't know that card it destroys All your mechs (only needs 2 others as the Head itself is one) and summons, in glorious fashion, V-07-TR-0N! So good with Power Overwhelming or the spare part that flips it's power and health (Reversing Switch). I still have and run this deck in Wild. Such a good time. I even check the mechs in each set and fiddle with the deck construction all the time.
This looks fun. A glimpse into the past of what Scholomance was before the cult truly took over. Dual class cards sound fun. What they have shown looks very flavorful and melds the classes nicely. Spellburst too is a nice touch. Another way for minions to enhance spells beyond spell damage. The one time use makes it strategically interesting as well. Do you play it early and let your opponent worry about the potential landmine? Or do you hold it to combo off and make a big swing turn? Can't wait to see more, excited about the reveal season!
They have to keep this stuff as secret as possible to avoid leaks. Simply the more people who know the more chances you have for a leak (accidental or otherwise).
Howiepenguin: Yes true. I tried to stick with most logical (Magic/undeath). Though if I remember right those trolls were cursed or something too.
Goliath: Yes exactly. I can imagine an Argent Dawn spy trying to learn about the school or Scarlet Crusaders of Hearthglen used as target practice for the spells.
Welcome back. What decks do you play? Favorite class? Standard or wild?
I will always recommend taking a break to anyone. Min maxing your account (character, ect) is not worth your sanity. If it's not fun don't force it. New expansion should revitalize the meta and hopefully create some fun new combos! Enjoy your time back!
Remember Blizzard is good at pulling from the area too. In Ashes of Outland they wanted to go with the Black Temple but ended up pulling in all of Outland. I can see Scholomance doing the same. Pulling characters from other schools of magic (Dalaran, Nar'thalas in Azsuna, Karazhan) or prominent characters from the area. In Western Plaguelands we have Hearthglen (Scarlet Crusade), Andorhal and even Uther's Tomb. In the Eastern we have the Argent Dawn, Stratholme, and Darrowshire. All these places have characters that could show up. However I don't disagree that a Harry Potteresque theme is right up Blizzard's alley. Still were are my dragons and murlocs! I know they'll find a way in there.
Excited to see what cards they'll come up with for some of the interesting characters found in the school. Gandling, Rattlegore, Lillian Voss, all the Barovs, and Krastinov the butcher. Should be fun!
"Your heart will explode.."
Those whispers I remember 'fondly'. The Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj (20-man) was one of the last raids I played in the Classic era. Always love the old Gods and their minions. The whispers and manipulation have always been a fun part of the overall story. Fandral Staghelm and his future from that point on is interesting too.
Y'Shaarj, Rage Unbound is my favorite of the Old Gods. Even in death, his presence still cursed the land (Pandaria) and spawned the Sha. These things being so powerful death doesn't even stop them is awesome. In WoW we are getting to see N'Zoth, the Corruptor fully unchained. Seeing these things up close and getting involved in their story/downfall really brings the card game to life for me.
Always nice getting a refresher on the epic stories these characters are involved in.
I agree with most of what they said.
Dragoncaster drops Puzzle Box a bit early for most decks to deal with and too consistantly.
Reducing anything to Zero cost is dangerous (Giants, Galakrond, ect). Actually having a cost at 1 is better for the game. It makes mana crystals matter' along with strategic use of the coin or Innervate. Not that zero should never be used however being more rare is a good thing.
Zephrys, the Great is very strong, though I would not say over powered. Highlander restriction is cool but too many powerful reward cards (especially wild) makes the restriction feel negated. Being Neutral as well makes multiple decks feel similar. Every Highlander deck now has Silence, Weapon Desctruction, board clears. Again I don't think the card is too strong just too prevelant in the meta.
Cards from another class overall is fun. But again like Zeph too widespread. Every class can do it now, easily. Rather see more restrictions. Things like Mind Vision are fun. Having to react to what you pull from your opponent is skill testing. But every (highlander) class having access to a garenteed Twisting Nether is less so.
Excited for more balance changes and the continued growth of the game in future expansions.
Love Renounce Darkness. My cousin and I made decks with that card and had a rule we couldn't attack each other with warlock cards. Requiring us to renounce before we got to fighting. Was real fun. I put C'Thun and Reno Jackson in there to make it competitive and had fun surprising people on ladder back then. Gotta try it again.
Also Shadow Council has been a fun splash in my Galakrond Warlock. Can get you out of a few matches with luck on your side.
It can be a slow and grindy but it typically generates enough midrange threats that it pushes out a win with just damage. Hyper faster decks to tend to need a good draw. Control decks can loose to using removal early and failing to take Dragonkin Sorcerer seriously.
I have added some Librams and [Hearthstone Card (Hand of Adal) Not Found] to experiment more. Libram of Wisdom makes the quest much more reliable and not just an end game threat.
I posted this deck for a contest and mostly play ranked but for fun. So it's not a high winrate deck but an absolute blast for a tribal nerd like me. If you have any suggestions or play with it at all let me know.
How the heck. WoW thank you Flux and OOC team!
I love playing wild. It's so fun to pick at old cards and see how the mix with the new. Or picking up old cards that never saw play and trying to make them work. I'm still terrible at the game but cackling madly while V-07-TR-0N goes off is winning in my mind.
Congrats to the other winners! Messaging you asap Flux. Deciding the expansion is hard :D
I play a lot of wild. Picking a favorite is very hard. Though this one is quite fun. Lynessa Sunsorrow and Galvadon provide nice midgame spikes with Dragonkin Sorcerer and Sound the Bells! being a surprise finisher.
I have not updated it since Ashes dropped butHand of A'dal and Librams are my next step to play around with.
Nice. I love Disco Lock (even if i don't own the quest). It's the Rakdos (mtg) blood in me.
I love using "bad" cards. Something satisfying about winning with the unexpected.
Zerek, Master Cloner was one I tried hard to get right. I haven't played with him since he rotated but maybe it's time for round two.
Confessor Paletress is still my old favorite. Heck Inspire as a whole is something I like. I can see the problems with it but I really enjoyed a lot of these cards. Mukla's Champion was a particular favorite that I managed to work well back in the day.
Current standard favorite is Transmogrifier! So fun. Especially with the "cards you draw cost zero this turn" effects. Random zero cost Legendaries!
Congrats again, well done. What did you play to legend?
I appreciate how hard this card was to design. On one you don't want to kill the armor classes. On the other you have classes gaining thousands of armor. So this effect had to be printed like this. The only mistake I see is that it's an effecient body for cost so some decks will just run it because they can. I wish it could of been different but overall this was needed.
I agree that this card will be pretty good in dragon/spell mage. The new breathe really helps. I also thing priest has some good one Mana options to consider. Certainly not op but this will see play somewhere.
Looks good but I don't own a [Hearthstone Card (Shirvalla, the Tiger) Not Found]. This deck my change that, seems pretty solid. I've always like the card [Hearthstone Card (A New Challenger…) Not Found] too but never really had a place for it. Although a lot of the 6's don't look great. I did also just pick up a Sir Finley of the Sands, hm highlander sounds interesting.
I recently got Keeper Stalladris and wanted a place to use him. This deck is super fun. I had a Stag druid deck with Archmage Vargoth back in Rise of Shadows that was a lot of fun. So with your deck I ended up building a Stalladris version with History Buff (always wanted to use this guy). He does amazing work too. Acornbearer pairs so well with it and buffing the Stag is brutal, especially since he is almost always active. Speaking of healing Potion Vendor is a lot better than I thought. Trading in aggressive mirrors then droping an Injured Tol'vir into vendor or pairing the her with Lightwarden just ended games.
The only downside is I did not draw [Hearthstone Card (Lifewarden) Not Found] before the game ended. I was curious how this card went and I even crafted them too! Ah well I only played a handful of games at low ladder ranks but still a fun deck for sure.
Update: Got Lifewarden, teamed up with Pyro to knock down a quest Shaman. So good!
Metaltooth Leaper was one of those cards back in GvG I tried to get to work. It wasn't enough back then. However with all the bomb summoning cards that was the first deck I made in Boom's Day. The monkey bot was a favorite card in League of Explorers so he was an auto include. All the bombs with the leaper make them so deadly. Getting opponents to blow themselves up is priceless! The Gorillabot A-3 makes even more leapers so the fun never stops!
Actually back in GvG when hunter didn't work I took mechs into my favorite class, Warlock. Fel Cannon is a monster of a card. Again wasn't popular back then but I've used to to great success. I was also lucky enough to open a Mimiron's Head as a finisher back then. For those who don't know that card it destroys All your mechs (only needs 2 others as the Head itself is one) and summons, in glorious fashion, V-07-TR-0N! So good with Power Overwhelming or the spare part that flips it's power and health (Reversing Switch). I still have and run this deck in Wild. Such a good time. I even check the mechs in each set and fiddle with the deck construction all the time.
Making Mummies
I barely opened enough reborn cards to make this work. Still been enjoying it. Once I get a few more I'll put it to better use.