A few weeks ago, Wild Hearthstone podcast 'Born to Be Wild' hosted their twelfth lore episode featuring regular guest, yours truly, Goliath the Dwarf. For this episode, we discussed the old god N'Zoth, God of the Deep both as the second instalment in our four-part old gods series and, because N'Zoth is key to the story of the naga, as a prelude to the Sunken City lore show.

As it turns out N'Zoth is responsible for more than deathrattle and menagerie card synergies, but has been an unseen puppet-master for almost all of Azeroth's history. Watch the video below to learn how this old god plays into the stories of cards like Deathwing and Queen Azshara. Are you hyped to learn more about the naga? Let us know what you'd like to learn about them in the comments below.

Want to learn more about the larger story of the old gods? Find the answers in my lore guide on these unknowable eldritch horrors here.