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Oblivitron looks unplayable rn(((
And just like that Cabal Shadow Priest is back in business!
Are you sure? Let me change your mind .
Yuppers! I haven't played priest for so long. I feel the need for greed!
Very nice and powerful!
Would Oblivitron work with Mecha'thun? I guess no since Mecha'thun still actually lives so the board wouldn't be empty, right?
Yeah, no way it works. Shame, woulda been some fancy top tier plays.
Oblivitron seems interesting with things like Mechanical Whelp, but since most of the deathrattle triggers rotate out, it's probably gonna need some help.
Not too sure what to think about the Scheme, maybe it's playable with Cabal Shadow Priest.
Yup, Scheme def a targeted combo piece.
I realize now we may be getting even more mechs thanks to Dr. Boom, however i suppose that will help with Magnetic synergy this year
Oblivitron seems pretty slow given the effect itself is a Deathrattle, but I guess it depends on what supporting Hunter-Mechs we will see. If we're just relying on Boomsday Mechs for that, this card would appear to be a year too late.
I like the theme of Oblivitron (and name) but it's effect seems quite lackluster for the mana cost. Plus silence and hard removal. Maybe they will add some more mechs worth this guys while.
I really hate Oblivitron there is just something about it that pisses me off and I am not exactly sure why...
Lazul's Scheme seems like the sort of card that turns out to be way too powerful and will get nerfed in the not so distant future. But a very fun card nonetheless, especially in a well crafted deck. I really like mech Hunter and Oblivitron will definitely make me want to try to build a mech deck around it. This expansion still gets me more excited with every card that gets revealed :D
I feel like Oblivitron is interesting design but will be too inconsistent with it being a deathrattle.
So Oblivatron pulls out any mech in your hand, and will trigger a deathrattle if it has one? It could be used in a some sort of half spell hunter, where the only minions you have are things like Mechanical Whelp or maybe just some big fellas like Bull Dozer.
I'm glad Oblivitron only affects mechs, because Hunter definitely doesn't need another way to trigger deathrattles
I think the best way to think about the scheme is as a 0 mana sap that makes the minion cost zero. It’s weak as removal, but it enables huge tempo swings by allowing you to play your minion and nullifying a threat for no extra mana. Another thing to point out is that tempo priest is coming together. We have the 3/2 for 2 that turns your healing into damag and the 3/3 that summons 1/1s for every spell you cast. It’s coming together
This card needs more support to see play. Fireworks Tech is not enough as an enabler with Play Dead and Terrorscale Stalker rotating out.
i was suprised to see hunter get a mech legendary