A short pause in Castle Nathria card reveals before the final half-a-week flurry - perfect time to check out some awesome community created Wild decks, isn't it?

Highlander Big Spell Mage

Big spells, Highlander payoff, and Prince Renathal - that's the basic recipe for Erodos' Mage list that combines a bunch of old and new cards that support the big spell strategy.

Morrigan Control Warlock

This list from rager makes use of a truly rare sight on the ladder, Dr. Morrigan. The big minions in the list will surely cause problems to your opponent if cheated out early on.

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Treant Druid

An archetype that seems to be getting more support in Castle Nathria. For now though, this is the list that Hugsja has come up with using the current set of cards.

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Pillager Rogue

Who still remembers the "drop Shade and wait until it gets big enough" tactics? Dorkpork is using the old tricks to complement the Pillager OTK strategy familiar to most current Wild players.

Shadow Deathrattle Priest

It speaks volumes of Wild's card pool when you can include Prince Renathal and still create a solid Shadow Priest list. The Deathrattle package KANMURU7 has included will increase the damage potential of the deck and the Nagas offer some extra value if needed.

Want to witness the Colossal clash at the Throne of the Tides? Brave the Wild depths with more community decks.

Came up with something awesome yourself? Create a Wild deck and share it in the comments below. Don't forget to include a guide!