According to Mike Donais, we should see info on upcoming balance changes this week!
What cards would you like to see nerfed?
Quote From Mike Donais Hopefully they are prioritizing a nerf patch before the Single Player Content patch
Yep, we will give more info on balance changes this week hopefully.
I agree with your point that the cost reduction mechanic as a whole needs to be streamlined and fixed overall so it can't be abused, but CC isn't as big an issue on it's own. If you build an entire deck around CC, you should be rewarded, and control decks that cant clear a minion wave via AOE aren't worth a top rating anyways. It truly is the ability to cheat out Mountain Giant so early that gives it potency, because the optimal winning line for Big Mage is cheating out giant and then hitting it with CC so you're facing multiple big threats as early as turn 5. Khadgar is a solid card, but unless used in combo with a cheat giant or something along that line, it certainly isn't game-breaking to use it on a 4-drop. I don't always agree with Kripp, but this time I believe he's right.
they could just add a new 12-cost minion with a good battlecry and average/weak body - reducing the odds of getting something huge either way. Also you'd be taking a risk every time you CC a wounded big 12-minion to get bad ones, wasting the twinspell
I agree that would be best, but sadly I'm guessing that would be "too complex" of a change for them to implement. They'd HoF Mountain Giant before doing that.
Pocket Galaxy is pretty clearly busted at 5 mana. Boom needs to lose perma-rush for all mechs. Calling is pretty stupid, too.
My guess is Galaxy goes back to 7. Boom gets a cost bump (which doesn't really alleviate the problem). Calling gets a cost bump (which is likely enough).
After 5 years of HS, I'd be glad to see spirit/fire go away permanently. I think the best answer is to simply HoF one of the two, though. It's only 1 of many busted things happening in Wild.
I still think we see untapped potential turn into a really stupid deck that requires a nerf, once the balance changes shift the meta. Maybe only a Wild problem for that one, though.
I'd love to see Divine Spirit replaced with, say a 2-mana +4 health buff spell. About the same effect on a lot of normal minions, but not "double" so it'd be a lot more safe in extreme cases.
My guess is that Inner Fire can exist as a safe card, if health levels aren't getting absurd from doubling. With a flat-bonus Divine Spirit, the DS/IF combo becomes a 3-mana Blessing of Kings for two cards. Shrug. Maybe Inner Fire still could pose a problem, but fixing Divine Spirit first seems like a wise step (and a necessary one, since there are things like Crazed Alchemist in the classic set).
idk why people downvote you. You're pretty much spot on
Galaxy will either get reverted (or bumped up to 6 because they still want it played) and Calling will receive some harsh nerf that makes it far less optimal in pretty much any Mage deck and requires more buildaround (removing Twinspell would help a lot for example)
Boom is honestly pretty hard to predict. There's so many things they could change to make the card less of an "I win" the same time they could also target some of Warrior's best removal (mainly Brawl)
Untapped Potential is only ever going to be broken if they print more defensive Choose One cards or if they more cheap early game cards they can use alongside the quest to deal with Aggro. There's a number of fast decks from multiple classes that can trounce Druid completely.
I'm more scared about Making Mummies tbh. That deck is the only thing that 100% beats Warrior in the ressource game while also having access to very decent defense and recovery and mostly gets screwed by bad draw or very fast aggro decks. It almost feels like a second coming of Quest Rogue (only less broken overall)
I actually think that the Paladin quest is way too good once the meta shifts away and Paladin might get more support for the deck later on and just be bonkers. Realistically there are few ways to beat the board full of 2-2 mechano-eggs or whelps that just keep respawning. Add zilliax through "magnetize" and you have a constant refill with heal - any board-based or control deck is screwed - unless ppl turn to Priest for Plague of Death.
There's also plague of murlocs.
at the same time, the one thing making it even playable right now is the Boomsday package, which rotates after the next expansion....+ the deck gets quite easily steamrolled by aggro decks (and combo decks to an extent) so I don't see it being that much of a problem in the long run.
If it really runs amok they can always nerf the quest counter to 6 which would effectively ruin the deck from a tempo perspective. Let Paladin have their one moment in the sun for an expansion before it's back to polarizing snowball decks like mech paladin or the new Aggro-Hand variant.
Unlike Warrior and Mage, Priest doesn't have a ton of great decks and spirit/fire are two of the only combo cards that somewhat keep the class afloat. Sure priest has the quest now, but even that is fairly challenging to consistently pull off as evident by its deck tier. Additionally, that combo deck can be countered fairly easily if teched against. The issue is mage and warrior are so oppressive, you simply cannot tech much against priest and priest is taking full advantage. If warrior and mage are dealt with, I'm willing to bet priest still won't be the dominant meta deck in the same way mech paladin couldn't ever be a dominant meta deck.
at the same time, Divine Spirit is what kinda holds Priest back in the first place, since they can't really print good cards with stat manipulation that don't translate into immediately frustrating OTKS (especially since Priest is also the dedicated Silence class, making taunt an ineffective counter).
I'd rather they axe Spirit completely and print more midrange cards (like Psychopomp and Injured Tolvir right now) that support a playstyle in which Priest actually buffs minions and then uses them to chip down opponents.
Right now Priest is actually kind of busted because whenever you're in a situation with any minion with above 5 health you're in danger of just straight up dying, especially now that you can't even use the strategy of "just bring the health of a big minion down so they can't combo" because of Neferset Ritualist.
I mean, they even have solid turn 1-2 curve thanks to Extra Arms and Lightwarden, so now seems like the appropriate time to finally remove the last non-counterplay OTK
Quest Druid isn't by no means broken, the deck have 4 turns in which it wastes mana.. That's tempo suicide vs aggro and many decks can deal with quest druid's late game as well I think it's the last deck you need to be scared of.
Isn't it a bit early to be sure of which nerfs to apply?
It almost sounds as if they already half an idea of nerfs before the expansion was released...
I'm pretty sure they did. Last format was also dominated by Boom and Luna. I think they wanted to see if the new stuff would change the power dynamic, but it didn't.
I'm pretty sure they do it like that
"Ok, those cards seem a bit strong in the current meta. Let's release the next expansion, let's see how it changes things up and then do this or this to put some cards in line."
I think we'll see a nerf of Dr. Boom to 9 mana, Pocket Galaxy at 6 mana and a change for Divine Spirit to "give a friendly minion 5 health".
Oh my god please yes.
To the Dr. Boom thing. Pocket Galaxy definitely need an adjustment too but screw everything about Dr. Boom. Legitimately makes me want to not play the game.
I’d like buffs just as much as nerfs...
yes warrior and mage are pretty good and need some adjustment but can’t we buff bad cards too? That’d be great
Really hoping we'll get a round of buffs sometime too, hopefully focused on a cool event.
I'm sure that they will do it again. It was such a big success and such a nice change to the meta without them having to do a lot. It made the pacing of the last expansion feel much much quicker.