Wailor's Avatar


Design Champion
Joined 05/28/2019 Achieve Points 640 Posts 707

Wailor's Comments

  • Wailor's Avatar
    Design Champion 640 707 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 1 month ago

    I find it challenging to fit most artworks inside the weapon template...

    Next: The creepy lady must be the main focus of the card. It can either be a minion or a spell.

  • Wailor's Avatar
    Design Champion 640 707 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 1 month ago

    An obvious nod to Volcano.


  • Wailor's Avatar
    Design Champion 640 707 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 1 month ago

    Very cool art, Hordaki.

    Next: Showcase one of the three characters below to make a card that uses mechanics from another class (just like my Cannonrider uses a Demon Hunter mechanic)

  • Wailor's Avatar
    Design Champion 640 707 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 1 month ago

    My goodness! Three pages already!

    All of them have the statline of their Classic counterparts, except Xavius, who has +2/+2 both in the main body and tokens.

    Feedback time:


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    Not much to add here. The flavor is superb here, even if the "Destroy all minions" doesn't feel very Paladin.


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    Both cards are solid.

    Lord Victor Nefarious is a very recognisable character whose effect ties very well to the original Nefarian. That said, an ice phoenix is always cool (no pun intended).

    If you go with Victor, I'd change his statline, since 4/12 screams dragonform to me and this card should say human form.


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    I don't think Battlecry and Deathrattle is too much. That said, the card is a bit bland.


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    My favorite of them is the 4-cost Manastorm the Mighty. The 2 mana version is too easy to circunvent by not casting spells.

    That said, I'd change the statline of the 4-cost version to 4/4, just to relate it better with the original Millhouse Manastorm.


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    I like the card, but I find a couple issues with it:
    • It uses the same artwork as [Hearthstone Card (Prince Machezaar[Hearthstone Card (.
    • The effect feels more Priest than Warlock. Maybe you could get away with making it a Priest card if you change the expansion to Outland.

    ) Not Found]) Not Found]


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    I don't know if the effect has something to do with Brightwing as a character. Plus, if you keep the tokens as 1/5, you should use a different animal, since Sheep are 1/1 in Hearthstone.


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    Flavor is fine, but it doesn't really feel like a Class Legendary.


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    I like the flavor of [Hearthstone Card (Agent Sally) Not Found] now turned into a James Bond type, but her effect/statline ties very loosely to her original incarnation and it's not too interesting either. If you find a cool effect that is related to her original one in some way, she should do pretty well.

    Saraad, Nexus-King is alright, but his random nature might not be well received.


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    As other people said, the watermark is slightly offputting, since KFT came before the original Kael. I'd put a custom watermark (the snowflake, maybe?)


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    The whole hero card with a Deathrattle is very novel… Maybe too much for the new star rating system, which tends to favor conservative designs.

    Other than that, you are missing the Hero Power keyword.


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    I like Medivh the Cursed a lot, since it ties very well with the expansion. I'd make Medivh Prime a 7 mana 7/7, so that it has the same statline as Medivh, the Guardian.


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    I like Kael'thas, Blood Mage more, but the fact his effect is kinda confusing and needs an explanation might hinder it.


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    Blackhand the Destroyer has the same problem as the original one: it can either be very good or terribly bad depending on your opponent's deck. This might not be terrible per se, but the fact it leans on something as arbitrariry as rarity, makes the card not very attractive to me.

    Subject 9, Unleashed is nice, but not mind-blowing. If you come up with a name that makes it clear this is Subject 9 before being transformed into an abhorrent experiment, it would improve the flavor by a lot.


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    Rescuing a fan favorite like Leeroy Jenkins is a good move, but it has room to improve.

    As other people noted, the current effect doesn't feel very Paladin-y right now. I would change the Deathrattle to "Give Divine Shield to your other minions", while upping his cost to 4. This way, you would still feature team play in the effect while being more related to the Paladin class.

    The other thing that can be improved is the artwork. You could use the trailer of League of Explorers, which has Leeroy in it.


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    I like Kel'thuzad the Lich, but I'd remove the Lich part entirely. Something like: "The first time your hero dies this game, return to life with 5 Health". This reduces the complexity of the card, which is usually not very well received.

    Another thing that would help the card in my opinion is using his Necromancer form, since it would be a solid nostalgia bait, plus the effects fits a Necromancer very well.


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    Kel'thuzad, Frost Catalyst is very solid, but the "Catalyst" part sounds pretty lame to me. Something like "Frost Bringer" would sound better IMO.

  • Wailor's Avatar
    Design Champion 640 707 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 1 month ago
    Quote From DestroyerR

    Wow, ANOTHER pleasant surprise! Thanks everyone!

    On the subject of voting in the finals, I just kept voting using the same system as I used before the finals, so most cards get 4-5 stars. I was under the impression voting your card 5 stars and all others 1 star is considered competing in bad faith, but if it’s acceptable by the community I guess I’ll also do it...

    I don't like that thing of voting 1-star to every card except mine, but I don't vote 4-5 stats to every card either.

    What I do is that, given all cards in the finals are very high quality, what would normally be a 3-star card becomes 1 or 2 stars. 4 star cards become 3 or 4 and 5 stars cards keep the same rating.

    I do two things that could be considered "bad faith", though. First, I always vote my own card with 5 stars. Second, if I perceive that a card I don't like too much is a favorite, I usually drop 1 or 2 stars.

  • Wailor's Avatar
    Design Champion 640 707 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 1 month ago

    Next: A Priest card.

  • Wailor's Avatar
    Design Champion 640 707 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 1 month ago
    Quote From KANSAS

    Good luck to all of the finalists, Will of Nature is my favorite. 

    I want to ask for more feedback for my card. What did you vote and why? What could I have done better? And what should I do better next time?

    My card:

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    I voted it 2 stats because of its similarity with Recycle. I'm pretty sure you didn't think (or even know) of this card, but the two being virtually identical was the deal breaker for me (and I guess for many people as well). Other than that, I would've voted it 5 stars or maybe 4, because the flavor was pretty good.

    I wanted to tell you this in the feedback round, but I skipped you by mistake in my first feedback post, and you had already submitted in the second one :c

  • Wailor's Avatar
    Design Champion 640 707 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 1 month ago

    She's supposed to be a Nerubian corrupted by the Burning Legion (the same way Satyrs are corrupted Night Elves).

    Next: A Neutral minion from Knights of the Frozen Throne.


  • Wailor's Avatar
    Design Champion 640 707 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 1 month ago


  • Wailor's Avatar
    Design Champion 640 707 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 1 month ago
    Quote From Zeratia

    Can we change the cards we already posted?

    Unfortunately not :C

  • Wailor's Avatar
    Design Champion 640 707 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 1 month ago

    I finally submitted my card, but I'm gonna give a bit more feedback to everyone who didn't submit.


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    Your card is cool and flavourful. I like the version that replaces the stolen card with a Coin.

    Only issue, stealing from your opponent's is a Priest mechanic (not Rogue's), but there's no way to change the class without ruining the flavor, which is the strongest point of the card, so…

    Oh, I'd also change the expansion, since it doesn't feel like a Classic card at all, especially because of the Discover part. Gadgetzan would be quite fitting. RoS would also be alright.


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    It looks like an effect that will either be oppresive or irrelevant, so I'm not a very big fan of it.

    If you decide to go with it, make sure to upgrade his stats to 7/7 or something like that. I agree he should be expensive in order to prevent it from being too abusable, but there's no need to butcher his stats like that.


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    I think your card is missing some degree of control over which cards you replace. Otherwise, his effect is not much different from "Shuffle three bombs", just like Gnomeferatu was basically a vanilla 2 mana 2/3 unless the game dragged until Fatigue.


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    The pun is funny, but I find the card a bit bland.


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    I feel like this card would benefit your opponent most of the time, unless he's playing a combo deck. Techs are alright, but I feel this is way too polarizing.


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    I preferred your old card, even if it's a tech. If you decide to go with Lurking Shadows, I'd make it cost 2 mana. There are already removal cards for 2 mana, and this leaves a body which will be better than a 1/1 most of the time (even if you have several chances)


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    The new version still feels weak. I'd make it shuffle two or three copies, even at 2 mana.


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    I think your previous Agent of Yogg'Saron is better than your new cards, as long as you make it only cast one spell.


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    Eh, the artwork is kinda ugly. I'd use a different one. The card effect and flavor are still over the top, though.


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    Odd One Out is the better of the two, even if it doesn't fit Warrior all that much (he doesn't a lot of damaged-based AoE that deals more than 1 damage)

    As a matter of fact, I submitted a card very similar to Unholy Justice in the old forum and it was poorly received (it costed 3 mana, so that may be part of its issue too lol)


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    There are already several cards with the effect of Divine Interventor. So, I'd go with Underbelly Trickster.

  • Wailor's Avatar
    Design Champion 640 707 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 1 month ago

    Mi final attempt before submitting.

    The difference between Garren and Johana is because I'm not sure if it's better to present a minor, existing character or a made up one with an artwork that fits the fantasy of the card better.

    I'll give some feedback this afternoon.

  • Wailor's Avatar
    Design Champion 640 707 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 1 month ago

    Thanks everyone for the feedback. Turns out I'm pretty bad at evaluating my own cards xDD

    In any case, I present three new cards:

    • Librarian Donathan is the ultimate disruption tool, which delays good draws until the end. Not convinced about the artwork (I initially used a very good art of a lady sorcerer, but she was unrelated to Warcraft lore and decided to swap it with this old fellow, not sure if it was a good call). I really like it, but this sort of crazy-ass cards don't tend to do well in the new star system.
    • I made All-Seing Raven before looking at this thread. It's very similar to one of DestroyerR's cards (which is worded much better), but I since I already made it, I decided to post it anyways.
    • Finally, Despair was one of my candidates from last week. Like the other two cards, it's a disruption tool which is meant to be combined with crap minions like Silver Hand Recruit. The flavor represents Arthas' soldiers abandoning him while he becomes corrupted by the Lich King. It's also quite similar to Conduit's Infiltration *shrugs*



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    I like the flexibility of your card, since it can be used for disruption in the early game and to search for your finisher in the late game. It's very cool, since both usages benefit the same sort of strategy.


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    I like the effect, but I'm not sure if its heavy similarity to Sightless Watcher will benefit it. I'm usually a fan of this sort of callbacks, but this one seems too obvious. I don't know :/


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    Not a fan of the "steal this when drawn" thingy of your card. Seems overly-complex to me.


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    I like the effect and flavor of your Infiltration, much better than Benedictus.

    That said' it looks very underpowered: it costs the same as pre-nerf Bad Luck Albatross, only shuffles one minion, it requires you to have board presence AND you lose a minion (even if a terribly bad one). Unless there's a minion that can actively harm the opponent just by being drawn, I don't think the mana cost of this card is justified. In order to fix this, I'd reduce its cost to 0 or make it an inverse Gang Up.


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    Slumber Lord Go'thol is quite interesting, but I think 5 cards is excessive. I'd reduce it to 3.

    Doomseer Annaxis is probably my favourite, but it looks like the kind of card that will get very mixed reviews.

    Finally, Silkmother Siqara is my least favourite, despite the fact that I like her flavor.


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    Despite the Demon tag, your card seems alright. It looks a bit bland to me, dunno why.


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    This is the card everyone wished when Bombs where super meta xD I like it quite a lot and its really fitting for the theme.


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    What I don't like about your card is that it'll be a simple 6/6 in most games. Because of this, I'd make it a 6/7 and reduce its rarity.

  • Wailor's Avatar
    Design Champion 640 707 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 1 month ago

    This theme is quite hard, so I only have one card so far.

    I have a lot of doubts in stuff such as cost, statline, the artwork of the token or even the name of the card (maybe it should be Doomseya?).

    In any case, here's some feedback:


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    I believe the effect is too disruptive. Plus, given it's the corrupted version of Archbishop Benedictus, I find it quite strange that it belongs to the same expansion as him.


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    Toxic Longtongue seems the most interesting, both effect and flavor-wise. The artwork is kinda lacking, though.


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    I disagree with shaveyou about the balance aspect of your card. Yes, the potential upside is huge, but you need quite a lot of setup for that. In fact, unless you draw Clockwork Goblin, it's a vanilla 3/5 if played on curve.


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    I think I prefer Incitus, Living Flame better. I like how it fits the criteria in a non obvious way. Plus, the forced discard of the other card seems too disruptive to my taste.

  • Wailor's Avatar
    Design Champion 640 707 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 1 month ago

    My card went from second to second to last 😅 I wonder what dictates this kinds of things...

    In any case, congrats linkblade. Keep submitting Paladin cards because it obviously works for you 😂

  • Wailor's Avatar
    Design Champion 640 707 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 1 month ago

    Hello there! According to the rules, you have to post the artwork for the next participant :)

  • Wailor's Avatar
    Design Champion 640 707 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 1 month ago

    Next: A Saurok minion from Journey to Un'goro. The artwork must feature both the Saurok rider and the raptor mount.

  • Wailor's Avatar
    Design Champion 640 707 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 2 months ago

    Next: A Deathrattle minion for Warrior.

  • Wailor's Avatar
    Design Champion 640 707 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 2 months ago

    Thanks everyone who gave me feedback :) I finally submited Unsheathe, with the correct orthography and a token card :)

    Some additional feedback here:


    Solid effect, but the connection with copying and volcanos is a bit strange, even if Molten Reflection is a thing.


    I agree with linkblade. Other than that, it has a solid flavor and connects well with Paladin's mechanics, so once you correct its problems it can easily be a finalist.

  • Wailor's Avatar
    Design Champion 640 707 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 2 months ago

    I have a lot of custom cards that fit this criteria, so I'll put three of them visible and the rest in spoiler. Interestingly, neither of them is a Mage card.

    • Draconic Avengers is a pretty straightforward card, featuring Paladin handbuff Dragons, in-line with Dragonrider Talritha. Main issue, it has a high chance of being useless if randomly generated.
    • Unseathe deals damage to any minion attacking your hero and leaves a 3/1 weapon equiped. I might change its name to Hidden Dagger, because I'm not sure everyone knows the verb "unseathe". I certainly didn't before looking it up. I've just realised it's a bit similar to Nirast's Quick Reflexes, but I guess it's not ALL that similar?
    • Rabid Dog is another flavor-driven card, featuring a rabid dog that becomes aggressive against friends. The effect is in between of Snipe and Misdirection.

    Rest of the cards in spoiler:

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    • Hope is based on the trope of a knight in shining armor arriving at the precise moment, kinda like Gandalf in The Return of the King. The only reason it's not outside the spoiler is because Imprison minions make it kinda redundant.
    • Skid Tactics is a very flavor-driven card: cephalopods have high regeneration capabilities and spray ink, so that's what the card does lol Could've been a Rogue card, but I decided to go Hunter because of the Beast flavor. Problem is, it's too similar to linkblade's Smokescreen.
    • Phase Shift has a very similar effect to Squid Tactics, but it draws inspiration from the Faerie Dragon ability from Warcraft 3, instead of squids.

    • Despair draws inspiration from Arthas' fall, where his own soldiers turn against him because of his unhonorable actions. It's meant to be combined with crap minions, mainly Silver Hand Recruit.
    • Selfless Heroism tries to support the Divine Shield synergy pushed in Knights of the Frozen Throne, while being an obvious nod to Selfless Hero.
    • Exorcism is based on several WoW and Warcraft abilities which de-spell summoned minions, but I'm not sure it translates well to Hearthstone.

    I'm aware I've posted a ton of cards, so if you only want to review the ones outside the spoiler, I'm perfectly okay with that :)

    And after a ton of cards, here comes a ton of feedback:


    Show Spoiler
    Solid cards, as usual.
    • Counter Strike is very interesting in terms of gameplay, but its flavor is a bit lacking, besides its name being a reference.
    • Smokescreen is… very similar to my Squid Tactics. Besides that, I think it's a little underpowered (which is why I gave my card the regeneration part).
    • Feedback Blast has an interesting effect, but I feel like it would improve a lot with a better flavor. I think it would fit very well in Rastakhan's Rumble if you name it Red Card or something like that. You could also use Overkill as the trigger.


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    As other people pointed out, your card has several issues. I'd try to simplify the effect a little bit.


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    Really like your High Noon. Remember to give it a watermark, though.


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    Pitfall Trap is very simple, but it can lead to interesting mind games in tandem with Freezing Trap.

    Retaliating Flame, on the other hand, reminds me too much to Flame Ward, even if the different trigger makes the card quite different to play around.


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    I really like cards that play with turns, especially if they are time-realted. Very cool, IMO. The only issue with it is that your opponent's ability to play around it depends more on luck that on skill, but I guess it's not too bad.


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    I like all of them except the legendary version of True Companionship, which seems too crazy for my taste. I guess my favorite is Counter Shot, but the other two are not too far behind.


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    The main problem with this card is that it seems weak compared with Frost Nova. I'd add an additional effect, like 1 AoE damage or Freeze the enemy hero as well.


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    Very similar to Xarkkal's Counter Shot. I like his effect better, but your flavor is very funny.


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    Kinda on the weak side, I think. It's also very similar to my Unseathe, but you posted first :)


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    Dismantle is outclassed by Acidic Swamp Ooze, so I wouldn't go with it.

    Leeching Poison is okay, but as you said, that name is already taken. What about Souleating Poison or Vampiric Poison?

    Finally, I don't like using the Classic watermark for Rogue Secrets, so I'd change the expansion. Witchwood would fit the art you picked for the Poison card.


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    Sleeping Beauty has the best flavor, but the art is not fitting for HS and the effect is a bit far-fetched.

    Generous Bribe and Big Game Sniper are too dependant on your opponent's plays for my taste.

    I'd go with Spell Duel, which has a cool harrypotter-esque flavor and a cool effect as well.


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    Another Card to Play is interesting, but seems pretty hard to activate. I mean, there are some cards that interact with it, but I feel like there are not enough of them.

    Self Harm is pretty good, but you should really find a different artwork, even if it doesn't fit the card 100%.


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    When would the card trigger? For the way it's worded, it'd make more sense as a non-Secret.

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