All the new Neutral cards for Voyage to the Sunken City have been revealed and in this article we're going to discuss how they will impact Wild in general and any specific decks they can fit into.

Here is how the cards will be rated:

  • 5 stars means a card that can see a lot of play in meta defining and powerful decks
  • 4 stars means a card that can see some play in the best decks and a lot of play in slightly less competitive meta decks
  • 3 stars means a card that can see some play in less optimal meta decks or is good for some off meta decks
  • 2 stars means a card that can see play in any deck, even if it's a very niche or weak archetype
  • 1 star means a card that won't see any play at all

Queen Azshara

Queen Azshara Card Image

Our Wild Rating

Queen Azshara has some powerful rewards, but playing a 5 mana 5/5 with no immediate impact is tough to justify in most Wild decks. Some off meta ones will use it but it probably won't see any competitive level play.

Ini Stormcoil

Ini Stormcoil Card Image

Our Wild Rating

Ini Stormcoil is a great card for mech decks. Battleground Battlemaster has shown that this sort of card that needs another minion on the board to get value is not always win more and can see Wild play.

Ambassador Faelin

Ambassador Faelin Card Image

Our Wild Rating

Ambassador Faelin has no purpose aside from really, really meme decks that care about putting cards into the deck, and even those usually have better options.

Blademaster Okani

Blademaster Okani Card Image

Our Wild Rating

Blademaster Okani is very good in Wild, multiple decks including the meta Freeze Shudderwock Shaman already play him.

Sir Finley, Sea Guide

Sir Finley, Sea Guide Card Image

Our Wild Rating

Sir Finley, Sea Guide is like an additional mulligan if you drew poorly, and may be good for decks that want to have specific cards early for highrolls. It's also good for putting a card you want to be in your deck for some combo on the bottom, for example The Darkness in Priest for Switcheroo.

Naga Giant

Naga Giant Card Image

Our Wild Rating

Naga Giant comes down too late even in the best case to be worth playing in Wild.

Slithering Deathscale

Slithering Deathscale Card Image

Our Wild Rating

Don't play Slithering Deathscale in any Wild deck.

School Teacher

School Teacher Card Image

Our Wild Rating

You can try playing School Teacher in decks like Rogue with lots of bounce effects, but the Wild spell pool is so large, you won't be able to get high value consistently, and playing a vanilla 4 mana 5/4 on turn 4 is horrible for tempo.

Smothering Starfish

Smothering Starfish Card Image

Our Wild Rating

Smothering Starfish has a role as a tech against Freeze Shaman as it unfreezes all your minions and sets a big Snowfall Guardian to 3/3. In addition, it silences all Taunts and so can be good for Aggro decks against something like a Spreading Plague board. Finally, it's generally good against any buffs or Deathrattles. Given all this potential, it can see play in many decks.

Amalgam of the Deep

Amalgam of the Deep Card Image

Our Wild Rating

Amalgam of the Deep probably sees play in more competitive Wild decks than any other card in the expansion. Any tribal deck, including Pirate Warrior, will want it. Murloc decks want it. Mech decks want it. It's too good and versatile to not include and compared to the vanilla Nightmare Amalgam, its power level is on another level of high.


Mothership Card Image

Our Wild Rating

Too slow for Wild.

Twin-fin Fin Twin

Twin-fin Fin Twin Card Image

Our Wild Rating

Shudderwock Shaman may play Twin-fin Fin Twin with double Ice Fishing. Murloc Warlock, having access to plenty of handbuffs, may play this as well. It's an option for Handbuff Paladin too, having synergy with Salhet's Pride.

Crushclaw Enforcer

Crushclaw Enforcer Card Image

Our Wild Rating

Crushclaw Enforcer is a card that will eventually become good if a really good naga is printed. Right now there are no really good nagas in Wild.

Vicious Slitherspear

Vicious Slitherspear Card Image

Our Wild Rating

Vicious Slitherspear is a 1 mana 1/3 with an upside, meaning some Aggro decks may want to try it.

Helmet Hermit

Helmet Hermit Card Image

Our Wild Rating

Helmet Hermit won't see play in any deck, not even Silence Priest. Its 3 health means it can be destroyed way too easily in Wild to be worth spending a Silence effect on.

Barbaric Sorceress

Barbaric Sorceress Card Image

Our Wild Rating

Some niche Big Spell deck can use Barbaric Sorceress to make an opponent's cheap spell cost a lot and play a high costed spell for cheap. However, it's too inconsistent to even be worth running in most of those decks.

Gangplank Diver

Gangplank Diver Card Image

Our Wild Rating

Too slow for Wild.

Gorloc Ravager

Gorloc Ravager Card Image

Our Wild Rating

Good refill option for any murloc deck.

Azsharan Sentinel

Azsharan Sentinel Card Image

Our Wild Rating

Too slow for Wild.

Selfish Shellfish

Selfish Shellfish Card Image

Our Wild Rating

Selfish Shellfish will only see play in really niche Mill decks like Mill Druid, as Mill Rogue doesn't want it.

Baba Naga

Baba Naga Card Image

Our Wild Rating

Baba Naga might be worth trying in Even Hunter, but in general not many decks would want it.

Excavation Specialist

Excavation Specialist Card Image

Our Wild Rating

Too slow for Wild.

Treasure Guard

Treasure Guard Card Image

Our Wild Rating

Some Wild decks may actually want to run Treasure Guard - compared to Acolyte of Pain it only draws one but it saves you 5 hp.

Seascout Operator

Seascout Operator Card Image

Our Wild Rating

Mech decks have better options than Seascout Operator that are actually mechs.

Slimescale Diver

Slimescale Diver Card Image

Our Wild Rating

Outclassed by Toxfin in Wild.


Reefwalker Card Image

Our Wild Rating

Too slow for Wild.


Pufferfist Card Image

Our Wild Rating

Pufferfist may see some play in Odd Demon Hunter or Odd Rogue.

Security Automaton

Security Automaton Card Image

Our Wild Rating

Security Automaton is a great snowballing threat for Wild mech decks.

Rainbow Glowscale

Rainbow Glowscale Card Image

Our Wild Rating

Rainbow Glowscale isn't good enough to see play in Wild outside of some niche Spell Damage synergy decks.

Naval Mine

Naval Mine Card Image

Our Wild Rating

Naval Mine can be the base of a combo deck for Warlock with Tamsin's Phylactery - compared to Humongous Owl, this is a lot less tempo loss to play and can deal 28 damage or 56 with Tamsin Roame. If decks that gain a lot of armor are not too common, this could be a really powerful deck that may even be as high as tier 1 in the meta.

Murkwater Scribe

Murkwater Scribe Card Image

Our Wild Rating

It's not worth it to play Murkwater Scribe unless you want to discount a spell for a combo that otherwise costs slightly over 10 mana.

Tuskarrrr Trawler

Tuskarrrr Trawler Card Image

Our Wild Rating

Dredge is not a good enough ability to play a 2 mana 2/3.

Pelican Diver

Pelican Diver Card Image

Our Wild Rating

Pelican Diver is generally too slow but there is one deck that really wants 1 cost beasts: The Marsh Queen Hunter.


Click-Clocker Card Image

Our Wild Rating

Compare Click-Clocker to Argent Squire. It has a good Battlecry and mech synergy. This will see play in any aggressive mech deck in Wild.

Piranha Swarmer

Piranha Swarmer Card Image

Our Wild Rating

Piranha Swarmer, even with the synergy cards in Shaman, is too slow and low impact to see any Wild play.

Overall Set Score

Sunken City Wild Neutral

Although most of these cards are unplayable from the Wild perspective, several of them have a lot of potential and give this Neutral set an overall big impact on the Wild meta.

What do you think about the new Neutral cards and how they'll do in the Wild format? Let us know in the comments below!

More Wild Reviews for Voyage to the Sunken City

We've been hard at work preparing additional insights into the new Voyage to the Sunken City cards with a Wild spin. Check out all the classes released so far down below.

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