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Reborn is looking pretty good. Sure, you can always clear a reborn minion with 1/1 tokens or something, but there are so many, and they're so sticky. I'm thinking we'll be running a lot of silences.
Obsidian Destroyer feels I loved that card in what would now be known as Big Warrior
Does anyone think the art for Wrapped Golem and Khartut Defender got switched? The pose of the mummy on Khartut Defender is almost identical to the pose on Obsidian Destroyer.
Nice catch.
It is sticky but does it do much? Unconvinced
One word.. ANNOYING
Could almost see it in Making Mummies paladin. They've already got two taunts in Bone Wraith and Khartut Defender. Wrapped Golem isn't particularly impressive, but you've got to fill out the required minions somehow, and this isn't the worst (slows things down a little, and a decent target for Emperor Wraps if you've completed the quest).
So this is the last card before the reveal stream ?
We might still get surprise reveal, but out of scheduled ones there that one with toggwaggle which is not final stream yet. Final stream will be like 15-16 hours after toggwaggle one
I just checked and in around 12 hours there's gonna be a reveal of Toggwaggle probably quest rogue. In 28 hours is the reveal stream
I really like any big dude, but the 5 Health feels so bad to me. Also, bringing the warrior minion into neutral seems okay though since nobody saws it plays. Still... It's not going to see some play anyways.
I think this card is meant to create a bigger pool of reborn minions. So... there is a better chance not getting Generous Mummy from Pharaoh Cat or some generators for a reborn minion.
Need an actually good reborn minion, for paladin's quest. Maybe a tutor for reborn minions to finish the quest faster.
Obsidian Destroyer wasn't that good. Wrapped Golem's reborn balances out the slightly lower health (sort of makes it a 7/6). So if there's some class that wants access to a slightly worse Obsidian Destroyer, cool, they've got it. There probably isn't, though, so this is just for Arena.
Reborn is kinda equivalent to Divine Shield, so it's strictly better than 1 Health.
I'd say I prefer it over 2 Health, too, but that's more subjective.
So, this isn't worse than Obsidian Destroyer.
My thoughts exactly
Do consider though that cards such as Obsidian Destroyer easily gets removed by straight removal such as Shadow Word: Death which reborn counters partially. In addition to that, Wrapped Golem can survive a hit from a Mountain Giant, [Hearthstone Card (Obisidian Destroyer) Not Found] would not. I would argue that this card is a powerful one and certainly a threat on the board.
You're right that Wrapped Golem is sturdier than [Hearthstone Card (Obsidian Destoryer) Not Found] against certain forms of removal, but the impact of this card against aggro decks is still just as low as Obsidian Destroyer, and reborn isn't even a sure thing against control decks (e.g. Priest has Plague of Death, Shaman has Earthquake, Mage has basically any removal + ping, Warlock has Lord Godfrey). The big difference is that those AoE/Removal tools can work in more match-ups than this card, so even if you find yourself able to stick it to the board against control, you're still probably losing more matches on average than they are because you're running this weak card.
Do consider that reborn isn't all powerful... 1 health is not that hard to deal with... It literally dies to Wild Pyromancer + Shadow Word: Death with all the scarabs that it spawned
Silly Obsidian Destroyer, wrapping yourself in toilet paper doesn’t give you pow- what. Why can you revive now
Obsidian Destroyer's sticky brother.
and this is why Illidan Stormrage needs to be reworked. Poor Illidan.
Agreed, this was my first thought when I saw this card.