Wailor's Avatar


Design Champion
Joined 05/28/2019 Achieve Points 640 Posts 707

Wailor's Comments

  • Wailor's Avatar
    Design Champion 640 707 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 2 months ago
    In reply to Bonechewer Brawler
  • Wailor's Avatar
    Design Champion 640 707 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 2 months ago
    Quote From Inconspicuosaurus

    Hello again, CDC peeps.

    I had a couple of ideas based around Taunt and hero powers, to synergise with both the Quest and Reward of Fire Plume's Heart. The first is also useful for other Warrior archetypes, the other not so much, but could lead to some fun DIE INSECT! combos.

    At the moment I am leaning towards the latter. Which do you guys prefer?

    I prefer Sulfuron Firesmith, but it's very similar to my Ironmelt Guardian. Let me know if you decide to go with it, because having two submissions so similar would be kinda redundant and might hurt both of us.

  • Wailor's Avatar
    Design Champion 640 707 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 2 months ago

    @anchorman I like the Titan artwork better. About the cost, I think 3 Mana is appropriate.

    @MrRhapsody I think the new name sounds too vulgar, yes. What about something like Very EVIL Heckler? Dunno, we have a precedent with Mad Bomber and Madder Bomber.

  • Wailor's Avatar
    Design Champion 640 707 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 2 months ago

    Since my best card doesn't fit the requirements of the competition, I'm gonna try with two new ones, while recycling my second to best card from the previous batch:

    • Thaurissan's Guard is my recycled card.
    • Ironmelt Guardian is designed to have synergy with the Quest after its completion. The Ironmelt in its name is an attempt to represent both Armor Up! and DIE, INSECT!
    • Dragon Turtle is kinda similar to my entry two weeks ago. The problem is that it might not be the best fit for the Quest, since it becomes weaker after you lose the ability to gain Armor with your HP.

    Anyways, more feedback:


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    I know you like the artwork of Stand Your Ground!, but I didn't know what it represented until you pointed it out. Maybe you could zoom in a little bit so that it's easier to see.

    In any case, my favorite is Tunnel Explosives, although I agree with Demon that it should cost 5. The second version of Stand Your Ground! is not bad, but it's pretty hard to figure which mana cost would be appropriate for it.


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    I think Recurring Nightmare is the best of the bunch. That said, if you really want it to be a Demon, you should probably make it a Ashes of Outland card.


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    The last version of Jastor Gallywix is the only valid one, but it's not bad. Cost is something not many people have tried, and it fits your flavor pretty nicely (since he's a rich dude lol). Speaking of flavor, my only concern is that the character of Gallywix has always been related to Rogue, not Warrior, but people might give you a pass on that.

    Balance-wise, I agree with the points Xarkkal made.


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    It's an alright card, although its similarity with Val'anyr can make it lose points. The artwork is kinda meh, so I'd try to find a new one.


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    Interesting twist on Elusive, which also seems okay balance-wise. The artwork is not the best, so I'd recommend to change it.


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    It's a pretty interesting idea which is a perfect fit for the Quest. That said, I think it has too much Health, so it would probably trigger its effect too easily. I'd go with a 3/3 statline.

  • Wailor's Avatar
    Design Champion 640 707 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 2 months ago

    Here are my ideas. Not sold on any of them, though.

    • Fel Horde allows to summon a bunch of Taunts if you are also running some Enrage stuff. I was debating between three summoning conditions: all damaged characters, damaged minions or damaged friendly characters.
    • Thaurissan's Guard is a better  Saronite Chain Gang, but it requires you to have low Health, like Revenge or Mortal Strike. I thought this made sense for a Taunt minion, since it triggers when you need more protection.
    • Runic Armorsmith gives your Taunts an extra effect. Not sure if the wording is clear enough, though. Plus, this kinds of Aha! submissions don't tend to do very well, under my experience.

    Feedback to the ones who have posted so far. I'll return any additional feedback I receive.


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    It's obviously a pretty plain card. I also think it might be a little OP? Dunno


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    Not a bad idea, but it's quite overtuned. All cards which are above vanilla have a drawback, while yours doesn't (having bad-taunt is still better than nothing). I think a 1 mana 1/3 or 2/2 might be better for it.

    Also, the flavor you picked has nothing to do with Un'goro, so pick another flavor or change the expansion.


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    Undying Tauren is my favorite of the bunch, although healing doesn't seem very Warrior-y. That said, I think it's okay, since it can only heal itself.

    My second favorite is Against the Wall.


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    The effect seems a bit bland. Plus, I don't like how it seems to be a reference to Shieldbearer but its effect has nothing to do with it.


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    "Second versions" of cards don't tend to do well… But this might be the exception. I must be pretty easy to satisfy, but just for how similar the names are, I would give you 5 Stars lmao. Extra points because the obligatory Lackey generation makes sense both for Warrior and for Taunt.

  • Wailor's Avatar
    Design Champion 640 707 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 2 months ago

    Hello again! Given Icecrown Lich was my most well-received card, but it was a bit hit-or-miss, I decided to make a couple of versions of it trying to fix its problems.

    In case anyone missed them, I leave my previous cards in the spoilers, including the previous version of the Lich:

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    Anyway, more feedback:


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    I think I prefer the version that deals damage to your hero, since Discard isn't used outside Warlock, except very justified exceptions like Deathwing or [Hearthstone Card (Astral Comunion) Not Found]. Plus, it fits the flavor of Rabbid Doggo better.


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    I prefer Russel the Bard, but as you say, I'm not sure he fits the criteria of this competition very well.

    Garrul, the Sacrifice seems too extreme, so I'm not sure if he would do well in this comp.


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    Your Terror Ghoul is very simple, but kinda interesting. Problem here is flavor:
    • The creature depicted seems to be a Banshee, not a Ghoul.
    • Neither Ghouls nor Banshees are Demons, so I'd change the artwork or get rid of the tribe.
    • If you keep the art, I'd make the card Witchwood instead of RoS.


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    I'm not 100% sold on either of them. The Giant is too risky for my taste. Fangore is my favorite card of the two because his flavor is great, but in the end his effect isn't too diferent from "Destroy a Mana Crystal", and the whole "Draw this at the start of the game" is something I'm not sure about…


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    I don't know… The card is too extreme. I prefer your first version, even if it's a bit too extreme as well.


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    Not sure if replacing 0-cost spells is a downside, since many of them might be Coins or so.


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    Both Impatient Felguard or Shiftless Imp are cool. If you go with the Imp, it should say "after your hero attacks"


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    Blood Golem is definitively better than the last two cards. I agree with KANSAS that a 5/7 with Taunt would be more interesting.


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    Not sure if having an uncollectible card is allowed. Anyways, the card doesn't seem to busted, so you could get away with giving it a watermark.

    Plus, if your card tries to depict a younger Boom, you should probably find a better art, since the current one seems older than Dr. Boom or Dr. Boom, Mad Genius.

  • Wailor's Avatar
    Design Champion 640 707 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 2 months ago

    Given how unspecific this theme was, I guessed I'd had tons of cards that fit this criteria in my custom collection. Weirdly enough, I only had two, so I created a third one in Unstable Nightmare.

    Let me know which one is the most interesting and which needs tweaking its stats.

    Anyways, feedback time!


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    I guess Sinestra is better, since her drawback can be turn into some sort of benefit if you tailor your deck for it. I like Icy Guardian too.


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    You're right. This card is love it or hate it. As other people said, it has nasty synergies with Recruit-like effects, so it's a card could never be in the game… But you can go with it for the lolz

    About your Eredar Twins, it's cool, but it's too similar to Shaveyou's Cobalt Sky-Serpent, which I like better.


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    I don't think its drawback is really a drawback. I fact, I think a 4/5 statline would be justified, since Taunt + Lifesteal is a very good combo for slow decks… Which don't really care about healing their opponent. Either save this card for another comp (because it's interesting) or make its Lifesteal only heal your opponent.


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    I think Cobalt Sky-Serpent has a more elegant design, so I'd go with it. My only "issue" with it is that Un'goro doesn't seem the place for this creature. I feel it has some sort of Asian vibe, so I'd make it Gadgetzan, since Shaman was part of the Lotus gang.


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    Like with Demon's card, yours can be very game breaking with Recruit-like effects. However, the effect has something to it (even if it's terrible outside of this crazy synergies it has) so people might like it.

    That said, your card has several aesthetic issues that are more important than it seems. The artwork doesn't fit Hearthstone, you're missing some caps in both the name and effect. It's also missing a "." in the end of the effect.


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    Both versions are cool, but I think I prefer the simplicity of the first version. That said, it needs more stats, since +1/+1 over Flamewreathed Faceless looks like too little to justify such a big drawback. The second version is also cool since it has the benefit of being resiliant to hard removal, outside of transform effects.


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    Silencing your own stuff isn't really such a big drawback, especially since you can build a deck around it. I mean, check Wailing Soul or Dalaran Librarian.

    Alpha Hoarder, on the other hand, is a very cool and flavourful card. I think it has chances to win the competition.


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    I don't thin Reno or Shadow Imp qualify for this comp. Out of the other ones, my favourite is Short-Tempered Brute. Illidan is also cool, but I'd change the character, since he's now a Hero.


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    I really liked the card until I saw Demon's comment. And he's right :/


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    I'd give your card Rush, since otherwise your opponent has the advantage of attacking first.


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    Not sure about your card. I mean, flavor is solid, but I feel like it has been tweaked to fit this competition and it has really hurt the card.

    If you decide to go with it, make sure to swap Armor with Healing (which fits the cooking theme much better) and capitalize Murloc.


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    I really like your card! I'd change its stats. Something like a 4 mana 2/8 or so? I don't know, with 4 Attack and that effect, it can really screw you up.


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    Very playful and flavorful card. I'd like it to be in the game, but only if it doesn't end up in any competitive deck.

  • Wailor's Avatar
    Design Champion 640 707 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 2 months ago

    Congrats, linkblade! Last week you were saying that you might win some time, and here you have it :D

    Anyways, I found Shadow's design analysis very interesting. I'm gonna check out my vote distribution as well, since I've only made it to the finals twice so far and I wanna improve.

    BTW, I'm kinda surprised to see that linkblade is more polarasing. Maybe it's just this particular comp? Dunno, I've always thought his cards tend to be very solid, but not shiny. 

  • Wailor's Avatar
    Design Champion 640 707 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 2 months ago

    Congrats MathU! Your card was my favourite of the bunch.

  • Wailor's Avatar
    Design Champion 640 707 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 2 months ago

    My cards so far:

    • Felspark Ritualist combines Shaman's specific keyword with Warlock's theme of self-sacrifice. Not sure about the wording, though. Also, I'm worried it might be too similar to Hordaki's Arcane Observer.
    • Imprisoned Nathrezim is here in case anyone misses Mind Control Tech :P In all seriousness, though, I think his powerful effect is balanced by the fact that your enemy can plan around it. About the flavour, Nathrezim are known for being cunning deceivers and persuaders, so I thought this species fits really well into Mind Control Priest. Didn't realise there were so many Mind Control cards, though lol
    • Armored Annihilian combines a specific theme of his class with Warlock's self-sacrifice, just like Felspark Ritualist. Also, I think Annihilian are a perfect fit for Warrior, since they're big, strong and brutal.

    Enough about my cards, feedback time!


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    My heart is divided with your two cards.

    On the one hand, I think Lothraxion is a very interesting and unique character (I didn't know him, but he is such a cool idea). If you decide to go with him, make sure he can't target the enemy hero, since that can lead to awful burst damage.

    On the other hand, I think Sha of Despair has a cooler effect. I don't like the artwork, though, since it's not very clear if it's portraying the Sha or the Pandaren.


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    The effect is quite cool, but I don't think it matches the theme of being a Demon nor the character you chose. I mean, you could slap that effect in any other character and it would fit just as well.

    Also, I agree with shaveyou that it should be a 5/5 without Stealth.


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    I think I prefer Arcane Observer, it has a more "elegant" design. Felwood Satyr is cool, but what I believe to be its main selling point (the flavor of being a Satyr for Druid) is already in the game with Imprisoned Satyr.


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    Don't really like the fact that it targets Neutrals. I feel like it punished the opponent for doing something which should be completely fine. Instead, I'd make it cost like 7 or 8 and target any minion.


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    Both are cool. I personally prefer Impish Shade, but my gut tells me Xavathras would do better, dunno why.


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    Solid cards here.

    Wrathlord is my least favourite one, since it's the least flavourful, IMO. However, it doesn't have the problems the other two have.

    Felwood Satyr is my favourite, but I am a sucker for Treants. The flavour is really good, too. Reminds me of Warcraft 3.

    Finally, Burning Subjugator might be the best one, but many people (including me) have Mind Control Priest ideas, so I'm not sure if that would bore people.


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    Effect is cool, but I'd drop the dual tribe. Plus, the artwork is kinda bad, try to find a good Felhound artwork. Plus, I'd swap Stealth for Rush.


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    Knowning the fact that these Demons are made of dead Soldiers of the Light, the flavour of this card is over the top. Effect-wise not mindblowing, but very solid.

    If people are familiar with the lore, this card should be the winner, IMO.


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    A cool spin on the whole " pay health instead of Mana" thingy. I like it beacuse weapons already cost Health if you attack minions, which makes this card kinda extreme. Artwork should be more centered, though.


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    If I'm not missing something, your card only works with hand-buffs, which is too specific. I propose two alternatives, although I think the second one is much better:
    • Whenever you play a Beast, give it the enchantments this has. Not really sure, since Hunters don't have many way to buff Demons.
    • Whenever a friendly Beast dies, this gains its enchantments. I think one works better with the Hunters class, plus Demons and death synergy seems right flavour-wise.

    Also, make sure to write "Beast" with capital B!


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    Sadist Maiden is too similar to Auchenai Soulpriest, so I'd scrap it.

    Firestarter Fiend has an interesting effect, although it doesn't tie to the fact that it is a Demon.

  • Wailor's Avatar
    Design Champion 640 707 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 3 months ago

    Here are my ideas. I believe the best one is the Whisperer of the Depths, but it's also similar to link's idea:

  • Wailor's Avatar
    Design Champion 640 707 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 3 months ago
    Quote From shaveyou

    Almost missed my own competition! Loving what's come up so far, I'll offer feedback for the cards I don't think have been submitted yet:

    I totally missed it, since I'm still used to Hearthpwn schedule. It's a shame because people seemed to like my Dragonfang Totem 😅

    Next time, I guess.

  • Wailor's Avatar
    Design Champion 640 707 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 3 months ago

    Feedback time!


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    Not sold on your card… The effect isn't too original, IMO.

    If you go with it, change the Watermark to Boombsday, doesn't fit at all as a Classic card.


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    I like the Wildfire Dragon. The connection between Dragons and Elementals is quite cool and hasn't been explored yet.


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    Both cards are cool. I think I'd go with Bronze Mechadrake, mostly because I'm not a fan of super RNG cards like Curator, Overclocked, despite it's nice to see a second version of him (her? it?)


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    I didn't realise how similar my Guardian of the Tides is to your Gnaw. I guess I'll go with another idea.

    About your card, I think it has a few things to polish:

    • You should focus more on the Shark, it seems like the Murloc is the minion right now.
    • Rush didn't exist back in Un'goro. I'd change the expansion to Rastakhan or a custom watermark (the Trident one would fit).
    • The name Gnaw sounds like a legendary. I'd change it to something more "generic".


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    Very nice flavor. I like it a lot, albeit it looks more like a Rare or Epic.


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    Very funny art! The effect is a bit bland, though. I'd try some effect that connects with Illidan as a character.


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    Both arts are amazing. Flavor-wise, I prefer Darktide Conjurer, but it's too swingy for my taste. Therefore, I think I'd go with Mech Rider (despite the name is too bland)

  • Wailor's Avatar
    Design Champion 640 707 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 3 months ago

    I'm gonna start participating in these Discussions again now that I have more time lol

    Here are my two cards. I've already used Magnetite Shard in a couple comps in Heathpwn.

    I'll give some feedback later.

  • Wailor's Avatar
    Design Champion 640 707 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 3 months ago

    Kinda weird that they're adding the Demon Hunter after the approach they took with Death Knight...

  • Wailor's Avatar
    Design Champion 640 707 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 3 months ago

    I think they tend to use the HP too early.

  • Wailor's Avatar
    Design Champion 640 707 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 3 months ago

    He's quite good with Deathrattles like Goldrin, Spawn or Selfless. Other than that, I'm quite surprised to see he's the  1 Taver 4 minion.

  • Wailor's Avatar
    Design Champion 640 707 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 3 months ago

    Not everyone admits being biased. Here's a like for you :)

  • Wailor's Avatar
    Design Champion 640 707 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 3 months ago

    Yup, they updated them, but didn't say anything in the patch notes.

  • Wailor's Avatar
    Design Champion 640 707 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 3 months ago

    I'm pretty sure they didn't say anything about Rat King and Lightfang, so it's not surprising they're also silent about da Queen.

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