Third day of card reveals for Hearthstone's TITANS expansion.
Today's Card Reveal Countdowns
July 5 TITANS Card Reveals
Here are all the cards that Blizzard have revealed today, March 28 2023, for Titans.
Well, there's an obvious discussion over Argus' ability to discount minions by 2, so let us go over a few details regarding the topic, in standard. Not going to discuss wild, because that's a cess pool that requires entire articles on.
- There's no obvious OTK scenarios arising from cheaper minions in dhunter except for Steno, who has been nerfed. Yes, its still possible to conduct that OTK with support cards but that would mean holding on to at least 2 dead cards in hand with a bunch of spells and argus for a turn 8 OTK. Judging by the meta currently, Im doubtful the win rate would be anything good.
- Mana cheating for spells are significantly more toxic than minions. There's no more brann, so there's no chance of your opponent playing a ton of cards while you helplessly watch.
- If for whatever reason you've chosen to use show of force, that means youre not using arganite army, which to me is significantly stronger on 7. I think we'll likely see more of the latter rather than the former.
- And lastly its a 7 mana card setup. Most decks would be well on the course of beating you by then. And you still have to actually draw argus, further diminishing any OTK consistency.
Unless team5 shits the bed again, Im fairly confident that the mana cheating from argus wouldn't result in an OTK on 8.
Golganneth, the Thunderer is going to be real fun in big shaman. Cheat him out with Muckmorpher then just keep resummon or summon a copy of him with Reincarnate, Ancestral Spirit, Criminal Lineup or others and then just spam the AOE option.
It's gonna suck, but boy it's gonna be so much fun.
Now this has become a joke...
HS Community: Mana cheating is a problem and needs to be toned down in future expansions.
Team 5: Lets make more mana cheating cards and give them especially to DH!
It's not cheating when you're paying 7 mana up front. Then it's just mana discounting.
They will never learn that mana cheating is problematic
I think mana cheating is a problem in particular if it can reduce powerful cards to zero mana and if it is available early in the game. For example Patches the Pirate was summoned so early for 0 mana that it warped the meta despite having only 1/1 in stats. Corridor Creeper and Wildpaw Gnoll are other examples.
For these titans, the mana cheating happens only after playing a 6 or 7 mana minion, so it won't happen early in the game.
The Shaman spell discount is very nice, but it is limited to one spell per turn; it would probably have been broken otherwise. And it only lasts for as long as the titan lives, which in modern Hearthstone with its efficient removal and plenty of rush minions is often just a single turn.
Discovering a deathrattle with a 3 mana discount doesn't sound like a problem: if you discover a 1-3 mana minion, the deathrattle is likely not that impactful and if you discover a more expensive minion, you might not be able to play it immediately. Also discover isn't consistent unless the card pool is really small.
Discounting all minions in your hand by two mana sounds strong, but the fact that it is only minions and requires a 7 mana summon keeps it in check, I think. You could use it to play two six-mana minions on turn 8 or flood the board with cheap minions, neither of which is game breaking. Maybe there could be some kind of combo where you use the minions only for their battlecries, but by turn 8 there is plenty of opportunity for the opponent to use disruption or pressure to derail your plans.
So while I agree that mana cheating can be a problem, I think in these particular cards they balanced it pretty well.
Argus reminds me of a boomer joke from my country:
A drunk walks into a bar and says:
- Those at my left are shitheads and those at my right are motherfuckers.
+ Hey, I'm not a shithead!
- Then come to my right, motherfucker!