The Hidden Oasis bug has been fixed and a new balance patch has been announced so that we'll have something to wait for before the announcement of the next expansion, which might be closer than you dare to think. But let's not get ahead of ourselves and instead take our weekly look at some awesome community-created Wild decks.

Deathrattle Combo Hunter

SaltyMcNulty makes the most of the tools that Hunters got this Mini-Set, and shoots a lot of Porcupine needles around to win some games.

Deathrattle Demon Hunter

Just like Swizard's midweek post deck, the list shared by goober99 makes great use of the new Proving Grounds by pitting the zombie brothers against each other, resulting in some early Thaddi...i?

Galakrond Warlock

FirePaladinHS hasn't exactly included any new cards to this list but the extensive guide is definitely worth the read if you're itching to play some Imp tokens in the near future.

OTK Demon Hunter

Teronjor has put together this budget-friendly list that wants to make the rarely-seen Kor'vas Bloodthorn shine, together with the equally rare Deathaxe Punisher.

Shudderwock Shaman

Alright, the party's over, fun police is here. Kamouh has added the new Golakka Glutton in the near-endless list of Battlecry minions that aim to throw a wrench in your opponent's plans, one way or another.

Deck ID Not Found

Leaving Stormwind for an adventure in the Wild? Replenish your supplies with more community decks.

Found something awesome yourself? Create a Wild deck and share it in the comments below. Don't forget to include a guide!