Hearthstone's alternate heroes that are no longer available in the shop may return one day!
In today's Reddit AMA, Game Director, Ben Lee, confirmed that some heroes that are no longer available will rotate into the shop much like older card backs started doing with the Naxxramas ranked card back last month and the Cupcake card back that should make its return soon.
No details on pricing has been made available yet or the list of heroes that will make their make into realm of the obtainable. Which heroes do you want to see make a return to the shop? How much would you be willing to pay for an older hero?
Apologies for the article image, we have no idea if Elise and Mecha-Jaraxxus are going to return. Elise was simply referenced in the comment Ben Lee responded to and Mechraxxus just looks amazing.
Quote From Ben Lee Any plans on bringing back past heroes to buy?
Yes, we've recently started rotating older card backs into the shop and in the future we'll be doing the same with some of our previously released Heroes as well, because we know lots of players who missed out the first time around would love the opportunity to welcome some of these characters to their Collection.
You have been downvoted by salty and entitled F2P players.
Problem is, on most games, including Hearthstone is more like "man, I had that much money to spend on pixels 2 years ago, and avoided that FOMO". I did the Tyrande trick, got Khadgar on the iphone buy thing, some other heroes on shop, and I don't think they are "experiences" in any shape or form, just a cool cosmetic thing that maybe diferentiate me from newer players, but I have zero envy of everyone else been able to get it.
I must disagree with you.
Alternate heroes should be valued for what they are, new art and voicelines for your favorite hero that you enjoy better than the default one. That is why you should buy them. Not as an "I was there" token that sits in your collection that you sometimes show to people for their envy. There is nothing valuable or truly enviable that you bought that hero when it was available; it just shows that some players are falling for Blizzard's artificial scarcity tactics.
"Valuable items" (not that they have any real world value anyways) should be given to players who invest time, dedication and skill into a game, not to those who bought that specific thing in a 1 month window. There is no actual value in those. Real "rewards for veterans" are the Legend and Esports cardbacks and we should see more of them. (For top Arena and Battlegrounds players?)
This is one of the reasons why I quit playing World of Warcraft. If you see a player with the Black Scarab mount, you know they're a veteran from the early days, and they've earned an achievement that only a very few dedicated players could get. If you see a player with the Horde Motorcycle mount, it's only because they've logged in in that few weeks long period when it was given to everyone. You may have played for more than them, played better than them, but it won't be available again for you because they want to keep that "I was there" token. And Blizzard started pandering more to those people, introduced more limited time shop mounts and lined their pockets in doing so. Some people take the artificial scarcity bait, but it is a business tactic that greatly disgusts me.
Thanks for this. I was on the exclusivity side of things, 'til I read your comment. I'm with you, now; while there are already the tournament, Legend, and heroic single-player hardbacks, it would be lovely if we could have more skill-based rewards. Maybe rewards for reaching a specific tier in Battlegrounds, for reaching Legend several times over, for specific Legend ranks, for Arena finishes, or else - there are plenty of opportunities.
They did advertise the exclusivity of pre-order cosmetics, but more than holding them to that, I would rather they remove the artificial scarcity of bought items. As you point out, to complain about that inconsistency is to encourage artificial scarcity.
I see that you kinda misunderstood me.
First of all - I'm opposed to (and I hate) any paid advantage in games except for skins. In ideal world you would be able to EARN everything just by playing (which is why I'm not playing Hearthstone anymore, i switched to Legends of Runeterra).
I'm also aware of what Blizzard is doing with their games - having both item shop (with mounts, pets, max lvl, and more) AND paid membership is ludicrous. And for them Hearthstone players are nothing more than dairy cow (see cost of lootboxes aka card packs).
I only stated that what they are about to do is taking away exclusive aspect of hero arts - they advertised them as such.
They used to be rare because you couldn't but them anymore. Now they loose their rare value.
Te llenan a negativos sin sentido. Llevas toda la razón, lo que sucede es que la gente no presta atención a la ambición desmedida por el dinero de Activision y así vamos.
Cualquier dorso de temporada y cualquier dorso de aventuras/heroico solo debería ser obtenido cuando fue posible.
Los que se han obtenido con precompras, Blizzcon, festivales navideños o monotemáticos tipo diablo me parece bien puedan obtenerse abonando un coste.
Respecto de las skins de héroes, si estas son del tipo Lunara o Maiev no deben poder ser adquiridas con dinero; si se trata de Arthas, Nemsy o Liadrin, debes obtenerlas con sus requisitos; el resto me parece bien que quién quiera pueda pagar por ellas.
Y ya que estamos, no me gusta que solo se pueda comprar con dinero real, deberían poder adquirir con el oro obtenido del juego, lo mismo que las promociones que llevan a cabo en cada expansión, un insulto a los f2p, aunque nos hayamos acostumbrado a que se nos trate entre mal y peor.
En fin, no me gusta nada la dirección de HS, ni el cambio de misiones sin avisar con el cambio de año, ni el battlepass nefasto que ha informado web, ni las cartas dobles que encarecen más el juego y parece que nadie quiere verlo .
Estoy bastante harto de ellos, cada vez me siento más y más interesado con el LoR, no voy a comentar temas económicos porque todavía sería infinitamente peor para Blizzard.
This totally gives me more hope. And if it's true, this would make persistently waiting for more than two and a half years for both Mecha-Jaraxxus and Madame Lazul finally paying off!
Im still missing Lazul for Thief Priest and maybe Sylvanas. Nice thing to do!
So you do not need to buy preorders anymore? They will sell the hero skins in shop?
In all seriousness, how does rogue only have 2?! The same as DH, which was just released!
I love this idea. I have almost all the cosmetic heroes they've released but I missed like two (Sylvanas and the warrior dude). I wouldn't mind getting those.
My top 2 are magni and khadgar