Ever since it was teased that Journey to Un'Goro's gameboard had a musical secret, the Hearthstone community has had high hopes for another. With the Saviors of Uldum expansion, Blizzard did us good and added one in!
The secret is activated by playing a musical tune on the feet located on the bottom left of the gameboard. Correctly playing the tune with the right instrument results in the League of Explorer's main theme playing. Want to play around with it yourself?
- Get into a game with the Saviors of Uldum gameboard active.
- Click on the rubies to set the instrument to "accordion" (click each gem twice).
- Play the following note pattern.
Thanks to /u/Ceirin for creating the image.
Thanks to /u/abouttogetdownvoted for putting together a thread which ultimately solved the mystery. Though /u/abouttogetdownvoted had solved the Un'goro board secret, they were just one note off the correct input (ouch) making our savior this time around /u/leeroyPOfaceless who solved the puzzle.
Are there any interactions you really enjoy on any of Hearthstone's game boards? Tell us below!
I can't do this :( idk why
Try clicking on both of the red gems on the feet (click twice on each one to change the mode to accordion). Then play the pattern using the above figure as a guide. It's super easy!
Well i alway played or at least tried to play other songs i know - but now i can do this!
Thank you, this what I was looking for.
Well I already knew it by heart last week... But at least now I have a link to direct other people to
That's just silly
Now all we need to do is to figure out how to play more complex piano pieces. Can't wait until someone performs Megalovania.
tried, don't think it's possible due to limited keys
Will try it out :)
Fluxflashor, how about a page with all interactions on all board. Many may not know the living chest on Kobolds board, for example.
A page for each board detailing interactions is definitely something we'll get working on soon.
i vote for that also !! :)
So great idea!
Great idea! Would love to see something like that. I'm sure there are a lot of interactions I've missed.
Figured there had to be something there but I'm not musically inclined enough to ever find it.
Top 3 boards for me are:
GvG with the fireworks / rocket ship / laser / tank.
TGT with the archery board and the practice dummy that you can hit when you miss the target.
Pandaria (OG vanilla) with 3 boots in the garden!
3 boots? that sounds like witchcraft to me
Thanks for putting this up. It's nice to have it in an easy to find spot like this. I was getting tired of having to google and look on forums to find the exact number combo each time I wanted to do it. Do you think you could make a post sometime about the exact sequence for the Un'Goro? I've never been able to memorize and activate it from the youtube videos.
There's one on the Rastakan Rumble board as well. I see Thijs play it all the time while waiting his turn.
I looked it up
Rumble Board Easter Egg
Maybe here is another egg with rubies? here a lot of rubies. And gates could be possible have interaction, but looks like not=(
There must be something else hidden, the League of Explorer theme song was kind of (too) obvious