The Hall of Fame rotation approaches fast and you might be wondering how to best address the situation. Don't worry, in this article we'll show you how to maximize your dust or, alternatively, add some bling to your collection as efficiently as possible.
If you only take one thing away from this article let it be that the Hall of Fame rotates on March 26th. This is before the expansion release.
What's Rotating?
Before jumping onto that craft train, let's remind ourselves what cards are rotating. The following five Classic Neutrals will join Ragnaros & co in Wild:
But wait, there's more! Due to the Priest class overhaul these four Classic cards will also be rotating:
Northshire Cleric and Divine Spirit will also be leaving Standard, but those are Basic cards and therefore uncraftable.
Maximizing Your Dust
It all boils down to Blizzard's dust compensation rule of only giving dust for the maximum amount of copies that you can use in a deck.* This means you'll only get dust for one copy of a Legendary (Golden copy as priority) and two copies of all other rarities. So, if you're only looking for that sweet sweet dust, here's how you should handle things:
Start by checking how many copies of each rotating card you have. Treat regular and golden copies as equal, i.e. if you have 1 regular and 1 golden, you have two copies of the card. Then
- If you have two copies of the non-Legendary card, DO NOTHING!
- If you have only one copy of a non-Legendary card, craft another golden copy.
- If you have one copy of a Legendary card, DO NOTHING!
- If you have no copies of a Legendary card, craft only one golden copy.
- If you have no copies of a non-Legendary card, craft two golden copies of it.
If you don't have enough dust to craft everything in golden, you can also craft some regular copies instead. Try to maximize your dust usage as you will get all of it back as long as you don't exceed the playable copy limit!
*FUN FACT: For the Priest cards, the blog actually says "Players who own the Classic cards below will be granted the full dust refund for each." I personally doubt that they mean that (especially since the same paragraph seems to refer to the dust cost of Basic cards), but won't be disenchanting extra copies of the said cards just in case.
*Happy dust jar noises*
Adding That Bling
If you're in for something else than mere dust-y wealth, namely some extra goldens in your collection, here are the steps you should follow:
- Craft golden copies of all non-Legendary cards until you have two of each.
- Craft a golden copy of each Legendary card unless you already have one.
Simple! But at what cost did you achieve this marvelously shiny collection:
- For each "upgraded" Common, you missed out on 40 dust.
- For each "upgraded" Rare, you missed out on 100 dust.
- For each "upgraded" Epic, you missed out on 400 dust.
- For each "upgraded" Legendary, you missed out on 1600 dust.
Note that you will get all the dust you spent back, you just won't be getting as much extra dust as you otherwise would have. These calculations also don't take into account if you disenchanted the non-golden copies, in which case you'll miss out on a little bit less dust (5, 20, 100, and 400 less for the respective rarities).
If you have been dreaming of "upgrading" some of these cards, this is definitely the time to do it; the dust cost of of "upgrading" without the rotation bonus would be 395, 780, 1500, and 2800 dust for the respective rarities.
Just look at that shine! We know you want some.
Don't forget that this year the rotation takes place earlier than the expansion launch, March 26th! Get those cards crafted ASAP!
If you're thinking about opening some packs to get some dust for crafting HoF cards, don't forget that the rarity protection for all rarities will also come with the March 26th patch, so you may want to save the openings until that.
This is PARTIALLY WRONG. Even if you have copies of the commons you should try to craft them Golden if you have the dust as those give a better return if you disenchant them afterwards (+20 extra dust) as opossed to doing nothing. Yes, the difference isn't very big but you should do it anyway if you have the dust laying around.
Oh boy, now I'm getting confused. I have regular copies of all the rotating cards and crafted Velen, Leeroy and one copy of Mountain Giant and Spellbreaker golden before I went out of dust.
My assumption behind this was that
1) We get compensated for the number of cards which fit in one deck. (1 Legendary, 2 of the rest)
2) The compensation prioritizes golden cards, so if I have a golden Legendary and a regular one, I get refunded with 3.200 dust.
3) The dusting rate after HoF hits is the regular one.
Result: I crafted a golden copy, get my expenses back when the HoF hits and then disenchant the golden copies for the dust of a free (regular) card of that rarity.
Have I gotten this all wrong or why do you advise people to do nothing if they own one regular Legendary or two regular copies of the other rarities? Please don't tell me assumption number 2 is wrong. If so, I could hit the emergency button by dusting a regular copy before HoF hits, couldn't I?
Your assumptions are correct. However, crafting something in golden when you already own regular copies of and then disenchanting the golden copies will result in an effective ±0 situation for all rarities (except Commons like people have pointed out in the comments; sorry that I missed that on the guide).
I'll put an example in spoiler (although it seems you figured it out while I was writing this).
1. You craft the extra golden and disenchant it later. For legendaries it would mean
2. You don't craft the extra copy as you own a regular one i.e. you do nothing. For legendaries again
So basically you're doing the same thing with more steps. Not to mention the potential temptation of actually keeping that awesome, shiny copy…
But you haven't wasted your dust, so no worries.
Ah, I see my mistake now. It makes no difference. The result of crafting additional golden copies is the same as already owning all the regulars. I'll show myself out.
When we will get the dust from the HoFed cards - on 26th of March or on 7th of April?
In the past they've always issued dust at the same time as cards get HoFed, so my money's on the 26th
Just to be sure, if I don't own neither Leeroy or Velen I should craft them BOTH golden, right ?
If you have the dust to, then yes. It is a lot less risky than it feels.
Basic cards can be disenchanted once they HoF'ed. They got their own rarities after HoF (Common). And then you can dust both copies of regular and golden (If you already have it by leveling your Priest Hero).
I've done it before, but I forgot. (Year of Dragon perhaps)
Mind Blast was one of em. (From Basic to Common Rarity)
the other was Vanish. Basic to Common Rarity
We know which priest cards will replace basic + classic cards but do we know the neutral replacements of hof cards ?
No announcements yet sadly
As far as I know they haven’t said anything about it, so I’d imagine it might be a little while until they add replacements (like how it took awhile for Rag and Sylvanas’s replacements to be added)
'' Just look at that shine! We know you want some. ''
Dragon sickness is a real issue, don't tease me ..Ooooo Shinny!
Also important: because Common cards are the only ones where the golden version disenchants for more than the non-golden version costs to craft, even if you have two non-golden copies of a common card that is rotating, you should craft golden copies until you have two of those as well, then, if you wish, disenchant them after the rotation.
Why, you ask? Simple:
If you have 2 non-golden Spellbreakers and no golden Spellbreakers, you'll be credited 80 dust.
If you take this opportunity to craft two golden Spellbreakers, you will spend 800 dust, then be credited 800 dust, then you can disenchant them for 100 dust. That's 20 more dust than you would have gotten otherwise!