All the new Priest cards for Voyage to the Sunken City have been revealed and in this article we're going to discuss how they will impact Wild in general and any specific decks they can fit into.

Here is how the cards will be rated:

  • 5 stars means a card that can see a lot of play in meta defining and powerful decks
  • 4 stars means a card that can see some play in the best decks and a lot of play in slightly less competitive meta decks
  • 3 stars means a card that can see some play in less optimal meta decks or is good for some off meta decks
  • 2 stars means a card that can see play in any deck, even if it's a very niche or weak archetype
  • 1 star means a card that won't see any play at all

Blackwater Behemoth

Blackwater Behemoth Card Image

Our Wild Rating

Blackwater Behemoth is way too slow to make an impact against Aggro in Control decks, and Big Priest doesn't want to play him because you may resummon the Behemoth's Lure from your resurrects.

Priestess Valishj

Priestess Valishj Card Image

Our Wild Rating

Priestess Valishj can be good in Reno Priest for more burst on your combo turn or combo decks with Nazmani Bloodweaver and Gadgetzan Auctioneer


Whirlpool Card Image

Our Wild Rating

Aggro doesn't care about Whirlpool's effect. Most Control decks are Reno and have no duplicates anyway. Shudderwock will repeat Loatheb's effect and this will not be played against him. Overall, its effect is mostly useless in Wild. Run Plague of Death which also silences Deathrattles instead.

Serpent Wig

Serpent Wig Card Image

Our Wild Rating

Don't play Serpent Wig in Wild, there are not enough good nagas and many better buffs.

Azsharan Ritual

Azsharan Ritual Card Image

Our Wild Rating

Azsharan Ritual is only good in Silence Priest, which is a pretty niche and off meta archetype.


Handmaiden Card Image

Our Wild Rating

Handmaiden is great for any Priest deck that plays a lot of spells other than Elwynn Priest. This includes Reno Priest, but not the popular and powerful Shadow Aggro Priest. While it will boost the power of Reno Priest and other archetypes, it won't solve their core issues and they will still be weaker than the current competitive options.

Whispers of the Deep

Whispers of the Deep Card Image

Our Wild Rating

Whispers of the Deep is great for Silence Priest, but it's a niche deck which won't become good because of it.


Switcheroo Card Image

Our Wild Rating

Switcheroo can be used in Elwynn Boar Priest, which is already a decent deck, to give a boar 20/20 stats drawing The Darkness as a potential highroll. Sir Finley, Sea Guide can even be put in this to shuffle The Darkness back into your deck if you draw it. This can improve the deck, similar to how Spell Hunter used to run Barnes and Y'Shaarj, Rage Unbound just for the highroll. It can also be put into a deck with Stonetusk Boar, The Darkness, and Vivid Nightmare to form an OTK but this can be unreliable.


Queensguard Card Image

Our Wild Rating

Queensguard is not bad but the premier Wild aggro deck for Priest, Shadow Priest, doesn't run a lot of spells. Non-Shadow versions run Drek'Thar, and in general this is at most a big pile of stats which isn't that good in Wild if you had to cast an entire hand of cheap spells to get this into play.


Illuminate Card Image

Our Wild Rating

Illuminate is a Preparation that you can only use 1 turn later, discounts 1 more mana, and is less flexible. Some Priest decks may want to try it but since it doesn't actually draw a card it may not be worth the slot in most of them.

Overall Set Score

Sunken City Wild Priest

This set has a moderate impact on Wild Priest. A few cards support moderately competitive decks but most are quite weak.

What do you think about the new Priest cards and how they'll do in the Wild format? Let us know in the comments below!

More Wild Reviews for Voyage to the Sunken City

We've been hard at work preparing additional insights into the new Voyage to the Sunken City cards with a Wild spin. Check out all the classes released so far down below.

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