XarkkalServant of Illidan 9101321 PostsJoined 03/29/2019
Posted 5 years, 4 months ago
Love all the try hards this morning playing T1 decks in casual. Try having some fun before the new xpac hits. Are you really going to get that much more gold playing your copied T1 deck in casual?
I know mage excels in AOE, but sometimes you need a real board clear. Now the question is, why does mage has no board clear while other classes do. I can create some 2/3 card combo which should clear the board, say a 6 damage to all minions. But his does not clear a board of mountain giants for instance, or one 24/24 mech.
The "EVIL" classes got the board clears this xpac. They said all of the villain classes would get the plagues. Mage is one of the "hero" classes. Hence no board clear.
XarkkalServant of Illidan 9101321 PostsJoined 03/29/2019
Posted 5 years, 4 months ago
I decided against Devolve because it can still create some big minions for their pool. It's definitely one I plan to experiment with at some point. I think Plague of Murlocs is going to be much more consistent at screwing up their respool.
XarkkalServant of Illidan 9101321 PostsJoined 03/29/2019
Posted 5 years, 4 months ago
I have been stuck at 299 wins on my Shammy for 4 fucking days!! Can someone please just DC on me so I can hit 300... it's driving me insane being stuck at 299!!
Only one of those I really wanted... Still quite a few missing on my wish list. Hopefully I get my wants with the free goldens, and with the gold I have to spend.
Still missing a few on my wish list, but should have enough dust for those! I like that I received the same number of legos from 74 packs that I got from 133 packs...
XarkkalServant of Illidan 9101321 PostsJoined 03/29/2019
Posted 5 years, 4 months ago
I personally am going to try it in Wild. I haven't messed around with Theorycrafting in standard, but what you threw together looks like a solid starting point. Here's what I came up with for Wild to test out.
I said I like Sonya as a value generator card, not that I like her as a Quest Rogue card.
My only comment on it's effect regarding quest rogue was how the deck was a pain in standard in it's last iteration, especially because of Sonya's interaction with cards like Giggling Inventor.
And that's why they nerfed Giggling, but now suddenly they nerf Sonya as well out of the sudden, because of some possible "wrong understanding" of the wording. For me, it is a cheap excuse to nerf Questrogue. Why? Because it doesn't even make sense, because then they should also nerf other token cards too for example Firefly, because in the cardtext you can read "1/2 ..." like in Sonya or Barnes. But that would be too obvious, so they made sneaky hidden nerf.
Except tokens generated by cards like Fire Fly are cards of their own; Flame Elemental. Sonya and Barnes are creating 1/1 tokens of other cards. You are comparing 2 things that are completely different.
I don't know how Quest Rogue was fairing in wild, but this is a nice way to make Sonya to be used as intented: a value generator using little copies of big battlecriers/deathrattlers/EoT users.
This change would have made the last few months of standard Quest Rogue look less painful for control decks, though.
Lul. You have no idea how questrogue competes in wild, but you like it. You deserve my down vote for that. :D
And thx to this change Sonya Shadowdancer is unplayable now. I want my dust refund.
Sonya is still playable in a range of other decks. That's a ridiculous reason to ask for a dust refund. Quest Rogue will be just fine with this interaction changed. Just swap out a couple of cards and move on. N
Did you even play Questrogue? Or did you just brabbling out of the blue?
Do you know how to listen to anyone whose opinion differs from yours, or do you just insult anyone who doesn't have the exact same view point as you? You asked for people's opinion on this matter, and every single person who has had a different viewpoint than your own, you have thrown insults at like a 12 year old.
forgot to play around the absolute nuts for 10 straight turns, therefore i deserve to have a 0% winrate at rank 15.
I feel your pain. Day 1 of the season I'm at rank 10 with a 0% winrate. All day has been nothing but T1 decks drawing the nuts. Can't wait for this meta to get shaken up.
Love all the try hards this morning playing T1 decks in casual. Try having some fun before the new xpac hits. Are you really going to get that much more gold playing your copied T1 deck in casual?
No, he is not a collectible card. Those only summon collectible cards.
Your reward will be the honor you feel to serve! Wait a minute, who's giving me packs to yell at this guy?
The "EVIL" classes got the board clears this xpac. They said all of the villain classes would get the plagues. Mage is one of the "hero" classes. Hence no board clear.
And if you’re playing against a highlander deck, they could just get “the perfect card” to kill you.
I hadn't even thought of vs. Warlocks! Very good point! Can't complain about a useless board of Imps summoned from Bloodreaver Gul'dan!
I decided against Devolve because it can still create some big minions for their pool. It's definitely one I plan to experiment with at some point. I think Plague of Murlocs is going to be much more consistent at screwing up their respool.
This deck is theorycrafted with only the idea of making the lives of Big Priest players miserable.
Any thoughts on changes before the xpac goes live?
I have been stuck at 299 wins on my Shammy for 4 fucking days!! Can someone please just DC on me so I can hit 300... it's driving me insane being stuck at 299!!
Might actually have to try this one when SoU launches
I hoped, and it was the 2nd one I unpacked. :(
In fact I barely unpacked any legos I wanted. Long road to get all that I wanted from this xpac. Very disappointed :(
For anyone who did pre-release opening, how was your haul?
I got out of 133 packs:
Dinotamer Brann
High Priest Amet
Bazaar Burglary
Hack the System (bleh)
Colossus of the Moon
Only one of those I really wanted... Still quite a few missing on my wish list. Hopefully I get my wants with the free goldens, and with the gold I have to spend.
Launch Date Update:
Received from preorder/free lego
Corrupt the Waters
Activate the Obelisk (golden)
Anka, the Buried (golden)
Opened 74 additional packs with gold:
Untapped Potential
Dark Pharaoh Tekahn
Raid the Sky Temple
Siamat (golden)
Elise the Enlightened (on the very last pack I opened!)
Still missing a few on my wish list, but should have enough dust for those! I like that I received the same number of legos from 74 packs that I got from 133 packs...
Are you guys opening your packs, or think it would be better to wait to get your free golden legendary(s) from preorder before opening?
I personally am going to try it in Wild. I haven't messed around with Theorycrafting in standard, but what you threw together looks like a solid starting point. Here's what I came up with for Wild to test out.
Yeah you have to wait I think 1.5 hours after registering the event before it can start. Kind of annoying, but oh well.
Except tokens generated by cards like Fire Fly are cards of their own; Flame Elemental. Sonya and Barnes are creating 1/1 tokens of other cards. You are comparing 2 things that are completely different.
Do you know how to listen to anyone whose opinion differs from yours, or do you just insult anyone who doesn't have the exact same view point as you? You asked for people's opinion on this matter, and every single person who has had a different viewpoint than your own, you have thrown insults at like a 12 year old.
I feel your pain. Day 1 of the season I'm at rank 10 with a 0% winrate. All day has been nothing but T1 decks drawing the nuts. Can't wait for this meta to get shaken up.
Sandstorm Elemental is fantasic. Just imagine it making an annoying scream while opening it's mouth. Hilarious.
Aluneth Mage is going to love this