Sigil of Silence

Card Stats
- Class Demon Hunter
- Expansion Forged in the Barrens
- Rarity Rare
- Cost 0
- Attack 0
- Health 0
Card Text
At the start of your next turn, Silence all enemy minions.
Flavor Text
A little heard-of spell.
Silence - Removes all card text and enchantments.
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It's powerful yet your opponent can work around it. I really like it.
I hate this card, because it basically means that its impossible to avoid getting hit face by DH next turn, and with their attack gain, that will usually spell certain death.
Im glad the core set is happening though, it feels like DH might get a bit less annoying to deal with... but I still hate this card
Personally i feel like a delayed silence can be better than the instant silence if all you want to do is delay the game
They delay effect gives your opponent a turn to hold back... but that is pretty solid especially for a 0 cost spell