XarkkalServant of Illidan 9101321 PostsJoined 03/29/2019
Posted 4 years, 11 months ago
Now iOS won't open saying a new version of the game is available, yet the new patch still isn't on the app store. Can you at least wait until it's up on the store before disabling the old version?
XarkkalServant of Illidan 9101321 PostsJoined 03/29/2019
Posted 4 years, 11 months ago
Not going to have an impact on Hunter currently, but a solid card that will probably see play once year of the Raven rotates. Good in wild to hit on curve with Dire Mole
XarkkalServant of Illidan 9101321 PostsJoined 03/29/2019
Posted 4 years, 11 months ago
Skydiving instructor brings back Patches nightmares... Aggro decks are going to love this card. Pulling out your 1-drops to thin your deck and improve your draws is extremely powerful.
XarkkalServant of Illidan 9101321 PostsJoined 03/29/2019
Posted 4 years, 11 months ago
Deck is extremely underrated, and a blast to play. I think the win rate is lower due to misplays also. It's a deck with so many options and plays on it, that often times you can miss the optimal play if you're not careful. I know I've been guilty of it a few times. I hope the deck stays under the radar, or else the meta might shift out of it's favor. I know I'm playing the fuck out of it while I can.
XarkkalServant of Illidan 9101321 PostsJoined 03/29/2019
Posted 4 years, 11 months ago
Escaped Manasaber has some great meme potential! I'm seeing getting windfury on this guy with Crackling Razormaw to get 2 extra mana for a turn. Not sure what the win condition will be yet, but I see potential for some fun!
The Fist of Ra-den makes a new Big Spell Shaman possible. The only reason I believed the leaks, is because of this card, and Eye of the Storm. Will it be viable? Probably not. Shaman likes low cost spells, and most shaman lists have no spells larger than 5 mana. The >5 mana options that are available?
Rain of Toads - Getting a 6 mana legendary I guess helps offset the 3 mana overload a little
The Storm Bringer - Don't think you'd run this in a Big Spell Shaman, but getting an extra 6 mana legendary along with whatever random legendary's you transform isn't bad
Earthquake - The key here is in the text for The Fist of Ra-denL "After you cast a spell", Leaving a 7 mana legendary on board after a board clear is pretty good.
Eye of the Storm - This card is honestly just bad. So let's see what 10-mana legendary's there are in standard that might help this out.
There are some good options in there, and there are some terrible options in there. I don't think any of this is enough to make Eye of the Storm playable, or Big Spell Shaman a thing.
XarkkalServant of Illidan 9101321 PostsJoined 03/29/2019
Posted 4 years, 11 months ago
I had this exact same instance happen to me, only I was not rewarded with a crown. I also lost to a dead player.
My theory was because the person who got knocked out at the same time as me, had 1 HP more than I did before the match started. But I'm not really sure.
XarkkalServant of Illidan 9101321 PostsJoined 03/29/2019
Posted 4 years, 11 months ago
So, are we not getting hero cards for all the good classes? They mentioned 4 new legendaries, and we are sitting at 3 revealed, with only 1 hero card. I will honestly be sorely disappointed if the good classes don't get hero cards of their own to counter Galakrond.
Other than that, the cards in this set are pretty solid so far. Sky Gen'ral Kragg makes me want to try and make Hack the System Pirate Warrior work. I'm also seeing some Hunter potential... deckbuilder, here I come!
XarkkalServant of Illidan 9101321 PostsJoined 03/29/2019
Posted 4 years, 11 months ago
Winged Guardian is dirty. Though it was named incorrectly, it should be called Evasive Winged Guardian. Very solid card. Would not mind hitting this with Predatory Instincts.
Aeon Reaver is solid. Removal on a stick is useful, but I'm unsure if Priest is in a place to make any use of this card right now. I don't see this card being the one that makes Galakrond Priest work, and this would be terrible in Quest priest. 4/4 is not a good resurrect
Grand Lackey Erkh can get you some ridiculous value in a Lackey deck. Rogue might be problematic. Warlock could be fun when all those Lackeys are 4/4's.
Air Raid I mean, it's a good card... but it's not sexy. Thank god this isn't odd.
I would say Mean Streets of Gadgetzan or Old Gods first. Then Goblins vs Gnomes and The Grand Tournament. In that order.
I am going to second the order Lemushki suggested.
MSoG has some important Highlander cards, Jades and Patches - would be a good starting point to get some cards that open up archetypes that are still used today in Wild.
Old Gods - great late game minions as Lemushki mentioned. N'zoth and Yogg decks will keep you entertained for a while
GvG - mechs. There's a few cards in this set I would consider "must crafts" that you should make in the meantime. Really the only legendary from this set that you should craft immediately is Mal'Ganis. He is a staple in too many Warlock decks. Some would argue Dr. Boom. I would disagree with them.
TGT - There are a couple cards that are nice to have, but this is usually universally agreed to be the worst HS set. There is no hurry to complete this set (I dusted a majority of this set, except for a few cards)
Really, to "get into" Wild, you really don't need as many cards as most people assume. If you haven't already, I would suggest starting with buying 10 packs from each Wild set that you haven't opened a pack from. You're guaranteed a legendary in the first 10 packs, so that will get you a good start before you focus on each individual set.
XarkkalServant of Illidan 9101321 PostsJoined 03/29/2019
Posted 4 years, 11 months ago
Hmm, I'm only missing Swamp King Dred, who I have been wanting to craft for a long time anyways. This looks like a stupid amount of fun. I have spare dust sitting around, fuck it. I'm in! Here's my upvote! I'm going to go craft this very F2P friendly deck and go have some fun!
Going to be a long wait to February 4th. Really looking forward to Sky Gen'ral Kragg in Quest Hunter.
Now iOS won't open saying a new version of the game is available, yet the new patch still isn't on the app store. Can you at least wait until it's up on the store before disabling the old version?
Would make more sense if this was a 3/1 instead of a 1/3
Demon got some buffs. Can't wait to give the new patch a go!
Rogue has some ridiculous draw tools. Not sure how much play this will see right now, especially with Myra's still in standard
Not going to have an impact on Hunter currently, but a solid card that will probably see play once year of the Raven rotates. Good in wild to hit on curve with Dire Mole
Patch is live boys!
Skydiving instructor brings back Patches nightmares... Aggro decks are going to love this card. Pulling out your 1-drops to thin your deck and improve your draws is extremely powerful.
Scalelord feels like it was made to be in BGs. Maybe we are finally getting Dragons in there!
Deck is extremely underrated, and a blast to play. I think the win rate is lower due to misplays also. It's a deck with so many options and plays on it, that often times you can miss the optimal play if you're not careful. I know I've been guilty of it a few times. I hope the deck stays under the radar, or else the meta might shift out of it's favor. I know I'm playing the fuck out of it while I can.
I had this exact same instance happen to me, only I was not rewarded with a crown. I also lost to a dead player.
My theory was because the person who got knocked out at the same time as me, had 1 HP more than I did before the match started. But I'm not really sure.
On the last 2 bosses, the game crashed for me on Mobile. I had to open the game back up on PC in order to finish the brawl.
I agree bullshit, but I also could see it being real just because of Eye of the Storm.
So, are we not getting hero cards for all the good classes? They mentioned 4 new legendaries, and we are sitting at 3 revealed, with only 1 hero card. I will honestly be sorely disappointed if the good classes don't get hero cards of their own to counter Galakrond.
Other than that, the cards in this set are pretty solid so far. Sky Gen'ral Kragg makes me want to try and make Hack the System Pirate Warrior work. I'm also seeing some Hunter potential... deckbuilder, here I come!
*For any class that isn't Priest.
I fixed your statement for you. Priest needs a lot more Tempo support cards before this will see much play.
Winged Guardian is dirty. Though it was named incorrectly, it should be called Evasive Winged Guardian. Very solid card. Would not mind hitting this with Predatory Instincts.
Aeon Reaver is solid. Removal on a stick is useful, but I'm unsure if Priest is in a place to make any use of this card right now. I don't see this card being the one that makes Galakrond Priest work, and this would be terrible in Quest priest. 4/4 is not a good resurrect
Grand Lackey Erkh can get you some ridiculous value in a Lackey deck. Rogue might be problematic. Warlock could be fun when all those Lackeys are 4/4's.
Air Raid I mean, it's a good card... but it's not sexy. Thank god this isn't odd.
I am going to second the order Lemushki suggested.
Really, to "get into" Wild, you really don't need as many cards as most people assume. If you haven't already, I would suggest starting with buying 10 packs from each Wild set that you haven't opened a pack from. You're guaranteed a legendary in the first 10 packs, so that will get you a good start before you focus on each individual set.
Hope this helps! Good luck collecting!
This is a very strange message to read out of contex
Hmm, I'm only missing Swamp King Dred, who I have been wanting to craft for a long time anyways. This looks like a stupid amount of fun. I have spare dust sitting around, fuck it. I'm in! Here's my upvote! I'm going to go craft this very F2P friendly deck and go have some fun!