We've got three new Warlock cards revealed for Hearthstone's upcoming Throne of the Tides Mini-Set!
- We're going to see 35 new cards, including new Colossal minions!
- Patch notes will be posted on May 31.
- Patch launches, alongside the new cards, on June 1.
- You can follow along with all the card reveals within our dedicated articles or in our mini-set guide.
I don't think I like the way warlock is going ( as a never playing lock)....downgrades incoming lol
Immolate is the new glide. Basically someone at team5 got dumped by his childhood sweetheart one day and swears revenge on the world of hearthstone. Its not about the viability of the card, which to be frank, isn't going to be consistently good as many would think, its simply to piss the opponent off while you sip your fking tea.
Like seriously, why even bother playing hearthstone when you can be fucked at any given moment because youre playing anything heavier than aggro-midrange. It hard counters certain archetypes so hard yet does nothing to others. In other words, how are you ever fixing this problem when it inevitably causes nothing but grief, eh team5?
Herald of Shadows - Probably just never sees play, unless there's plenty of aggressive shadow spells and you're playing midrange. Still can happen at some point but certainly not what warlock needs right now
Commander Ulthok - Funny little card that will never see play. Basically if your opponent is combo this card can immediately win the game for them. The dream of your opponent being railed into a spot they cant dig themselves out of is a rare thing indeed, because aggro decks will just laugh while control decks will simply heal back what they've lost.
Had this been a hunter card it might still have a chance. But in warlock, where there's hardly any burn spells, its just shit you serve to yourself in the morning.
posts like this are why i play warlock
edit: important to note that calling this card "the new glide" and then complaining about it is hilarious considering glide was essentially unplayed for its entire duration in standard
The card will likely suffer the same fate. Because strictly on its viability its really just a tech card which I suspect is designed to prevent curselock mirrors from camping to fatigue.
I call it the new glide because it hard counters both combo and control, and because its magnet for pitchforks. Unlike glide, however, this card can never be good, because team5 fully understands the implications of this card being meta. To me, the real primary motivation for anyone to even play it would be to grief - hence my displeasure.
It's probably for curse warlock, which their gameplan is dealing damage.
Excuse me, but what the fuck is Immolate?
Looks very fun (for me, not the opponent) but I was really hoping for some more efficient boardclears. Oh well, Curselock still has next expansion to ruin the meta for everyone.
Commander Ulthok is like loatheb but only if your opponent is at low health and can't heal
I was like "How is that legendary bad?? Its a stronger Loatheb" and then i remembered that one Tavern Brawl of FTK, i guess going to 1 hp dont matters if you just win the game in a turn.
Imagine playing Commander Ulthok then your opponent drops a Violet Illusionist
On the other hand Immolate seem to be a useless card against aggro but also a very funny card to play against slow control deck , pair it with some curse cards and your opponent will be forced to make use of his cards instead of getting rid of the curses.
The 3 drop is a powerful tempo tool. It'll be good if there are shadow spells that complement it (can be played early and proactively).
The 4 and 5 share a similar strength - they make your opponent develop on your terms, while your deck will supposedly have clears at the ready.
The 4 also can also be devastating against some dekcs, although Sir Finley, Sea Guide, is a possible counter play
I don't think giving opponent plays (their entire hand) with health is a wise decision. So the only option is a late round when the opponents health is low, and that means this is a dead card.
And the other one, 4 mana doing nothing, because tbh, how many classes gonna hold the cards in their hand for 3 turns, and we still have Finley in this expansion.
Bad Warlock cards in the miniset. Also, combined with bad Warrior cards earlier, yeah, the trend is declining, and I'm getting more vibe not to buy miniset this time.
It curves into Entitled Customer, so if there are enough decks in the meta that spend cards by developinng board, this has potential. Another thing to notice is that if on your opponent's next turn he has x mana, he can't use that x mana
yeah, I think we're seeing some sleeping "tech cards" here, at least with Ulthok and Immolate. They are gonna seem "meh" or "memey" but think they will be some very useful cards in the time to come.
I don't really know how great any of these are. . . but they're all fun and Warlocky, so I hope they find a place. I think Ulthok at least can put the handcuffs on someone late game, and Immolate can be a real bane for combo players hoarding their cards :)
This is beyond meme. this is a whole new level. They maybe won't be the best cards in the game but damn if they aren't the funniest.